Home ribbon --> paragraphcategory -->little button onthe bottom rightInsert ribbon--> Tablescategory -->tableSplits yourtext into twoor moresectionsIt changeswhat thetable willlook likeHome ribbon --> Paragraphcategory -->small button onthe bottom rightIt createsa chart foryou tostore infoLists textusing symbolsand aligns thetext to the leftHome ribbon-->Paragraphcategory -->bulletsIt determineswhere yourtabs is goingto stopInsert ribbon --> illustrationscategory -->online picturesHome ribbon --> Paragraphcategory -->select anybutton in thereIt changeswhat theimage willlook likeDeterminesthe gapbetweenlines of textSave as -->Browse -->teacher share -->Mori --> Period 3 --> Ryan Han -->saveInsert ribbon --> textcategory -->WordArt dropdown menuDesign ribbon --> Table stylesand borderscategory -->any of thebuttonsit determineswhere thewords will beplacedIt lets youchoose whereyou want yourimage to go onyou documentIt customizesthe amount ofspace on adocument orselectionDetermineswhere thetext goesHome ribbon --> Paragraphcategory -->small button onthe bottom rightLayoutribbon -->page setup--> MarginsFormatribbon -->Adjustcategory -->any of themHome ribbon --> Paragraphcategory -->small button onthe bottom rightIt indents thetext usingalignment andleader usingthe rulerIt changeswhat thetabs lookslikeIt displayswhat type offill you wantyour text tolook likeHome ribbon -->Paragraphcategory --> Dropdown menu withup and downarrowIt inserts apicture fromthe internetinto yourdocumentFormat ribbon--> arrangecategory -->wrap text dropdown menuIt changeswhat yourwords looklike on yourdocumentHome Ribbon--> Paragraphcategory -->Left, center,right or justifyLayoutribbon -->Page setup--> columnsHome ribbon --> paragraphcategory -->little button onthe bottom rightInsert ribbon--> Tablescategory -->tableSplits yourtext into twoor moresectionsIt changeswhat thetable willlook likeHome ribbon --> Paragraphcategory -->small button onthe bottom rightIt createsa chart foryou tostore infoLists textusing symbolsand aligns thetext to the leftHome ribbon-->Paragraphcategory -->bulletsIt determineswhere yourtabs is goingto stopInsert ribbon --> illustrationscategory -->online picturesHome ribbon --> Paragraphcategory -->select anybutton in thereIt changeswhat theimage willlook likeDeterminesthe gapbetweenlines of textSave as -->Browse -->teacher share -->Mori --> Period 3 --> Ryan Han -->saveInsert ribbon --> textcategory -->WordArt dropdown menuDesign ribbon --> Table stylesand borderscategory -->any of thebuttonsit determineswhere thewords will beplacedIt lets youchoose whereyou want yourimage to go onyou documentIt customizesthe amount ofspace on adocument orselectionDetermineswhere thetext goesHome ribbon --> Paragraphcategory -->small button onthe bottom rightLayoutribbon -->page setup--> MarginsFormatribbon -->Adjustcategory -->any of themHome ribbon --> Paragraphcategory -->small button onthe bottom rightIt indents thetext usingalignment andleader usingthe rulerIt changeswhat thetabs lookslikeIt displayswhat type offill you wantyour text tolook likeHome ribbon -->Paragraphcategory --> Dropdown menu withup and downarrowIt inserts apicture fromthe internetinto yourdocumentFormat ribbon--> arrangecategory -->wrap text dropdown menuIt changeswhat yourwords looklike on yourdocumentHome Ribbon--> Paragraphcategory -->Left, center,right or justifyLayoutribbon -->Page setup--> columns

Word Review -(Ryan H.) - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Home ribbon --> paragraph category --> little button on the bottom right
  2. Insert ribbon --> Tables category --> table
  3. Splits your text into two or more sections
  4. It changes what the table will look like
  5. Home ribbon --> Paragraph category --> small button on the bottom right
  6. It creates a chart for you to store info
  7. Lists text using symbols and aligns the text to the left
  8. Home ribbon --> Paragraph category --> bullets
  9. It determines where your tabs is going to stop
  10. Insert ribbon --> illustrations category --> online pictures
  11. Home ribbon --> Paragraph category --> select any button in there
  12. It changes what the image will look like
  13. Determines the gap between lines of text
  14. Save as --> Browse --> teacher share --> Mori --> Period 3 --> Ryan Han --> save
  15. Insert ribbon --> text category --> WordArt drop down menu
  16. Design ribbon --> Table styles and borders category --> any of the buttons
  17. it determines where the words will be placed
  18. It lets you choose where you want your image to go on you document
  19. It customizes the amount of space on a document or selection
  20. Determines where the text goes
  21. Home ribbon --> Paragraph category --> small button on the bottom right
  22. Layout ribbon --> page setup --> Margins
  23. Format ribbon --> Adjust category --> any of them
  24. Home ribbon --> Paragraph category --> small button on the bottom right
  25. It indents the text using alignment and leader using the ruler
  26. It changes what the tabs looks like
  27. It displays what type of fill you want your text to look like
  28. Home ribbon --> Paragraph category --> Drop down menu with up and down arrow
  29. It inserts a picture from the internet into your document
  30. Format ribbon --> arrange category --> wrap text drop down menu
  31. It changes what your words look like on your document
  32. Home Ribbon --> Paragraph category --> Left, center, right or justify
  33. Layout ribbon --> Page setup --> columns