Find someonewho lives inyourneighborhood?Where areyourchildren'steachersfrom?Where areyourchildren'steachersfrom?Who are twoteachers notin your child'sclassroom?Write helloin 2differentlanguages?Findsomeonewith thesame birthmonth?Who has livedin more thanone state? Country?Write the wordsmom & dad in alanguagedifferent fromyour own?Namesomeonewho canspeak 2languages?Find someonewho lives inyourneighborhood?Where areyourchildren'steachersfrom?Where areyourchildren'steachersfrom?Who are twoteachers notin your child'sclassroom?Write helloin 2differentlanguages?Findsomeonewith thesame birthmonth?Who has livedin more thanone state? Country?Write the wordsmom & dad in alanguagedifferent fromyour own?Namesomeonewho canspeak 2languages?

Family Fun Day Bingo! - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Find someone who lives in your neighborhood?
  2. Where are your children's teachers from?
  3. Where are your children's teachers from?
  4. Who are two teachers not in your child's classroom?
  5. Write hello in 2 different languages?
  6. Find someone with the same birth month?
  7. Who has lived in more than one state? Country?
  8. Write the words mom & dad in a language different from your own?
  9. Name someone who can speak 2 languages?