Sponsor achild’seducation.Organize a“Breakfast Club”at a school to givefree breakfast tokids that can’tafford itCheck out mydocumentary onTwitter! My Twitterhandle:@AnnaMar07571769Volunteer at Bea’sKids which is anorganization thathelps people whocan’t get educationservices that theyneed.Create yourown summerSAT tutoringservice forunderprivilegedchildren.Buy an educationrafiki bracelet fromMe to We for $10.This organizationdonates the moneyto educational needsaround the world.Create a club at yourschool or outside ofschool that focuseson helping to bridgethe gaps ofeducationalinequalitiesDonate schoolsupplies to theSalvationArmy orGoodwill.ContactCongresswoman EddieBernice Johnson andask about how you canhelp give back toschools that are in needof some assistance.Sponsor achild’seducation.Organize a“Breakfast Club”at a school to givefree breakfast tokids that can’tafford itCheck out mydocumentary onTwitter! My Twitterhandle:@AnnaMar07571769Volunteer at Bea’sKids which is anorganization thathelps people whocan’t get educationservices that theyneed.Create yourown summerSAT tutoringservice forunderprivilegedchildren.Buy an educationrafiki bracelet fromMe to We for $10.This organizationdonates the moneyto educational needsaround the world.Create a club at yourschool or outside ofschool that focuseson helping to bridgethe gaps ofeducationalinequalitiesDonate schoolsupplies to theSalvationArmy orGoodwill.ContactCongresswoman EddieBernice Johnson andask about how you canhelp give back toschools that are in needof some assistance.

Equal Opportunity Education - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Sponsor a child’s education.
  2. Organize a “Breakfast Club” at a school to give free breakfast to kids that can’t afford it
  3. Check out my documentary on Twitter! My Twitter handle: @AnnaMar07571769
  4. Volunteer at Bea’s Kids which is an organization that helps people who can’t get education services that they need.
  5. Create your own summer SAT tutoring service for underprivileged children.
  6. Buy an education rafiki bracelet from Me to We for $10. This organization donates the money to educational needs around the world.
  7. Create a club at your school or outside of school that focuses on helping to bridge the gaps of educational inequalities
  8. Donate school supplies to the Salvation Army or Goodwill.
  9. Contact Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson and ask about how you can help give back to schools that are in need of some assistance.