This country(located inEurope) was thefirst to use thetradition ofChristmas trees.The first artificialChristmas tree wasmade in Germanytowards the end ofthe 19th century.What was the treemade out of?In "Santa Clausin Coming ToTown", the kidsare told not dothis.How do yousay MerryChristmasin Spanish?You knowDasher andDancer andPrancer and________.The world'slargestChristmas treecan be foundin this state.The "Miracleon 34thStreet" tookplace in thisU.S. city.In the movie "It's aWonderful Life"everytime thishappens an angelgets it's wings.What color isthe centercandle in theKwansacandles?In the movie,"Rudolph theRed NosedReindeer", whatdid the misfit elfwant to be?You mightleave thisout for SantaClaus.Reindeerthat startswith a "B".When this personruled England,he/she abolishedChristmas. (a)Queen Elizabeth (b)Oliver Cromwell(c)Henry VIIIIn whatholiday isthe "dreidel"a tradition?Rudolph standsout from theother reindeerbecause of thisphysicalfeature.In the Nutcracker,what is the littlegirls' name, who"gets" THENUTCRACKER?In Chevy Chase's"ChristmasVacation", whatanimal came in onthe second tree?Comet andCupid andDonner and__________.What is the nameof the square inNew York City,where the balldrops on NewYear's Eve?According tothe song, whatare "roastingon an openfire"?The tworeindeermentioned in"Here ComesSanta Claus".In "Frosty theSnowman",these wereFrosty's lastwords.The 5threindeer's namein Rudolph theRed NosedReindeer.The numberof ghosts inA ChristmasCarol.The old hatthat Frostywears is madeout of thismaterial."Deck thehalls with_____ ___________."Complete it.The kind ofsleigh usedin JingleBells.What is thename of theChristmasflower whoseleaves are dyedred?In whichcountry wouldyou wishsomeone a"Joyeaux Noel".In the movie, "Howthe Grinch StoleChristmas", whatwas the name of thelittle girl who taughthim the truemeaning ofChristmas?The town ofBethlehemwas oncepart of thisempire.The home of theReal St. Nicholas.Hint: it is a countrythat starts with a Tand is also the nameof an animal.anotherword forChristmassongsIn the movie, "ACharlie BrownChristmas", thelights go down andwhat character tellsthe Christmas storyfor Charlie Brown?The colorof theGrinch.This was givenon the first dayof Christmas inthe song 'The12 Days ofChristmas'.This is usedto hold thecandles forHanukkah.The firstname ofScrooge.This broughtFrosty theSnowman tolife.In the Christmascarol, "We wish youa Merry Christmas"the carolers arepretty insistent theyget this treat beforeleaving.In "Rudolph theRednosedReindeer" there isan elf namedHermey who reallywants to be this.(for a living)What U.S. statewas the first tomakeChristmas anofficial holiday?Noelmeansthis inFrench.The nameof theGrinch'sdog.This country(located inEurope) was thefirst to use thetradition ofChristmas trees.The first artificialChristmas tree wasmade in Germanytowards the end ofthe 19th century.What was the treemade out of?In "Santa Clausin Coming ToTown", the kidsare told not dothis.How do yousay MerryChristmasin Spanish?You knowDasher andDancer andPrancer and________.The world'slargestChristmas treecan be foundin this state.The "Miracleon 34thStreet" tookplace in thisU.S. city.In the movie "It's aWonderful Life"everytime thishappens an angelgets it's wings.What color isthe centercandle in theKwansacandles?In the movie,"Rudolph theRed NosedReindeer", whatdid the misfit elfwant to be?You mightleave thisout for SantaClaus.Reindeerthat startswith a "B".When this personruled England,he/she abolishedChristmas. (a)Queen Elizabeth (b)Oliver Cromwell(c)Henry VIIIIn whatholiday isthe "dreidel"a tradition?Rudolph standsout from theother reindeerbecause of thisphysicalfeature.In the Nutcracker,what is the littlegirls' name, who"gets" THENUTCRACKER?In Chevy Chase's"ChristmasVacation", whatanimal came in onthe second tree?Comet andCupid andDonner and__________.What is the nameof the square inNew York City,where the balldrops on NewYear's Eve?According tothe song, whatare "roastingon an openfire"?The tworeindeermentioned in"Here ComesSanta Claus".In "Frosty theSnowman",these wereFrosty's lastwords.The 5threindeer's namein Rudolph theRed NosedReindeer.The numberof ghosts inA ChristmasCarol.The old hatthat Frostywears is madeout of thismaterial."Deck thehalls with_____ ___________."Complete it.The kind ofsleigh usedin JingleBells.What is thename of theChristmasflower whoseleaves are dyedred?In whichcountry wouldyou wishsomeone a"Joyeaux Noel".In the movie, "Howthe Grinch StoleChristmas", whatwas the name of thelittle girl who taughthim the truemeaning ofChristmas?The town ofBethlehemwas oncepart of thisempire.The home of theReal St. Nicholas.Hint: it is a countrythat starts with a Tand is also the nameof an animal.anotherword forChristmassongsIn the movie, "ACharlie BrownChristmas", thelights go down andwhat character tellsthe Christmas storyfor Charlie Brown?The colorof theGrinch.This was givenon the first dayof Christmas inthe song 'The12 Days ofChristmas'.This is usedto hold thecandles forHanukkah.The firstname ofScrooge.This broughtFrosty theSnowman tolife.In the Christmascarol, "We wish youa Merry Christmas"the carolers arepretty insistent theyget this treat beforeleaving.In "Rudolph theRednosedReindeer" there isan elf namedHermey who reallywants to be this.(for a living)What U.S. statewas the first tomakeChristmas anofficial holiday?Noelmeansthis inFrench.The nameof theGrinch'sdog.

AFO Christmas BINGO - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. This country (located in Europe) was the first to use the tradition of Christmas trees.
  2. The first artificial Christmas tree was made in Germany towards the end of the 19th century. What was the tree made out of?
  3. In "Santa Claus in Coming To Town", the kids are told not do this.
  4. How do you say Merry Christmas in Spanish?
  5. You know Dasher and Dancer and Prancer and ________.
  6. The world's largest Christmas tree can be found in this state.
  7. The "Miracle on 34th Street" took place in this U.S. city.
  8. In the movie "It's a Wonderful Life" everytime this happens an angel gets it's wings.
  9. What color is the center candle in the Kwansa candles?
  10. In the movie, "Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer", what did the misfit elf want to be?
  11. You might leave this out for Santa Claus.
  12. Reindeer that starts with a "B".
  13. When this person ruled England, he/she abolished Christmas. (a) Queen Elizabeth (b) Oliver Cromwell (c)Henry VIII
  14. In what holiday is the "dreidel" a tradition?
  15. Rudolph stands out from the other reindeer because of this physical feature.
  16. In the Nutcracker, what is the little girls' name, who "gets" THE NUTCRACKER?
  17. In Chevy Chase's "Christmas Vacation", what animal came in on the second tree?
  18. Comet and Cupid and Donner and __________.
  19. What is the name of the square in New York City, where the ball drops on New Year's Eve?
  20. According to the song, what are "roasting on an open fire"?
  21. The two reindeer mentioned in "Here Comes Santa Claus".
  22. In "Frosty the Snowman", these were Frosty's last words.
  23. The 5th reindeer's name in Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer.
  24. The number of ghosts in A Christmas Carol.
  25. The old hat that Frosty wears is made out of this material.
  26. "Deck the halls with _____ _____ ______." Complete it.
  27. The kind of sleigh used in Jingle Bells.
  28. What is the name of the Christmas flower whose leaves are dyed red?
  29. In which country would you wish someone a "Joyeaux Noel".
  30. In the movie, "How the Grinch Stole Christmas", what was the name of the little girl who taught him the true meaning of Christmas?
  31. The town of Bethlehem was once part of this empire.
  32. The home of the Real St. Nicholas. Hint: it is a country that starts with a T and is also the name of an animal.
  33. another word for Christmas songs
  34. In the movie, "A Charlie Brown Christmas", the lights go down and what character tells the Christmas story for Charlie Brown?
  35. The color of the Grinch.
  36. This was given on the first day of Christmas in the song 'The 12 Days of Christmas'.
  37. This is used to hold the candles for Hanukkah.
  38. The first name of Scrooge.
  39. This brought Frosty the Snowman to life.
  40. In the Christmas carol, "We wish you a Merry Christmas" the carolers are pretty insistent they get this treat before leaving.
  41. In "Rudolph the Rednosed Reindeer" there is an elf named Hermey who really wants to be this. (for a living)
  42. What U.S. state was the first to make Christmas an official holiday?
  43. Noel means this in French.
  44. The name of the Grinch's dog.