"The district'smain concern isthe health andsafety of itsstudents andstaff." LOL"There are noreported casesin the JacksonSchool District"Someone whois not loudenough to hearwill say, "Youcan hear me,right?"Kids willshow up atthe normaltime.The bell willgo off in themiddle ofsomethingimportant."Allprecautionsare beingtaken""If any studentfeels like theyneed to talk tosomeoneMaryann isavailable.""We have beenworking diligentlyto have a plan inplace in casehome instructionbecomesnecessary."Someone'sphonegoes offYoulaughed atthis card."Let's give it upfor Beatrice andthe CustodialStaff for doing agreat job."Anunnecessaryquestiongets asked."Beprofessional."You willoverhear:"This couldhave beenan email.""Be careful ofwhat youpost onSocialMedia.""We know howhard our staffworks and willrise to thischallenge.""This is auniquesituation.""Standardizedtesting dateswill remainunchanged.""Be carefulabout whatyou say toyour studentsand parents.""If you get anyquestions fromparents, pleasedirect them toHumanResources."Someonewalks inlate."We know youare going to dowhat is in thebest interest ofthe students."All before andafter schoolactivities willbe cancelled.Thecomputer/projectorwont work."Guys we have alot to get throughthis morning," butpeople still wontshut the F up."I am sureyou haveheardrumors...""Thingsarechanginghourly."There isa PowerPoint"The district'smain concern isthe health andsafety of itsstudents andstaff." LOL"There are noreported casesin the JacksonSchool District"Someone whois not loudenough to hearwill say, "Youcan hear me,right?"Kids willshow up atthe normaltime.The bell willgo off in themiddle ofsomethingimportant."Allprecautionsare beingtaken""If any studentfeels like theyneed to talk tosomeoneMaryann isavailable.""We have beenworking diligentlyto have a plan inplace in casehome instructionbecomesnecessary."Someone'sphonegoes offYoulaughed atthis card."Let's give it upfor Beatrice andthe CustodialStaff for doing agreat job."Anunnecessaryquestiongets asked."Beprofessional."You willoverhear:"This couldhave beenan email.""Be careful ofwhat youpost onSocialMedia.""We know howhard our staffworks and willrise to thischallenge.""This is auniquesituation.""Standardizedtesting dateswill remainunchanged.""Be carefulabout whatyou say toyour studentsand parents.""If you get anyquestions fromparents, pleasedirect them toHumanResources."Someonewalks inlate."We know youare going to dowhat is in thebest interest ofthe students."All before andafter schoolactivities willbe cancelled.Thecomputer/projectorwont work."Guys we have alot to get throughthis morning," butpeople still wontshut the F up."I am sureyou haveheardrumors...""Thingsarechanginghourly."There isa PowerPoint

COVID-19 BINGO - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. "The district's main concern is the health and safety of its students and staff." LOL
  2. "There are no reported cases in the Jackson School District"
  3. Someone who is not loud enough to hear will say, "You can hear me, right?"
  4. Kids will show up at the normal time.
  5. The bell will go off in the middle of something important.
  6. "All precautions are being taken"
  7. "If any student feels like they need to talk to someone Maryann is available."
  8. "We have been working diligently to have a plan in place in case home instruction becomes necessary."
  9. Someone's phone goes off
  10. You laughed at this card.
  11. "Let's give it up for Beatrice and the Custodial Staff for doing a great job."
  12. An unnecessary question gets asked.
  13. "Be professional."
  14. You will overhear: "This could have been an email."
  15. "Be careful of what you post on Social Media."
  16. "We know how hard our staff works and will rise to this challenge."
  17. "This is a unique situation."
  18. "Standardized testing dates will remain unchanged."
  19. "Be careful about what you say to your students and parents."
  20. "If you get any questions from parents, please direct them to Human Resources."
  21. Someone walks in late.
  22. "We know you are going to do what is in the best interest of the students."
  23. All before and after school activities will be cancelled.
  24. The computer/projector wont work.
  25. "Guys we have a lot to get through this morning," but people still wont shut the F up.
  26. "I am sure you have heard rumors..."
  27. "Things are changing hourly."
  28. There is a Power Point