What isanothername for amenorah?The sixth day ofChanukkah isthe first day ofwhich Hebrewmonth?What is thename of thecandle thatlights all theothers?Free!How manycandles do weneed on thelast night ofChanukkah?How manyblessings dowe say on thefirst night ofChanukkah?Who was theSyrian-Greekleader who triedto pull the Jewsaway fromJudaism?How are Israelidreidelsdifferent fromdreidelseverywhereelse?Can younameMatthathias’sons?How manydifferenttransliterationsof Chanukkahare there?Who led thefight againstthe SyrianArmy?What date inthe Hebrewcalendar doesChanukkahstart?Chanukkah hastwo names inEnglish: TheFestival of_______ and theFestival of_______.Whatdoeschanukahmean?What arethe Hebrewletters onthe dreidel?What do wecall money orchocolategiven on theholiday?In what year didthe historicalevents of thisholiday takeplace?After the armyrecapturedJerusalem and theTemple, what wasJudah’s first act?What isanothername for amenorah?The sixth day ofChanukkah isthe first day ofwhich Hebrewmonth?What is thename of thecandle thatlights all theothers?Free!How manycandles do weneed on thelast night ofChanukkah?How manyblessings dowe say on thefirst night ofChanukkah?Who was theSyrian-Greekleader who triedto pull the Jewsaway fromJudaism?How are Israelidreidelsdifferent fromdreidelseverywhereelse?Can younameMatthathias’sons?How manydifferenttransliterationsof Chanukkahare there?Who led thefight againstthe SyrianArmy?What date inthe Hebrewcalendar doesChanukkahstart?Chanukkah hastwo names inEnglish: TheFestival of_______ and theFestival of_______.Whatdoeschanukahmean?What arethe Hebrewletters onthe dreidel?What do wecall money orchocolategiven on theholiday?In what year didthe historicalevents of thisholiday takeplace?After the armyrecapturedJerusalem and theTemple, what wasJudah’s first act?

Chanukkah 5780 - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. What is another name for a menorah?
  2. The sixth day of Chanukkah is the first day of which Hebrew month?
  3. What is the name of the candle that lights all the others?
  4. Free!
  5. How many candles do we need on the last night of Chanukkah?
  6. How many blessings do we say on the first night of Chanukkah?
  7. Who was the Syrian-Greek leader who tried to pull the Jews away from Judaism?
  8. How are Israeli dreidels different from dreidels everywhere else?
  9. Can you name Matthathias’ sons?
  10. How many different transliterations of Chanukkah are there?
  11. Who led the fight against the Syrian Army?
  12. What date in the Hebrew calendar does Chanukkah start?
  13. Chanukkah has two names in English: The Festival of _______ and the Festival of _______.
  14. What does chanukah mean?
  15. What are the Hebrew letters on the dreidel?
  16. What do we call money or chocolate given on the holiday?
  17. In what year did the historical events of this holiday take place?
  18. After the army recaptured Jerusalem and the Temple, what was Judah’s first act?