Ethiopia’s PrimarySector takes up morethan 75% of theemployment but onlycontributes to lessthan half the country’sGDP, why is this so?Identify a disadvantageof the growth ofcommercial agriculturefor exportation.-Loss of land that wasused by farmers forsubsistence farming.What doesenergysecuritymean?Provide someexamples ofinfrastructurewhich prove therise ofdecentralisation.How do wealso callrenewalableenergy?What is theestimatedlifespan of Coalas an energysource?What are twoways which canbe used to geta balance ofpopulation andresourcesWhat is thename of themodel whichshows sectorshift?In the case study ofNepal in the sectionabout sustainableenergy, how did thatcountry manage theirenergy sources tobecome moresustainable?In the case studyof Quatar, whatwas the main useof Electricity forthe rising demandfrom population?Mechanization inmanufacturing anddecline of thesecondary sectoroften leads to?How does GlobalShift causedeindustrialisation.Describe thebalance ofeconomic sectorsin countries ofdifferent levels ofdevelopment?How did the decision ofthe Chinesegovernment ofswitching from tradingmainly with communistcountries to being partof the global economyaffect the country’seconomic development.What is one of thenegative impacts ofthe secondarysector/manufacturingbeing the maincontributor of acountry’s GDP andemployment.What is thecause of therise inenergydemand?Give andexplain onereason whythe CBD is soimportant.Give 4 ofthe 7 factorswhich affectlocationWhat is the mainreason whyinformal sector asso prominent insome countries?DefineglobalisationGive the fivefactors whichhave causedsectors shifts.True or False:Because the Nuclearenergy is relying onUranium it isclassified as a non-renewable energysource.Provideexamples ofparatransitactivities donein the informalsector.DefinedecentralisationTrue or false:Eating ahealthy diet is away showingsustainableliving.What are thefour sectorsand describetheir uses +(example)?What arethe 2worldenergies?Describe theprominence ofeach sector astime went on.Ethiopia’s PrimarySector takes up morethan 75% of theemployment but onlycontributes to lessthan half the country’sGDP, why is this so?Identify a disadvantageof the growth ofcommercial agriculturefor exportation.-Loss of land that wasused by farmers forsubsistence farming.What doesenergysecuritymean?Provide someexamples ofinfrastructurewhich prove therise ofdecentralisation.How do wealso callrenewalableenergy?What is theestimatedlifespan of Coalas an energysource?What are twoways which canbe used to geta balance ofpopulation andresourcesWhat is thename of themodel whichshows sectorshift?In the case study ofNepal in the sectionabout sustainableenergy, how did thatcountry manage theirenergy sources tobecome moresustainable?In the case studyof Quatar, whatwas the main useof Electricity forthe rising demandfrom population?Mechanization inmanufacturing anddecline of thesecondary sectoroften leads to?How does GlobalShift causedeindustrialisation.Describe thebalance ofeconomic sectorsin countries ofdifferent levels ofdevelopment?How did the decision ofthe Chinesegovernment ofswitching from tradingmainly with communistcountries to being partof the global economyaffect the country’seconomic development.What is one of thenegative impacts ofthe secondarysector/manufacturingbeing the maincontributor of acountry’s GDP andemployment.What is thecause of therise inenergydemand?Give andexplain onereason whythe CBD is soimportant.Give 4 ofthe 7 factorswhich affectlocationWhat is the mainreason whyinformal sector asso prominent insome countries?DefineglobalisationGive the fivefactors whichhave causedsectors shifts.True or False:Because the Nuclearenergy is relying onUranium it isclassified as a non-renewable energysource.Provideexamples ofparatransitactivities donein the informalsector.DefinedecentralisationTrue or false:Eating ahealthy diet is away showingsustainableliving.What are thefour sectorsand describetheir uses +(example)?What arethe 2worldenergies?Describe theprominence ofeach sector astime went on.

Economic activity and Electrcity - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Ethiopia’s Primary Sector takes up more than 75% of the employment but only contributes to less than half the country’s GDP, why is this so?
  2. Identify a disadvantage of the growth of commercial agriculture for exportation. -Loss of land that was used by farmers for subsistence farming.
  3. What does energy security mean?
  4. Provide some examples of infrastructure which prove the rise of decentralisation.
  5. How do we also call renewalable energy?
  6. What is the estimated lifespan of Coal as an energy source?
  7. What are two ways which can be used to get a balance of population and resources
  8. What is the name of the model which shows sector shift?
  9. In the case study of Nepal in the section about sustainable energy, how did that country manage their energy sources to become more sustainable?
  10. In the case study of Quatar, what was the main use of Electricity for the rising demand from population?
  11. Mechanization in manufacturing and decline of the secondary sector often leads to?
  12. How does Global Shift cause deindustrialisation.
  13. Describe the balance of economic sectors in countries of different levels of development?
  14. How did the decision of the Chinese government of switching from trading mainly with communist countries to being part of the global economy affect the country’s economic development.
  15. What is one of the negative impacts of the secondary sector/manufacturing being the main contributor of a country’s GDP and employment.
  16. What is the cause of the rise in energy demand?
  17. Give and explain one reason why the CBD is so important.
  18. Give 4 of the 7 factors which affect location
  19. What is the main reason why informal sector as so prominent in some countries?
  20. Define globalisation
  21. Give the five factors which have caused sectors shifts.
  22. True or False: Because the Nuclear energy is relying on Uranium it is classified as a non-renewable energy source.
  23. Provide examples of paratransit activities done in the informal sector.
  24. Define decentralisation
  25. True or false: Eating a healthy diet is a way showing sustainable living.
  26. What are the four sectors and describe their uses +(example)?
  27. What are the 2 world energies?
  28. Describe the prominence of each sector as time went on.