Why wasthis sitechosen fora landfill?About howmuch trashdoes PVTreceive aday?How big isthe currentPVTfacility?What doesPVT do tosupport thecommunity?What isourguide’sname?Whatpercentage ofthe stuffcoming in getsrecycled?What doesPVT dowith theconcrete?What willPVT do whenthis landfill isfull?How does PVTmake feedstockfor futureelectricitygeneration?What was thecoolest orbiggest thingPVT hasdemolished?Does PVT letoutside peopleand animalssort throughthe trash?How muchdoes ourbusweigh?How does PVTseparate nails,doorknobs,and othermetal objects?How doesPVT keepdustdown?What doesPVT when apart of thelandfill is full?About howoften doesPVT coverthe trash withdirt?How muchlonger isthere beforethis landfill isfull?What kind oftrash/debrisis broughthere?Whatdoes PVTdo withthe metal?What kindof “trash”does PVTnot take?What kindof debriscan’t berecycled?Whobrings theirdebrishere?Does PVTtake smellytrash, likefood waste?What doesPVT dowith the dirtand rocks?Why wasthis sitechosen fora landfill?About howmuch trashdoes PVTreceive aday?How big isthe currentPVTfacility?What doesPVT do tosupport thecommunity?What isourguide’sname?Whatpercentage ofthe stuffcoming in getsrecycled?What doesPVT dowith theconcrete?What willPVT do whenthis landfill isfull?How does PVTmake feedstockfor futureelectricitygeneration?What was thecoolest orbiggest thingPVT hasdemolished?Does PVT letoutside peopleand animalssort throughthe trash?How muchdoes ourbusweigh?How does PVTseparate nails,doorknobs,and othermetal objects?How doesPVT keepdustdown?What doesPVT when apart of thelandfill is full?About howoften doesPVT coverthe trash withdirt?How muchlonger isthere beforethis landfill isfull?What kind oftrash/debrisis broughthere?Whatdoes PVTdo withthe metal?What kindof “trash”does PVTnot take?What kindof debriscan’t berecycled?Whobrings theirdebrishere?Does PVTtake smellytrash, likefood waste?What doesPVT dowith the dirtand rocks?

PVT Land - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Why was this site chosen for a landfill?
  2. About how much trash does PVT receive a day?
  3. How big is the current PVT facility?
  4. What does PVT do to support the community?
  5. What is our guide’s name?
  6. What percentage of the stuff coming in gets recycled?
  7. What does PVT do with the concrete?
  8. What will PVT do when this landfill is full?
  9. How does PVT make feedstock for future electricity generation?
  10. What was the coolest or biggest thing PVT has demolished?
  11. Does PVT let outside people and animals sort through the trash?
  12. How much does our bus weigh?
  13. How does PVT separate nails, doorknobs, and other metal objects?
  14. How does PVT keep dust down?
  15. What does PVT when a part of the landfill is full?
  16. About how often does PVT cover the trash with dirt?
  17. How much longer is there before this landfill is full?
  18. What kind of trash/debris is brought here?
  19. What does PVT do with the metal?
  20. What kind of “trash” does PVT not take?
  21. What kind of debris can’t be recycled?
  22. Who brings their debris here?
  23. Does PVT take smelly trash, like food waste?
  24. What does PVT do with the dirt and rocks?