D.D. standsforDesignatedDriver -assign one!Drink waterbetweenalcoholicbeverages.Keep trackof how manydrinks youconsume.Don't drinkalcohol onan emptystomach.Avoid drinkinggames (it'sagainst theResidenceCode ofConduct)!One cannotconsent tosexual activitywhen alcoholis involved.Sip yourdrink,don’t chugit.Consider howmuch you arespending onalcohol & seta limit!Alcohol is adepressant,which slowsthe nervoussystem.Alwayskeep aneye onyour drink.Drink withpeopleyou trust.Set a limit ofthe number ofdrinks you willconsume thatnight.1 standardserving ofbeer is 12oz.Blood AlcoholContent (B.A.C.)refers to theconcentration ofalcohol in yourblood stream.Pace yourself(no more than1 drink anhour isadvised).1 standardserving ofliquor is1.5 oz.Respectothers whomay not wantto drink.Alternatebetween non-alcoholic andalcoholicbeverages.1 standardserving ofwine is 5oz.Stick withonly onekind ofalcohol.To reach an RA oncall, visitResidence FrontDesk or call 416-675-6622extension 73001#.Arrange ahead oftime fortransportation (eg.Uber, DesignatedDriver, PublicTransit)Watch outfor eachother!B.A.C. variesby weight,rate, quantity,time.D.D. standsforDesignatedDriver -assign one!Drink waterbetweenalcoholicbeverages.Keep trackof how manydrinks youconsume.Don't drinkalcohol onan emptystomach.Avoid drinkinggames (it'sagainst theResidenceCode ofConduct)!One cannotconsent tosexual activitywhen alcoholis involved.Sip yourdrink,don’t chugit.Consider howmuch you arespending onalcohol & seta limit!Alcohol is adepressant,which slowsthe nervoussystem.Alwayskeep aneye onyour drink.Drink withpeopleyou trust.Set a limit ofthe number ofdrinks you willconsume thatnight.1 standardserving ofbeer is 12oz.Blood AlcoholContent (B.A.C.)refers to theconcentration ofalcohol in yourblood stream.Pace yourself(no more than1 drink anhour isadvised).1 standardserving ofliquor is1.5 oz.Respectothers whomay not wantto drink.Alternatebetween non-alcoholic andalcoholicbeverages.1 standardserving ofwine is 5oz.Stick withonly onekind ofalcohol.To reach an RA oncall, visitResidence FrontDesk or call 416-675-6622extension 73001#.Arrange ahead oftime fortransportation (eg.Uber, DesignatedDriver, PublicTransit)Watch outfor eachother!B.A.C. variesby weight,rate, quantity,time.

Fall Fun Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. D.D. stands for Designated Driver - assign one!
  2. Drink water between alcoholic beverages.
  3. Keep track of how many drinks you consume.
  4. Don't drink alcohol on an empty stomach.
  5. Avoid drinking games (it's against the Residence Code of Conduct)!
  6. One cannot consent to sexual activity when alcohol is involved.
  7. Sip your drink, don’t chug it.
  8. Consider how much you are spending on alcohol & set a limit!
  9. Alcohol is a depressant, which slows the nervous system.
  10. Always keep an eye on your drink.
  11. Drink with people you trust.
  12. Set a limit of the number of drinks you will consume that night.
  13. 1 standard serving of beer is 12 oz.
  14. Blood Alcohol Content (B.A.C.) refers to the concentration of alcohol in your blood stream.
  15. Pace yourself (no more than 1 drink an hour is advised).
  16. 1 standard serving of liquor is 1.5 oz.
  17. Respect others who may not want to drink.
  18. Alternate between non-alcoholic and alcoholic beverages.
  19. 1 standard serving of wine is 5 oz.
  20. Stick with only one kind of alcohol.
  21. To reach an RA on call, visit Residence Front Desk or call 416-675-6622 extension 73001#.
  22. Arrange ahead of time for transportation (eg. Uber, Designated Driver, Public Transit)
  23. Watch out for each other!
  24. B.A.C. varies by weight, rate, quantity, time.