How haveanimalsadapted tothegrasslands?Which systemworks with therespiratory systemto exchangegases in thebody?What can beconcludedabout the treesthat grow in thedeciduousforest?Why woulda shark notsurvive ina lake?A car traveled420 km in 7hours. What isthe speed ofthe car?What wouldhappen tosquirrels if thetrees were cutdown in theforest?What is aproducer?What is thedifferencebetween anabiotic factorand a bioticfactor?Why doorganismsresembletheirparents?What is thepurpose ofthe skeletalsystem?What type oforganismhas severalmajor bodysystems?Whichecosystem hasthe most varietyof plants andanimals?What is aninvoluntarymuscle?What bodysystemincludes theintestines?How can youdecide if anorganism isuni-cellular ormulti-cellular?How havedesert plantsadapted tothe desert?What is thedifferencebetween aninherited traitand anacquired trait?What is themain organin thecirculatorysystem?Meadow voleseat plants andanimals. Whattype oforganism is it?A student isriding a bikeand applies thebrakes. Whatcauses the biketo stop?Name auni-cellularorganism.A pencil falls offof a desk. Whatcauses thepencil to movetoward thefloor?Which bodysystemcontrols allother bodysystems?What kind offorce isneeded inorder to movean object?How haveanimalsadapted tothegrasslands?Which systemworks with therespiratory systemto exchangegases in thebody?What can beconcludedabout the treesthat grow in thedeciduousforest?Why woulda shark notsurvive ina lake?A car traveled420 km in 7hours. What isthe speed ofthe car?What wouldhappen tosquirrels if thetrees were cutdown in theforest?What is aproducer?What is thedifferencebetween anabiotic factorand a bioticfactor?Why doorganismsresembletheirparents?What is thepurpose ofthe skeletalsystem?What type oforganismhas severalmajor bodysystems?Whichecosystem hasthe most varietyof plants andanimals?What is aninvoluntarymuscle?What bodysystemincludes theintestines?How can youdecide if anorganism isuni-cellular ormulti-cellular?How havedesert plantsadapted tothe desert?What is thedifferencebetween aninherited traitand anacquired trait?What is themain organin thecirculatorysystem?Meadow voleseat plants andanimals. Whattype oforganism is it?A student isriding a bikeand applies thebrakes. Whatcauses the biketo stop?Name auni-cellularorganism.A pencil falls offof a desk. Whatcauses thepencil to movetoward thefloor?Which bodysystemcontrols allother bodysystems?What kind offorce isneeded inorder to movean object?

Winter Break Science BINGO - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. How have animals adapted to the grasslands?
  2. Which system works with the respiratory system to exchange gases in the body?
  3. What can be concluded about the trees that grow in the deciduous forest?
  4. Why would a shark not survive in a lake?
  5. A car traveled 420 km in 7 hours. What is the speed of the car?
  6. What would happen to squirrels if the trees were cut down in the forest?
  7. What is a producer?
  8. What is the difference between an abiotic factor and a biotic factor?
  9. Why do organisms resemble their parents?
  10. What is the purpose of the skeletal system?
  11. What type of organism has several major body systems?
  12. Which ecosystem has the most variety of plants and animals?
  13. What is an involuntary muscle?
  14. What body system includes the intestines?
  15. How can you decide if an organism is uni-cellular or multi-cellular?
  16. How have desert plants adapted to the desert?
  17. What is the difference between an inherited trait and an acquired trait?
  18. What is the main organ in the circulatory system?
  19. Meadow voles eat plants and animals. What type of organism is it?
  20. A student is riding a bike and applies the brakes. What causes the bike to stop?
  21. Name a uni-cellular organism.
  22. A pencil falls off of a desk. What causes the pencil to move toward the floor?
  23. Which body system controls all other body systems?
  24. What kind of force is needed in order to move an object?