A Frenchgeneral andpoliticalleaderThe division ofpower betweenmultiple partsof agovernment.A monarchy thatmust follow the lawsof the nation, ratherthan following onlythe decisions of theking or queen.A form of government inwhich political powercan be exercisedequally by all citizens,usually through votingon laws, policies, orleadersIt lists therights ofAmericancitizensA period of rebellionand political changein France duringwhich thecommoners rose upagainst thearistocracy.The change in rule thattook place in Englandafter James II gave upthe throne and left thecountry. His successors,William III and Mary II,agreed to the English Billof Rights, which limitedthe power of the Englishmonarchy.A Frenchgeneral andpolitical leaderwho conqueredmost of EuropeA Frenchrepresentative bodyformed by the thirdestate of the EstatesGeneral (commonpeople) during theFrench Revolution.The first 10amendments tothe United StatesConstitution. Itlists the rights ofAmerican citizensAnEnglishpoliticianand juristThe Queenof Franceand wife ofLouis XVI.A time of violenceduring the FrenchRevolution causedby the rivalriesamong politicalfactions.A Frenchrepresentative bodyformed by the thirdestate of the EstatesGeneral (commonpeople) during theFrench Revolution.FREEFREEA charter signedby King John ofEngland thatestablished therights of Englishnobles andcitizens.A document explainingthe American colonies'reasons for breakingaway from GreatBritain. It includes manyideas drawn fromEnlightenmentphilosophers.A form ofgovernment inwhich politicalpower can beexercised equallyby all citizens,King of Francefrom 1774 until hisexecution in 1793.During theAmericanRevolution he putFrance in debtA documentexplaining theAmerican colonies' reasonsfor breaking awayfrom Great Britain.King of Francefrom 1774until hisexecution in1793.An English politicianand jurist whose workCommentaries on theLaws of Englandinfluenced thedevelopment ofmodern legal systemsFREEA Frenchgeneral andpoliticalleaderThe division ofpower betweenmultiple partsof agovernment.A monarchy thatmust follow the lawsof the nation, ratherthan following onlythe decisions of theking or queen.A form of government inwhich political powercan be exercisedequally by all citizens,usually through votingon laws, policies, orleadersIt lists therights ofAmericancitizensA period of rebellionand political changein France duringwhich thecommoners rose upagainst thearistocracy.The change in rule thattook place in Englandafter James II gave upthe throne and left thecountry. His successors,William III and Mary II,agreed to the English Billof Rights, which limitedthe power of the Englishmonarchy.A Frenchgeneral andpolitical leaderwho conqueredmost of EuropeA Frenchrepresentative bodyformed by the thirdestate of the EstatesGeneral (commonpeople) during theFrench Revolution.The first 10amendments tothe United StatesConstitution. Itlists the rights ofAmerican citizensAnEnglishpoliticianand juristThe Queenof Franceand wife ofLouis XVI.A time of violenceduring the FrenchRevolution causedby the rivalriesamong politicalfactions.A Frenchrepresentative bodyformed by the thirdestate of the EstatesGeneral (commonpeople) during theFrench Revolution.FREEFREEA charter signedby King John ofEngland thatestablished therights of Englishnobles andcitizens.A document explainingthe American colonies'reasons for breakingaway from GreatBritain. It includes manyideas drawn fromEnlightenmentphilosophers.A form ofgovernment inwhich politicalpower can beexercised equallyby all citizens,King of Francefrom 1774 until hisexecution in 1793.During theAmericanRevolution he putFrance in debtA documentexplaining theAmerican colonies' reasonsfor breaking awayfrom Great Britain.King of Francefrom 1774until hisexecution in1793.An English politicianand jurist whose workCommentaries on theLaws of Englandinfluenced thedevelopment ofmodern legal systemsFREE

French and American Revolution Keywords - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. A French general and political leader
  2. The division of power between multiple parts of a government.
  3. A monarchy that must follow the laws of the nation, rather than following only the decisions of the king or queen.
  4. A form of government in which political power can be exercised equally by all citizens, usually through voting on laws, policies, or leaders
  5. It lists the rights of American citizens
  6. A period of rebellion and political change in France during which the commoners rose up against the aristocracy.
  7. The change in rule that took place in England after James II gave up the throne and left the country. His successors, William III and Mary II, agreed to the English Bill of Rights, which limited the power of the English monarchy.
  8. A French general and political leader who conquered most of Europe
  9. A French representative body formed by the third estate of the Estates General (common people) during the French Revolution.
  10. The first 10 amendments to the United States Constitution. It lists the rights of American citizens
  11. An English politician and jurist
  12. The Queen of France and wife of Louis XVI.
  13. A time of violence during the French Revolution caused by the rivalries among political factions.
  14. A French representative body formed by the third estate of the Estates General (common people) during the French Revolution.
  15. FREE
  16. FREE
  17. A charter signed by King John of England that established the rights of English nobles and citizens.
  18. A document explaining the American colonies' reasons for breaking away from Great Britain. It includes many ideas drawn from Enlightenment philosophers.
  19. A form of government in which political power can be exercised equally by all citizens,
  20. King of France from 1774 until his execution in 1793. During the American Revolution he put France in debt
  21. A document explaining the American colonies' reasons for breaking away from Great Britain.
  22. King of France from 1774 until his execution in 1793.
  23. An English politician and jurist whose work Commentaries on the Laws of England influenced the development of modern legal systems
  24. FREE