afollowerof islamis the term given to thefive duties incumbent onevery muslim theseduties are shahadah(profession of faith) saltaritual prayer zakatalmsgiving sawm fastingduring ramadan and hajjpilrimage to meccaiconan ancientgreek stadiumused for horseand chariotracingmost famous exampleof byzantinearchitecture it was builtunder justinian l and isconsidered one of themost perfect buildingsin the world architecturemuslimoilgrimagemedinaislam wheremuhammadand hisfollowers go tobe the leadera Muslimplace ofworshiphippodromepillarsofislama journey toa placeconsideredsacred forreligiouspictures orimages ofjesus orsaintshagiasophiamosqueafollowerof islamis the term given to thefive duties incumbent onevery muslim theseduties are shahadah(profession of faith) saltaritual prayer zakatalmsgiving sawm fastingduring ramadan and hajjpilrimage to meccaiconan ancientgreek stadiumused for horseand chariotracingmost famous exampleof byzantinearchitecture it was builtunder justinian l and isconsidered one of themost perfect buildingsin the world architecturemuslimoilgrimagemedinaislam wheremuhammadand hisfollowers go tobe the leadera Muslimplace ofworshiphippodromepillarsofislama journey toa placeconsideredsacred forreligiouspictures orimages ofjesus orsaintshagiasophiamosque

Untitled Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. a follower of islam
  2. is the term given to the five duties incumbent on every muslim these duties are shahadah (profession of faith) salta ritual prayer zakat almsgiving sawm fasting during ramadan and hajj pilrimage to mecca
  3. icon
  4. an ancient greek stadium used for horse and chariot racing
  5. most famous example of byzantine architecture it was built under justinian l and is considered one of the most perfect buildings in the world architecture
  6. muslim
  7. oilgrimage
  8. medina
  9. islam where muhammad and his followers go to be the leader
  10. a Muslim place of worship
  11. hippodrome
  12. pillars of islam
  13. a journey to a place considered sacred for religious
  14. pictures or images of jesus or saints
  15. hagia sophia
  16. mosque