Try to find arecording of oneof your pieces onYouTube orJWPepper,comand play alongwith itWatch a DrumCorp MarchingShowComplete DrumCorp GoogleFormHow manydifferent scalescan you play?See if you canadd one more!Call a friend inband and playsomething foreach other overthephone/facetimePlay a "Concert"after dinner forfamily members---at least 4 numbersout of your bookListen to 5songs from thislist:Band MusicLiteratureListening ListDownloada tuningapp likebandmateSee if you canplay yourfavorite song byear (send me arecording)Play a concert foryour pet/pets (if nopets than stuffedanimals) Send mea picture!Facetime a friendor family memberand play your BbConcert Scale(#88 for 6th grade)Play # in yourbook as softas you canplay (send mea recording)DownloadametronomeappMemorize #in your bookand play it inyourbathroomRecord yourselfplaying "SaintsGo MarchingIn" Send it tomeGo practiceoutside and seehow manypeoplecompliment youon your playingWatch an episodeof your favorite TVshow and practicetonguing duringcommercialsResearch the historyof your instrument(who invented it,how did it lookdifferent, etc.) Sendme 3 sentences anda picturePractice Bb ConcertMajor with this Fun PopBackground TrackMake a song, orpractice the scale, orcompose some sillylyrics....have funTeach someonein your househow to play"Mary Had aLittle Lamb" onyour instrumentFind a YouTubeviseo of someoneplaying yourinstrument (videomust have at least5000 views)Write an email tome addressed toan ibcoming 6thgrade bandstudent and tellthem why theyshould join bandClean yourinstrument really wellafter a practicesession (*DO NOTWASH ANYTHING--you could ruin yourinstrument)Learn a newnote andplay it for 12secondsPlay # in yourbook whilelaying on theground (sendme pictureevidence)Try to find arecording of oneof your pieces onYouTube orJWPepper,comand play alongwith itWatch a DrumCorp MarchingShowComplete DrumCorp GoogleFormHow manydifferent scalescan you play?See if you canadd one more!Call a friend inband and playsomething foreach other overthephone/facetimePlay a "Concert"after dinner forfamily members---at least 4 numbersout of your bookListen to 5songs from thislist:Band MusicLiteratureListening ListDownloada tuningapp likebandmateSee if you canplay yourfavorite song byear (send me arecording)Play a concert foryour pet/pets (if nopets than stuffedanimals) Send mea picture!Facetime a friendor family memberand play your BbConcert Scale(#88 for 6th grade)Play # in yourbook as softas you canplay (send mea recording)DownloadametronomeappMemorize #in your bookand play it inyourbathroomRecord yourselfplaying "SaintsGo MarchingIn" Send it tomeGo practiceoutside and seehow manypeoplecompliment youon your playingWatch an episodeof your favorite TVshow and practicetonguing duringcommercialsResearch the historyof your instrument(who invented it,how did it lookdifferent, etc.) Sendme 3 sentences anda picturePractice Bb ConcertMajor with this Fun PopBackground TrackMake a song, orpractice the scale, orcompose some sillylyrics....have funTeach someonein your househow to play"Mary Had aLittle Lamb" onyour instrumentFind a YouTubeviseo of someoneplaying yourinstrument (videomust have at least5000 views)Write an email tome addressed toan ibcoming 6thgrade bandstudent and tellthem why theyshould join bandClean yourinstrument really wellafter a practicesession (*DO NOTWASH ANYTHING--you could ruin yourinstrument)Learn a newnote andplay it for 12secondsPlay # in yourbook whilelaying on theground (sendme pictureevidence)

BANDO-Try to Complete All Boxes - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Try to find a recording of one of your pieces on YouTube or JWPepper,com and play along with it
  2. Watch a Drum Corp Marching Show Complete Drum Corp Google Form
  3. How many different scales can you play? See if you can add one more!
  4. Call a friend in band and play something for each other over the phone/facetime
  5. Play a "Concert" after dinner for family members---at least 4 numbers out of your book
  6. Listen to 5 songs from this list: Band Music Literature Listening List
  7. Download a tuning app like bandmate
  8. See if you can play your favorite song by ear (send me a recording)
  9. Play a concert for your pet/pets (if no pets than stuffed animals) Send me a picture!
  10. Facetime a friend or family member and play your Bb Concert Scale (#88 for 6th grade)
  11. Play # in your book as soft as you can play (send me a recording)
  12. Download a metronome app
  13. Memorize # in your book and play it in your bathroom
  14. Record yourself playing "Saints Go Marching In" Send it to me
  15. Go practice outside and see how many people compliment you on your playing
  16. Watch an episode of your favorite TV show and practice tonguing during commercials
  17. Research the history of your instrument (who invented it, how did it look different, etc.) Send me 3 sentences and a picture
  18. Practice Bb Concert Major with this Fun Pop Background Track Make a song, or practice the scale, or compose some silly lyrics....have fun
  19. Teach someone in your house how to play "Mary Had a Little Lamb" on your instrument
  20. Find a YouTube viseo of someone playing your instrument (video must have at least 5000 views)
  21. Write an email to me addressed to an ibcoming 6th grade band student and tell them why they should join band
  22. Clean your instrument really well after a practice session (*DO NOT WASH ANYTHING--you could ruin your instrument)
  23. Learn a new note and play it for 12 seconds
  24. Play # in your book while laying on the ground (send me picture evidence)