Bottle of White Wine 667 Pinot Noir Any Specialty Cocktail Moretti Mango Martini Any Martinit Italian Margarita Omission Pale Ale gluten free Angry Orchard Cider Any Bottle of Wine Glass of Sangria Strawberry Limonchello Martini Peroni Watermelon Margarita Seven Dughters Red Blend Any Specialty Non Alcoholic Beverage Pitcher of Sangria Porta Vita Bianco 312 Urban Wheat Quartino of Red Wine Quartino of White Wine Bottle of Red Wine Evolution White Blend Porta Vita Quartino Bottle of White Wine 667 Pinot Noir Any Specialty Cocktail Moretti Mango Martini Any Martinit Italian Margarita Omission Pale Ale gluten free Angry Orchard Cider Any Bottle of Wine Glass of Sangria Strawberry Limonchello Martini Peroni Watermelon Margarita Seven Dughters Red Blend Any Specialty Non Alcoholic Beverage Pitcher of Sangria Porta Vita Bianco 312 Urban Wheat Quartino of Red Wine Quartino of White Wine Bottle of Red Wine Evolution White Blend Porta Vita Quartino
(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.
Bottle of White Wine
Pinot Noir
Any Specialty Cocktail
Mango Martini
Any Martinit
Italian Margarita
Omission Pale Ale
gluten free
Angry Orchard Cider
Any Bottle of Wine
Glass of Sangria
Strawberry Limonchello
Watermelon Margarita
Seven Dughters Red Blend
Any Specialty Non Alcoholic Beverage
Pitcher of Sangria
Porta Vita Bianco
312 Urban Wheat
Quartino of Red Wine
Quartino of White Wine
Bottle of Red Wine
White Blend
Porta Vita Quartino