has attended the Kentucky Derby knows how to swim has had stitches has never got a speeding ticket is hosting Thanksgiving dinner for 4 or more served in the military has traveled out of the country is allergic to nuts is the oldest sibling or only child has had stitches plays video games has 2 or more children lives in Henderson does not have facebook account is related to Margaret Chambers has fainted in public is wearing black right now lives in Evansville has visited Mammouth Cave National Park rides a motorcycle has ever been on an outdoor concert is a member of Greater Norris Baptist Church has been in the Ohio River has 1 or more pets played a sport in school sang a song for an audience has been to 4 or more states can play a musical instrument is left handed has a tattoo has ever been on a boat has met a celebrity can speak a foreign language has a child in college has attended the Kentucky Derby knows how to swim has had stitches has never got a speeding ticket is hosting Thanksgiving dinner for 4 or more served in the military has traveled out of the country is allergic to nuts is the oldest sibling or only child has had stitches plays video games has 2 or more children lives in Henderson does not have facebook account is related to Margaret Chambers has fainted in public is wearing black right now lives in Evansville has visited Mammouth Cave National Park rides a motorcycle has ever been on an outdoor concert is a member of Greater Norris Baptist Church has been in the Ohio River has 1 or more pets played a sport in school sang a song for an audience has been to 4 or more states can play a musical instrument is left handed has a tattoo has ever been on a boat has met a celebrity can speak a foreign language has a child in college
(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.
has attended the Kentucky Derby
knows how to swim
has had stitches
has never got a speeding ticket
is hosting Thanksgiving dinner for 4 or more
served in the military
has traveled out of the country
is allergic to nuts
is the oldest sibling or only child
has had stitches
plays video games
has 2 or more children
lives in Henderson
does not have facebook account
is related to Margaret Chambers
has fainted in public
is wearing black right now
lives in Evansville
has visited Mammouth Cave National Park
rides a motorcycle
has ever been on an outdoor concert
is a member of Greater Norris Baptist Church
has been in the Ohio River
has 1 or more pets
played a sport in school
sang a song for an audience
has been to 4 or more states
can play a musical instrument
is left handed
has a tattoo
has ever been on a boat
has met a celebrity
can speak a foreign language
has a child in college