Before ChuckBerry was aprofessionalmusician, hestudied to be ahairdresser.Jesse Owensbroke Olympicrecords whenhe won 4 TrackGold Medals in1936.In 2003, OprahWinfrey becamethe first AfricanAmerican womanbillionaire.Jack Johnson wasthe first AfricanAmerican WorldHeavyweightBoxing Champion.Bernie MAC’sfirst standupcomedy routinewas at age 8 forhis church.Tupac Shakur’sname was LesaneParish Crooks, buthis mom changed itwhen she joined theBlack Panthers.The NAACPstands for theNationalAssociation forAdvancement ofColored People.Will Smith met JeffTownes at age 16,and they launchedDJ Jazzy Jeff andthe Fresh Prince.The UnitedKingdomcelebratesBlack HistoryMonth inOctober.MartinLawrencewas born inFrankfurt,Germany.Tyler Perrychanged his givenname because hedid not want to benamed after hisabusive father.Jay-Z got hisstage namefrom NewYork’s J/Zsubway lines.Prince taughthimself how toplay piano,guitar, anddrums.The first Blacksenator wasHiramReveals in1870.The firstBlackpresidentwas BarackObama.The NBA all-time leadingscorer isKareemAbdul-Jabbar.Jazz was bornout of theblues, ragtime,and marchingbands.DenzelWashingtongraduated fromFordham w/degrees in Dramaand Journalism.Bill Russelwas the firstBlack coachin the NBA.Jazzoriginated inLouisiana inthe 1800s.The Black Pantherslaunched programsthat benefited theBlack community likefree dental care,breakfast for lowincome kids, anddrama classes.Jackie Robinson’sbrother Matthew wonan Olympic silvermedal in the 200 mtrdash, second toJesse OwensMichael Jordanwas cut fromhis varsitybasketball teamin high school.Ernie Davis wasthe first AfricanAmerican footballstar to receive 50scholarships.The active NBAplayer with themost careerpoints scored isLeBron James.Eddie Murphyhosted hisschool talentshow at age15.John MercerLangston wasthe first Blackman to becomea lawyer.Tyler Perrywas homelessand lived outof his car forawhile.Kanye West’sfather Raywas a formerBlack Panther.James Hardenbecame the firstNBA player toscore 60 pointswhile recording atriple double.Jerry Lawsonbroughtinterchangeablevideo games intopeople’s homes byinventing FairchildChannel F.In 2008, Jamaicansprinter Usain Boltbecame the first manto set 3 worldrecords in a singleOlympic game.Jackie Robinsonhelped establishthe AfricanAmerican owned& operatedFreedom Bank.Before ChuckBerry was aprofessionalmusician, hestudied to be ahairdresser.Jesse Owensbroke Olympicrecords whenhe won 4 TrackGold Medals in1936.In 2003, OprahWinfrey becamethe first AfricanAmerican womanbillionaire.Jack Johnson wasthe first AfricanAmerican WorldHeavyweightBoxing Champion.Bernie MAC’sfirst standupcomedy routinewas at age 8 forhis church.Tupac Shakur’sname was LesaneParish Crooks, buthis mom changed itwhen she joined theBlack Panthers.The NAACPstands for theNationalAssociation forAdvancement ofColored People.Will Smith met JeffTownes at age 16,and they launchedDJ Jazzy Jeff andthe Fresh Prince.The UnitedKingdomcelebratesBlack HistoryMonth inOctober.MartinLawrencewas born inFrankfurt,Germany.Tyler Perrychanged his givenname because hedid not want to benamed after hisabusive father.Jay-Z got hisstage namefrom NewYork’s J/Zsubway lines.Prince taughthimself how toplay piano,guitar, anddrums.The first Blacksenator wasHiramReveals in1870.The firstBlackpresidentwas BarackObama.The NBA all-time leadingscorer isKareemAbdul-Jabbar.Jazz was bornout of theblues, ragtime,and marchingbands.DenzelWashingtongraduated fromFordham w/degrees in Dramaand Journalism.Bill Russelwas the firstBlack coachin the NBA.Jazzoriginated inLouisiana inthe 1800s.The Black Pantherslaunched programsthat benefited theBlack community likefree dental care,breakfast for lowincome kids, anddrama classes.Jackie Robinson’sbrother Matthew wonan Olympic silvermedal in the 200 mtrdash, second toJesse OwensMichael Jordanwas cut fromhis varsitybasketball teamin high school.Ernie Davis wasthe first AfricanAmerican footballstar to receive 50scholarships.The active NBAplayer with themost careerpoints scored isLeBron James.Eddie Murphyhosted hisschool talentshow at age15.John MercerLangston wasthe first Blackman to becomea lawyer.Tyler Perrywas homelessand lived outof his car forawhile.Kanye West’sfather Raywas a formerBlack Panther.James Hardenbecame the firstNBA player toscore 60 pointswhile recording atriple double.Jerry Lawsonbroughtinterchangeablevideo games intopeople’s homes byinventing FairchildChannel F.In 2008, Jamaicansprinter Usain Boltbecame the first manto set 3 worldrecords in a singleOlympic game.Jackie Robinsonhelped establishthe AfricanAmerican owned& operatedFreedom Bank.

Black History Month Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Before Chuck Berry was a professional musician, he studied to be a hairdresser.
  2. Jesse Owens broke Olympic records when he won 4 Track Gold Medals in 1936.
  3. In 2003, Oprah Winfrey became the first African American woman billionaire.
  4. Jack Johnson was the first African American World Heavyweight Boxing Champion.
  5. Bernie MAC’s first standup comedy routine was at age 8 for his church.
  6. Tupac Shakur’s name was Lesane Parish Crooks, but his mom changed it when she joined the Black Panthers.
  7. The NAACP stands for the National Association for Advancement of Colored People.
  8. Will Smith met Jeff Townes at age 16, and they launched DJ Jazzy Jeff and the Fresh Prince.
  9. The United Kingdom celebrates Black History Month in October.
  10. Martin Lawrence was born in Frankfurt, Germany.
  11. Tyler Perry changed his given name because he did not want to be named after his abusive father.
  12. Jay-Z got his stage name from New York’s J/Z subway lines.
  13. Prince taught himself how to play piano, guitar, and drums.
  14. The first Black senator was Hiram Reveals in 1870.
  15. The first Black president was Barack Obama.
  16. The NBA all-time leading scorer is Kareem Abdul-Jabbar.
  17. Jazz was born out of the blues, ragtime, and marching bands.
  18. Denzel Washington graduated from Fordham w/ degrees in Drama and Journalism.
  19. Bill Russel was the first Black coach in the NBA.
  20. Jazz originated in Louisiana in the 1800s.
  21. The Black Panthers launched programs that benefited the Black community like free dental care, breakfast for low income kids, and drama classes.
  22. Jackie Robinson’s brother Matthew won an Olympic silver medal in the 200 mtr dash, second to Jesse Owens
  23. Michael Jordan was cut from his varsity basketball team in high school.
  24. Ernie Davis was the first African American football star to receive 50 scholarships.
  25. The active NBA player with the most career points scored is LeBron James.
  26. Eddie Murphy hosted his school talent show at age 15.
  27. John Mercer Langston was the first Black man to become a lawyer.
  28. Tyler Perry was homeless and lived out of his car for awhile.
  29. Kanye West’s father Ray was a former Black Panther.
  30. James Harden became the first NBA player to score 60 points while recording a triple double.
  31. Jerry Lawson brought interchangeable video games into people’s homes by inventing Fairchild Channel F.
  32. In 2008, Jamaican sprinter Usain Bolt became the first man to set 3 world records in a single Olympic game.
  33. Jackie Robinson helped establish the African American owned & operated Freedom Bank.