Insert ribbon,illustrationscategory, pressthe button withthe picture.Determineswhere yourtext is goingto startLayout ribbon,page setupcategory thenpress thebutton.Allows you tosplit the textinto two ormore verticalsets.You can changethe look of borderon a chart, shadein the boxes, andadjust the width ofthe borders.Press file andthen save as.Go find yourname and thenlabel your doc.home ribbonparagraphcategory.Button withdots/numbersnext to it.This allowsyou to seewhat appearsbefore the tabstop position.Design ribbon,table stylescategory,borders orshading.Go to formatribbon,adjustcategory.Right clickthe text andthen godown to wraptext.Determineshow much ofa gap is inbetweeneach line.Home ribbon,paragraphcategory, bottomright hand corner,tabs... the enteryour number.Where you setyour text tostop using theruler at thetop.Insertribbon,tablecategory.Home ribbon,paragraphcategory, bottomright hand corner,tabs... then pressleaders.You can usethis tochange thefont of yourtext.You can importpictures withouthaving to gointo anotherbrowser.The space atthe ends ofthe paper soit looksorganized.This allowsyou to changethe color andbrightness ofthe picture.Home ribbon,paragraphcategory. Clickright centerleft or justifyCustomizeand choosehow big andfancy yourtext looks.Home ribbon,paragraphcategory. Clickarrows next tothree lines.This allows youto put imagesor text in front,back , in line,and square withthe text.Home ribbon,paragraphcategory, bottomright hand corner,press the button.Measurement ofwhen and whereyour tabs are.Determines whereyour text is goingto start.Able to listtext in order,and alignedproperly.Insert ribbon,text category,click thebutton with thebig A.Layout ribbonpage setupcategory,press thebutton.Home ribbon,paragraphcategory. Manybuttons that canchange the text.You canmake anorganizedchart orlayout.Insert ribbon,illustrationscategory, pressthe button withthe picture.Determineswhere yourtext is goingto startLayout ribbon,page setupcategory thenpress thebutton.Allows you tosplit the textinto two ormore verticalsets.You can changethe look of borderon a chart, shadein the boxes, andadjust the width ofthe borders.Press file andthen save as.Go find yourname and thenlabel your doc.home ribbonparagraphcategory.Button withdots/numbersnext to it.This allowsyou to seewhat appearsbefore the tabstop position.Design ribbon,table stylescategory,borders orshading.Go to formatribbon,adjustcategory.Right clickthe text andthen godown to wraptext.Determineshow much ofa gap is inbetweeneach line.Home ribbon,paragraphcategory, bottomright hand corner,tabs... the enteryour number.Where you setyour text tostop using theruler at thetop.Insertribbon,tablecategory.Home ribbon,paragraphcategory, bottomright hand corner,tabs... then pressleaders.You can usethis tochange thefont of yourtext.You can importpictures withouthaving to gointo anotherbrowser.The space atthe ends ofthe paper soit looksorganized.This allowsyou to changethe color andbrightness ofthe picture.Home ribbon,paragraphcategory. Clickright centerleft or justifyCustomizeand choosehow big andfancy yourtext looks.Home ribbon,paragraphcategory. Clickarrows next tothree lines.This allows youto put imagesor text in front,back , in line,and square withthe text.Home ribbon,paragraphcategory, bottomright hand corner,press the button.Measurement ofwhen and whereyour tabs are.Determines whereyour text is goingto start.Able to listtext in order,and alignedproperly.Insert ribbon,text category,click thebutton with thebig A.Layout ribbonpage setupcategory,press thebutton.Home ribbon,paragraphcategory. Manybuttons that canchange the text.You canmake anorganizedchart orlayout.

Word Review Bingo Christian C. - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Insert ribbon, illustrations category, press the button with the picture.
  2. Determines where your text is going to start
  3. Layout ribbon, page setup category then press the button.
  4. Allows you to split the text into two or more vertical sets.
  5. You can change the look of border on a chart, shade in the boxes, and adjust the width of the borders.
  6. Press file and then save as. Go find your name and then label your doc.
  7. home ribbon paragraph category. Button with dots/numbers next to it.
  8. This allows you to see what appears before the tab stop position.
  9. Design ribbon, table styles category, borders or shading.
  10. Go to format ribbon, adjust category.
  11. Right click the text and then go down to wrap text.
  12. Determines how much of a gap is in between each line.
  13. Home ribbon, paragraph category, bottom right hand corner, tabs... the enter your number.
  14. Where you set your text to stop using the ruler at the top.
  15. Insert ribbon, table category.
  16. Home ribbon, paragraph category, bottom right hand corner, tabs... then press leaders.
  17. You can use this to change the font of your text.
  18. You can import pictures without having to go into another browser.
  19. The space at the ends of the paper so it looks organized.
  20. This allows you to change the color and brightness of the picture.
  21. Home ribbon, paragraph category. Click right center left or justify
  22. Customize and choose how big and fancy your text looks.
  23. Home ribbon, paragraph category. Click arrows next to three lines.
  24. This allows you to put images or text in front, back , in line, and square with the text.
  25. Home ribbon, paragraph category, bottom right hand corner, press the button.
  26. Measurement of when and where your tabs are. Determines where your text is going to start.
  27. Able to list text in order, and aligned properly.
  28. Insert ribbon, text category, click the button with the big A.
  29. Layout ribbon page setup category, press the button.
  30. Home ribbon, paragraph category. Many buttons that can change the text.
  31. You can make an organized chart or layout.