Is therelife afterdeath?What does itmean to useChrist’sAtonement inmy life?How are wesupposed tobebaptized?Does Godreallyknow me?Is therea God?How can Ihave moreunity in myfamily?How can Iknow if Ireally haverepented ofmy sins?What isthepurposeof life?How willreading thescripturesbless mylife?How willGodanswer myprayers?How can Ifind peaceand joy?How willbelieving inJesus Christhelp me?Why do badthingshappen togoodpeople?How can Iknow thatyour churchis the onlytrue one?What doesJesus Christexpect ofme?How can Irecognizewhat thespirit feelslike?Is therelife afterdeath?What does itmean to useChrist’sAtonement inmy life?How are wesupposed tobebaptized?Does Godreallyknow me?Is therea God?How can Ihave moreunity in myfamily?How can Iknow if Ireally haverepented ofmy sins?What isthepurposeof life?How willreading thescripturesbless mylife?How willGodanswer myprayers?How can Ifind peaceand joy?How willbelieving inJesus Christhelp me?Why do badthingshappen togoodpeople?How can Iknow thatyour churchis the onlytrue one?What doesJesus Christexpect ofme?How can Irecognizewhat thespirit feelslike?

How Should You Use the Book of Mormon? - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Is there life after death?
  2. What does it mean to use Christ’s Atonement in my life?
  3. How are we supposed to be baptized?
  4. Does God really know me?
  5. Is there a God?
  6. How can I have more unity in my family?
  7. How can I know if I really have repented of my sins?
  8. What is the purpose of life?
  9. How will reading the scriptures bless my life?
  10. How will God answer my prayers?
  11. How can I find peace and joy?
  12. How will believing in Jesus Christ help me?
  13. Why do bad things happen to good people?
  14. How can I know that your church is the only true one?
  15. What does Jesus Christ expect of me?
  16. How can I recognize what the spirit feels like?