CD w/ LimitedProsocial EmotionsSpecifier (Def.): Lackempathy, havelimited affect, andremorse or guiltCD w/ LimitedProsocialEmotionsSpecifier (1st D):Symptoms mustbe experienced inpast yearAntisocialpersonalitydisorder canbe abbreviatedas ASPDOppositionalDefiantDisorder canbe abbreviatedas ODDPyromania:Classified asimpulse-controldisorder butpatients maymake advancepreparationsPyromania(def.): Firesetters who feel"tension andrelease" in firestarting bx'sIED: Mostlyyoung males,relativelyuneducated(less than H.Seducation)ODDsymptomsusually showup aroundages 3 or 4ODD (1st D):6+ months ofsymptomology -daily for age 5and under andweekly for olderASPD Ex. inadults: Defaulton debt, actrecklessly,show noremorse for bxIED is the onlydisorder thatfeatures intensity-based vs.frequency-baseddual qualifiersIntermittent explosivedisorder (def.): thesepatients have episodesduring which they actout aggressively. As aresult, they physicallyharm others or destroyproperty About 80% ofchildrendiagnosed ashaving CD havepreviously hadODD.Oppositional DefiantDisorder: Multipleexamples ofnegativistic behavior,persist for at least 6monthsIED (def.): Frequent,repeated, and suddenoutbursts of aggression(verbal, physical with nodamage) or lessfrequent physical withharm to people,property, animalsIntermittentExplosiveDisorder canbe abbreviatedas IEDKleptomania (Def):An irresistible urge tosteal things theydon’t need. Feel arelease of tensionwhen stealingASPD: Theculmination ofaggressive,destructive bxASPD: Begins inchildhood-earlyadolescence. Ex:Truancy, runningaway, lying, theftIED (1st D):Agg. withoutharm 2x a weekfor 3 months;OR agg. w/harm 3x a yearEx. of CD: Agg.against peers,bullying, startingfights, showingearly cruelty topeople/animalsConductDisorder canbeabbreviatedas CDCD (1st D):Symptomsoccur within 1year, with 1+symptoms inpast 6 monthsConduct disorder(def.): A childpersistentlyviolates rules orthe rights of othersCD w/ LimitedProsocial EmotionsSpecifier (Def.): Lackempathy, havelimited affect, andremorse or guiltCD w/ LimitedProsocialEmotionsSpecifier (1st D):Symptoms mustbe experienced inpast yearAntisocialpersonalitydisorder canbe abbreviatedas ASPDOppositionalDefiantDisorder canbe abbreviatedas ODDPyromania:Classified asimpulse-controldisorder butpatients maymake advancepreparationsPyromania(def.): Firesetters who feel"tension andrelease" in firestarting bx'sIED: Mostlyyoung males,relativelyuneducated(less than H.Seducation)ODDsymptomsusually showup aroundages 3 or 4ODD (1st D):6+ months ofsymptomology -daily for age 5and under andweekly for olderASPD Ex. inadults: Defaulton debt, actrecklessly,show noremorse for bxIED is the onlydisorder thatfeatures intensity-based vs.frequency-baseddual qualifiersIntermittent explosivedisorder (def.): thesepatients have episodesduring which they actout aggressively. As aresult, they physicallyharm others or destroypropertyAbout 80% ofchildrendiagnosed ashaving CD havepreviously hadODD.Oppositional DefiantDisorder: Multipleexamples ofnegativistic behavior,persist for at least 6monthsIED (def.): Frequent,repeated, and suddenoutbursts of aggression(verbal, physical with nodamage) or lessfrequent physical withharm to people,property, animalsIntermittentExplosiveDisorder canbe abbreviatedas IEDKleptomania (Def):An irresistible urge tosteal things theydon’t need. Feel arelease of tensionwhen stealingASPD: Theculmination ofaggressive,destructive bxASPD: Begins inchildhood-earlyadolescence. Ex:Truancy, runningaway, lying, theftIED (1st D):Agg. withoutharm 2x a weekfor 3 months;OR agg. w/harm 3x a yearEx. of CD: Agg.against peers,bullying, startingfights, showingearly cruelty topeople/animalsConductDisorder canbeabbreviatedas CDCD (1st D):Symptomsoccur within 1year, with 1+symptoms inpast 6 monthsConduct disorder(def.): A childpersistentlyviolates rules orthe rights of others

Disruptive, Impulse-Control, and Conduct Disorders - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. CD w/ Limited Prosocial Emotions Specifier (Def.): Lack empathy, have limited affect, and remorse or guilt
  2. CD w/ Limited Prosocial Emotions Specifier (1st D): Symptoms must be experienced in past year
  3. Antisocial personality disorder can be abbreviated as ASPD
  4. Oppositional Defiant Disorder can be abbreviated as ODD
  5. Pyromania: Classified as impulse-control disorder but patients may make advance preparations
  6. Pyromania (def.): Fire setters who feel "tension and release" in fire starting bx's
  7. IED: Mostly young males, relatively uneducated (less than H.S education)
  8. ODD symptoms usually show up around ages 3 or 4
  9. ODD (1st D): 6+ months of symptomology - daily for age 5 and under and weekly for older
  10. ASPD Ex. in adults: Default on debt, act recklessly, show no remorse for bx
  11. IED is the only disorder that features intensity-based vs. frequency-based dual qualifiers
  12. Intermittent explosive disorder (def.): these patients have episodes during which they act out aggressively. As a result, they physically harm others or destroy property
  13. About 80% of children diagnosed as having CD have previously had ODD.
  14. Oppositional Defiant Disorder: Multiple examples of negativistic behavior, persist for at least 6 months
  15. IED (def.): Frequent, repeated, and sudden outbursts of aggression (verbal, physical with no damage) or less frequent physical with harm to people, property, animals
  16. Intermittent Explosive Disorder can be abbreviated as IED
  17. Kleptomania (Def): An irresistible urge to steal things they don’t need. Feel a release of tension when stealing
  18. ASPD: The culmination of aggressive, destructive bx
  19. ASPD: Begins in childhood-early adolescence. Ex: Truancy, running away, lying, theft
  20. IED (1st D): Agg. without harm 2x a week for 3 months; OR agg. w/ harm 3x a year
  21. Ex. of CD: Agg. against peers, bullying, starting fights, showing early cruelty to people/animals
  22. Conduct Disorder can be abbreviated as CD
  23. CD (1st D): Symptoms occur within 1 year, with 1+ symptoms in past 6 months
  24. Conduct disorder (def.): A child persistently violates rules or the rights of others