Called ourSanskrit sir(natu sir)as natyo... !Bought thekids agenewspaper justto watch thatanimated CDHadCrush onRajalmamAsked theteacher to takeyou to theground in theproxy periodBeen caughtwith the holicolours in theinspectionBeen caughtwith makeupproducts inthe inspectionCalled GLS as"gutterlineservice" or"Gadhedao niloksabha"Tasted " ajmoand kalumithu" whenyou hadstomach acheVisited lost andfound propertyroom andpicked upanother'spropertyPronouncedtime pleaseas "themplease" inthe gameForgot towear freedress onWednesdayConfessedyour feelingswhile playingtruth and daregameTravelled inthe yellowschool vanof GLSFlattered your classteacher so that youget the chance towrite date andthought of the dayon the corner side ofthe blackboardPlayedhandcricketHad crush ona personalfrom BdivisionIntentionally did notcomplete the hw sothat mam asks you tofollow her to anotherclass and completethe hw there and youcan see your crushCalculated thepercentage oflove betweenyou and yourcrushHadcrush onseniorCalled uponyour friends todiscusssomething veryimportant at"Nandu ni lari"Called ourSanskrit sir(natu sir)as natyo... !Bought thekids agenewspaper justto watch thatanimated CDHadCrush onRajalmamAsked theteacher to takeyou to theground in theproxy periodBeen caughtwith the holicolours in theinspectionBeen caughtwith makeupproducts inthe inspectionCalled GLS as"gutterlineservice" or"Gadhedao niloksabha"Tasted " ajmoand kalumithu" whenyou hadstomach acheVisited lost andfound propertyroom andpicked upanother'spropertyPronouncedtime pleaseas "themplease" inthe gameForgot towear freedress onWednesdayConfessedyour feelingswhile playingtruth and daregameTravelled inthe yellowschool vanof GLSFlattered your classteacher so that youget the chance towrite date andthought of the dayon the corner side ofthe blackboardPlayedhandcricketHad crush ona personalfrom BdivisionIntentionally did notcomplete the hw sothat mam asks you tofollow her to anotherclass and completethe hw there and youcan see your crushCalculated thepercentage oflove betweenyou and yourcrushHadcrush onseniorCalled uponyour friends todiscusssomething veryimportant at"Nandu ni lari"

Have you ever ? (GLS school) - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Called our Sanskrit sir (natu sir) as natyo... !
  2. Bought the kids age newspaper just to watch that animated CD
  3. Had Crush on Rajal mam
  4. Asked the teacher to take you to the ground in the proxy period
  5. Been caught with the holi colours in the inspection
  6. Been caught with makeup products in the inspection
  7. Called GLS as "gutterline service" or "Gadhedao ni loksabha"
  8. Tasted " ajmo and kalu mithu" when you had stomach ache
  9. Visited lost and found property room and picked up another's property
  10. Pronounced time please as "them please" in the game
  11. Forgot to wear free dress on Wednesday
  12. Confessed your feelings while playing truth and dare game
  13. Travelled in the yellow school van of GLS
  14. Flattered your class teacher so that you get the chance to write date and thought of the day on the corner side of the blackboard
  15. Played hand cricket
  16. Had crush on a personal from B division
  17. Intentionally did not complete the hw so that mam asks you to follow her to another class and complete the hw there and you can see your crush
  18. Calculated the percentage of love between you and your crush
  19. Had crush on senior
  20. Called upon your friends to discuss something very important at "Nandu ni lari"