Write a note to ateacher telling themwhat you miss. Sendin who you wrote.Email it to them orsend on Schoology. Itwould make their day!List the states withthe 3 highest and3 lowestconfirmedCOVID19 casesand record howmany.Keep a log for 4days about yourquarantineexperience. Ex.things you did,how you feltLook at the nightsky, and locate atleast 1constellation.Describe theconstellation andhow it got its nameFind 3 geometricshapesinside/outside andtake a picture orsend in description.EX stop sign -octagonDo a puzzle...sudoku,logic,crossword,word searchFinish and sendinRun around yourhouse 5 times.Calculate yourheart rate BPM(Count pulse 15seconds andmultiply by 4)What is themoon phasetoday (givedate) andsubmit a sketchCalculate how manyminutes you readtoday. (10 or more)How many seconds isthat? How manyseconds would it be ifyou read for 7 days?Read a recipeand help makeit. Send in apicture ordescription of it.Complete 1 ofthe SocialStudies IXLlessons to 80%.Send in pictureMeasure aroom in yourhome.Calculate theperimeter andarea.Work apuzzle andsend in afinishedpictureComplete 1 ofthe ELA IXLlessons to80%. Send inpictureList the WVcounties with the 3highest and 3lowest COVID19cases and recordhow many.Complete 1 ofthe ScienceIXL lessons to80%. Send inpictureComplete 1 ofthe math IXLlessons to80%. Send inpictureRead a book orchapter. Send in asummary about thebook OR what youlike about the bookor your favoritecharacter.Record theheights of familymembers ininches. What isthe mean, medianand range?Take a picture of awild animal or ananimal track. Whatdoes that animaleat to survive?Send in 3awesomemathjokes.Take a picture ofyour favorite placein your house.Send a shortparagraph of whyyou like this placePlay a gamewith someonein family. Sendin name ofgame and whowon!Is today (givedate) a cold orwarm frontand how doyou knowWatch CNN10and write aparagraph onwhat ishappening inthe news today.Write a note to ateacher telling themwhat you miss. Sendin who you wrote.Email it to them orsend on Schoology. Itwould make their day!List the states withthe 3 highest and3 lowestconfirmedCOVID19 casesand record howmany.Keep a log for 4days about yourquarantineexperience. Ex.things you did,how you feltLook at the nightsky, and locate atleast 1constellation.Describe theconstellation andhow it got its nameFind 3 geometricshapesinside/outside andtake a picture orsend in description.EX stop sign -octagonDo a puzzle...sudoku,logic,crossword,word searchFinish and sendinRun around yourhouse 5 times.Calculate yourheart rate BPM(Count pulse 15seconds andmultiply by 4)What is themoon phasetoday (givedate) andsubmit a sketchCalculate how manyminutes you readtoday. (10 or more)How many seconds isthat? How manyseconds would it be ifyou read for 7 days?Read a recipeand help makeit. Send in apicture ordescription of it.Complete 1 ofthe SocialStudies IXLlessons to 80%.Send in pictureMeasure aroom in yourhome.Calculate theperimeter andarea.Work apuzzle andsend in afinishedpictureComplete 1 ofthe ELA IXLlessons to80%. Send inpictureList the WVcounties with the 3highest and 3lowest COVID19cases and recordhow many.Complete 1 ofthe ScienceIXL lessons to80%. Send inpictureComplete 1 ofthe math IXLlessons to80%. Send inpictureRead a book orchapter. Send in asummary about thebook OR what youlike about the bookor your favoritecharacter.Record theheights of familymembers ininches. What isthe mean, medianand range?Take a picture of awild animal or ananimal track. Whatdoes that animaleat to survive?Send in 3awesomemathjokes.Take a picture ofyour favorite placein your house.Send a shortparagraph of whyyou like this placePlay a gamewith someonein family. Sendin name ofgame and whowon!Is today (givedate) a cold orwarm frontand how doyou knowWatch CNN10and write aparagraph onwhat ishappening inthe news today.

BEST Quarantine Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.