“Robbie alwayshad a cheerfulgrin andpositiveattitude.” (p. 17)FerociousFrustration -Andy’s SecondVisit with thePsychologist (p.49-54)“There areshadowsall aroundme” (p. 57)“I didn’t cry. I feltreally sick inside --and mad at Andyand them fordrinking in the firstplace.” (p. 16)“My MostFrighteningMoment”Rhonda’s EnglishHomework (p. 15-16)Text is writtenfrom theauthor’s ornarrator’s/character’sperspectiveTheperspectivefrom which theevents in thestory are told.“There’re fourteenseconds left toplay andHazelwood is stilldown by two” (p.34)Oh No! ItJust Can’tBe! PhoneCalls (p. 7-9))Usespronouns “I,”“me,” “we,”and/or “us”“Crash FirePain”NewspaperArticle (p. 1)Usespronouns“he,” “she,”“them,” and“they”FemaleFrustration:Keisha’sDiary Entry(p. 55-56)Hit the Showers!Hit the Streets!Locker-RoomConversationsafter the Game (p.3-6)“After a while wecouldn’t tell thedifferencebetween onesmell andanother.” (p. 55)Text is based onan outsiderperspective(detachedobserver) with noreferences tofeelings.“Every 18minutes, everyday of the year,someone is killedin a drunk-drivingaccident.” (p. 18)Story is writtenfrom an “allknowing”perspective withan understandingof all characters.Memories ofthe Fire:Tyrone’sStatement toPolice (p. 10-12)“Actually, Inever reallyunderstoodwhy they likeme.” (p. 14)Text is written/directed to theaudience orspecific readerand uses thepronoun “you.”“Good morning,Hazelwood” MorningAnnouncementsFirst Day Back afterChristmas Vacation(p. 71-72)“Niafra Abundada,16, replied “Becauseyour school is verylarge, very old, andvery crowded, itfrightened me atfirst.” (p. 17)Text is writtenfrom a singlecharacter’sperspective anduses pronouns“he,” “she,” “they,”and “them.”“Robbie alwayshad a cheerfulgrin andpositiveattitude.” (p. 17)FerociousFrustration -Andy’s SecondVisit with thePsychologist (p.49-54)“There areshadowsall aroundme” (p. 57)“I didn’t cry. I feltreally sick inside --and mad at Andyand them fordrinking in the firstplace.” (p. 16)“My MostFrighteningMoment”Rhonda’s EnglishHomework (p. 15-16)Text is writtenfrom theauthor’s ornarrator’s/character’sperspectiveTheperspectivefrom which theevents in thestory are told.“There’re fourteenseconds left toplay andHazelwood is stilldown by two” (p.34)Oh No! ItJust Can’tBe! PhoneCalls (p. 7-9))Usespronouns “I,”“me,” “we,”and/or “us”“Crash FirePain”NewspaperArticle (p. 1)Usespronouns“he,” “she,”“them,” and“they”FemaleFrustration:Keisha’sDiary Entry(p. 55-56)Hit the Showers!Hit the Streets!Locker-RoomConversationsafter the Game (p.3-6)“After a while wecouldn’t tell thedifferencebetween onesmell andanother.” (p. 55)Text is based onan outsiderperspective(detachedobserver) with noreferences tofeelings.“Every 18minutes, everyday of the year,someone is killedin a drunk-drivingaccident.” (p. 18)Story is writtenfrom an “allknowing”perspective withan understandingof all characters.Memories ofthe Fire:Tyrone’sStatement toPolice (p. 10-12)“Actually, Inever reallyunderstoodwhy they likeme.” (p. 14)Text is written/directed to theaudience orspecific readerand uses thepronoun “you.”“Good morning,Hazelwood” MorningAnnouncementsFirst Day Back afterChristmas Vacation(p. 71-72)“Niafra Abundada,16, replied “Becauseyour school is verylarge, very old, andvery crowded, itfrightened me atfirst.” (p. 17)Text is writtenfrom a singlecharacter’sperspective anduses pronouns“he,” “she,” “they,”and “them.”

POV Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. “Robbie always had a cheerful grin and positive attitude.” (p. 17)
  2. Ferocious Frustration - Andy’s Second Visit with the Psychologist (p. 49-54)
  3. “There are shadows all around me” (p. 57)
  4. “I didn’t cry. I felt really sick inside -- and mad at Andy and them for drinking in the first place.” (p. 16)
  5. “My Most Frightening Moment” Rhonda’s English Homework (p. 15-16)
  6. Text is written from the author’s or narrator’s/ character’s perspective
  7. The perspective from which the events in the story are told.
  8. “There’re fourteen seconds left to play and Hazelwood is still down by two” (p. 34)
  9. Oh No! It Just Can’t Be! Phone Calls (p. 7-9))
  10. Uses pronouns “I,” “me,” “we,” and/or “us”
  11. “Crash Fire Pain” Newspaper Article (p. 1)
  12. Uses pronouns “he,” “she,” “them,” and “they”
  13. Female Frustration: Keisha’s Diary Entry (p. 55-56)
  14. Hit the Showers! Hit the Streets! Locker-Room Conversations after the Game (p. 3-6)
  15. “After a while we couldn’t tell the difference between one smell and another.” (p. 55)
  16. Text is based on an outsider perspective (detached observer) with no references to feelings.
  17. “Every 18 minutes, every day of the year, someone is killed in a drunk-driving accident.” (p. 18)
  18. Story is written from an “all knowing” perspective with an understanding of all characters.
  19. Memories of the Fire: Tyrone’s Statement to Police (p. 10-12)
  20. “Actually, I never really understood why they like me.” (p. 14)
  21. Text is written/ directed to the audience or specific reader and uses the pronoun “you.”
  22. “Good morning, Hazelwood” Morning Announcements First Day Back after Christmas Vacation (p. 71-72)
  23. “Niafra Abundada, 16, replied “Because your school is very large, very old, and very crowded, it frightened me at first.” (p. 17)
  24. Text is written from a single character’s perspective and uses pronouns “he,” “she,” “they,” and “them.”