Changes howthe text lookswith a numberof differentfontsChangeswhere thetext startsInsert Ribbon-> TablesCategory->Table dropdown menuInserts atable, or achart in adocumentlets you inserttext that isdifferent thanthe traditionalfontsInsert Ribbon-> TextCategory->Word Art DropDown MenuHome Ribbon->FontCategory->Font DropDown MenuHome Ribbon->ParagraphCategory->bullets/# DropDown MenuChanges theamount ofSpace thatyou are ableto type inSplits thedocumentinto a numberof verticalrowsChanges thespace createdwhen you pressthe tab buttonon thekeyboardLayout Ribbon->PageSetupCategory-> Margins Dropdown menuChangesthe spacein betweeneach lineHome Ribbon -> Paragraphcategory ->Threehorizontal linesNumbersor bulletsthe rowsHome Ribbon->ParagraphCategory-> Boxwith arrowpointing tobottom rightFile Ribbon->Save as Section-> Browse->Find your folder->Change thedocument name->press enterHome Ribbon->ParagraphCategory-> Boxwith arrowpointing tobottom rightInsertRibbon->IllustrationCategory->OnlineLets youinsert apictureform onlinelets you adjustwhere the textwill stop whenyou press tabHome Ribbon->ParagraphCategory->Three lineswith up/downarrowLayout Ribbon->Page SetupCategory->ColumnsCategoryAdjusts how thetext will line upand where it willstart when youpress the tabbuttonHome Ribbon->ParagraphCategory->Boxwith arrowpointing tobottom rightChangeshow the textis affectedby an imageChanges howthe text lookswith a numberof differentfontsChangeswhere thetext startsInsert Ribbon-> TablesCategory->Table dropdown menuInserts atable, or achart in adocumentlets you inserttext that isdifferent thanthe traditionalfontsInsert Ribbon-> TextCategory->Word Art DropDown MenuHome Ribbon->FontCategory->Font DropDown MenuHome Ribbon->ParagraphCategory->bullets/# DropDown MenuChanges theamount ofSpace thatyou are ableto type inSplits thedocumentinto a numberof verticalrowsChanges thespace createdwhen you pressthe tab buttonon thekeyboardLayout Ribbon->PageSetupCategory-> Margins Dropdown menuChangesthe spacein betweeneach lineHome Ribbon -> Paragraphcategory ->Threehorizontal linesNumbersor bulletsthe rowsHome Ribbon->ParagraphCategory-> Boxwith arrowpointing tobottom rightFile Ribbon->Save as Section-> Browse->Find your folder->Change thedocument name->press enterHome Ribbon->ParagraphCategory-> Boxwith arrowpointing tobottom rightInsertRibbon->IllustrationCategory->OnlineLets youinsert apictureform onlinelets you adjustwhere the textwill stop whenyou press tabHome Ribbon->ParagraphCategory->Three lineswith up/downarrowLayout Ribbon->Page SetupCategory->ColumnsCategoryAdjusts how thetext will line upand where it willstart when youpress the tabbuttonHome Ribbon->ParagraphCategory->Boxwith arrowpointing tobottom rightChangeshow the textis affectedby an image

Word Review Santon A. - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Changes how the text looks with a number of different fonts
  2. Changes where the text starts
  3. Insert Ribbon-> Tables Category-> Table drop down menu
  4. Inserts a table, or a chart in a document
  5. lets you insert text that is different than the traditional fonts
  6. Insert Ribbon-> Text Category-> Word Art Drop Down Menu
  7. Home Ribbon->Font Category->Font Drop Down Menu
  8. Home Ribbon->Paragraph Category->bullets/# Drop Down Menu
  9. Changes the amount of Space that you are able to type in
  10. Splits the document into a number of vertical rows
  11. Changes the space created when you press the tab button on the keyboard
  12. Layout Ribbon-> Page Setup Category -> Margins Drop down menu
  13. Changes the space in between each line
  14. Home Ribbon -> Paragraph category -> Three horizontal lines
  15. Numbers or bullets the rows
  16. Home Ribbon-> Paragraph Category-> Box with arrow pointing to bottom right
  17. File Ribbon-> Save as Section -> Browse-> Find your folder-> Change the document name-> press enter
  18. Home Ribbon-> Paragraph Category-> Box with arrow pointing to bottom right
  19. Insert Ribbon-> Illustration Category-> Online
  20. Lets you insert a picture form online
  21. lets you adjust where the text will stop when you press tab
  22. Home Ribbon->Paragraph Category->Three lines with up/down arrow
  23. Layout Ribbon->Page Setup Category->Columns Category
  24. Adjusts how the text will line up and where it will start when you press the tab button
  25. Home Ribbon-> Paragraph Category->Box with arrow pointing to bottom right
  26. Changes how the text is affected by an image