Made anentire set onthe nightbefore thequizTopped theprelims tobe 4th/lastin finalsAttended aquiz where theQM wants allspellingscorrectSeen alive fightduring theQuizMissed on afinals by 1mark/starquestion/sudden deathNot qualified forfinals and thenansweringalmosteverything fromthe audienceListened tooldAssamesesongs in thefinalsWent to aquiz withoutbookingaccomodationor returnWent to an'mukoli quizprotijugita'thinking the'mukoli' meant'open'Went to ashady quizbecausemoneyWent to aquiz forfree foodHad oneround oflogic &reasoningquestionsMade tosing/dancein thefinalsHaven'treceivedprize moneyfor 1 yearBeenkissed/embracedby Brajen BorahAskedabout civilservicespreparationAttended aquiz where theQM ran slidesditto fromSlideshareReceivedDMs fromstrangersasking for setHad twoguesses andpicked wrongone onpounceSaid 'the quizwas very niceand informative'on stage whenasked forfeedbackSeen a QMopposingPounce sayingit takes the funout of quizSaw guys withIGNOU ID'scompeting inUG inter-institutionalquizesSaid Idon't doAssamQuizThreatenedto Walk outof a QuizMade anentire set onthe nightbefore thequizTopped theprelims tobe 4th/lastin finalsAttended aquiz where theQM wants allspellingscorrectSeen alive fightduring theQuizMissed on afinals by 1mark/starquestion/sudden deathNot qualified forfinals and thenansweringalmosteverything fromthe audienceListened tooldAssamesesongs in thefinalsWent to aquiz withoutbookingaccomodationor returnWent to an'mukoli quizprotijugita'thinking the'mukoli' meant'open'Went to ashady quizbecausemoneyWent to aquiz forfree foodHad oneround oflogic &reasoningquestionsMade tosing/dancein thefinalsHaven'treceivedprize moneyfor 1 yearBeenkissed/embracedby Brajen BorahAskedabout civilservicespreparationAttended aquiz where theQM ran slidesditto fromSlideshareReceivedDMs fromstrangersasking for setHad twoguesses andpicked wrongone onpounceSaid 'the quizwas very niceand informative'on stage whenasked forfeedbackSeen a QMopposingPounce sayingit takes the funout of quizSaw guys withIGNOU ID'scompeting inUG inter-institutionalquizesSaid Idon't doAssamQuizThreatenedto Walk outof a Quiz

The Quizzing Bingo: Kharkhuwa Edition - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Made an entire set on the night before the quiz
  2. Topped the prelims to be 4th/last in finals
  3. Attended a quiz where the QM wants all spellings correct
  4. Seen a live fight during the Quiz
  5. Missed on a finals by 1 mark/star question/ sudden death
  6. Not qualified for finals and then answering almost everything from the audience
  7. Listened to old Assamese songs in the finals
  8. Went to a quiz without booking accomodation or return
  9. Went to an 'mukoli quiz protijugita' thinking the 'mukoli' meant 'open'
  10. Went to a shady quiz because money
  11. Went to a quiz for free food
  12. Had one round of logic & reasoning questions
  13. Made to sing/dance in the finals
  14. Haven't received prize money for 1 year
  15. Been kissed/embraced by Brajen Borah
  16. Asked about civil services preparation
  17. Attended a quiz where the QM ran slides ditto from Slideshare
  18. Received DMs from strangers asking for set
  19. Had two guesses and picked wrong one on pounce
  20. Said 'the quiz was very nice and informative' on stage when asked for feedback
  21. Seen a QM opposing Pounce saying it takes the fun out of quiz
  22. Saw guys with IGNOU ID's competing in UG inter-institutional quizes
  23. Said I don't do Assam Quiz
  24. Threatened to Walk out of a Quiz