Find a piece of artin your house andanalyze it for theelements of visualart in a one pagepaper.Pretend a book youhave read in English isbeing made into a play.Create a costumes for 2of the characters fromyour closet. Take apicture.Sketch a newscene in yourhouse every dayfor a week. Write atwo paragraphreflection.Find a song thatuses polyphonictexture. Write aparagraphexplaining whyyou think theymade this choice.Create a 5 minutepuppet show usingonly things you canfind in your house.Write a 2 paragraphreflection.Writeand perform a oneminute monologuebased off of acharacter in a TVshow.Take the tune toa popular songand rewrite thelyrics to beabout your life.Watch a movieand analyze theacting based onthe elements ofacting in a onepage paper.Watch amusical andwrite a 1page review.Find brand labels inat least 6 colors.Think about what thebrand makes andwhat the colorrepresents. Write a2-3 response toeach brand.Recreate a thechorus to a songusing only thingsthat you find inyour house asinstruments.Record it.Learn a dancefrom a movie or tvshow. Recordyourself doing it orperform for yourteacher.Choreograph adance to yourfavorite song. Writedown all the movesso you can show it toyour teacher orrecord it.Find a songthat soundsperfect for yourvoice. Practiceit and performit. Record it.Find a song thatchanges moodthroughout. Write a 2paragraph reflectionanalyzing the tonecolor and how itreflects the theme.Pick out a songand analyze itfor theelements ofmusic in a onepage review.Pick a book and turnit into a jukeboxmusical. Pick 5songs and explainwhy they would fitwith your book beingturned into amusical.Decide what youthink the mostfamous piece of artin the world is. Writea one pageargument on if youthink it should be ornot.Write a one pageargument on theprompt "Are thearts an essentialpart of life or arethey simplyentertainment?"Write a 10minuteplay.Turn a book youhave read into aplay. Cast the playwith famous actors.Justify your answersusing the elementsof acting.Write a one pagereflection on whatyour favorite artform is and why itis important to theworld.Create a piece ofabstract art thatreflects how youare feeling aboutCOVID-19. Write ajustification on theback.Turn a movieinto a stageplay. Draw theset, costumes,and lighting.Become adirector. Haveyour family posefor a series ofphotographs thatwhen viewed inorder tell a story.Find a piece of artin your house andanalyze it for theelements of visualart in a one pagepaper.Pretend a book youhave read in English isbeing made into a play.Create a costumes for 2of the characters fromyour closet. Take apicture.Sketch a newscene in yourhouse every dayfor a week. Write atwo paragraphreflection.Find a song thatuses polyphonictexture. Write aparagraphexplaining whyyou think theymade this choice.Create a 5 minutepuppet show usingonly things you canfind in your house.Write a 2 paragraphreflection.Writeand perform a oneminute monologuebased off of acharacter in a TVshow.Take the tune toa popular songand rewrite thelyrics to beabout your life.Watch a movieand analyze theacting based onthe elements ofacting in a onepage paper.Watch amusical andwrite a 1page review.Find brand labels inat least 6 colors.Think about what thebrand makes andwhat the colorrepresents. Write a2-3 response toeach brand.Recreate a thechorus to a songusing only thingsthat you find inyour house asinstruments.Record it.Learn a dancefrom a movie or tvshow. Recordyourself doing it orperform for yourteacher.Choreograph adance to yourfavorite song. Writedown all the movesso you can show it toyour teacher orrecord it.Find a songthat soundsperfect for yourvoice. Practiceit and performit. Record it.Find a song thatchanges moodthroughout. Write a 2paragraph reflectionanalyzing the tonecolor and how itreflects the theme.Pick out a songand analyze itfor theelements ofmusic in a onepage review.Pick a book and turnit into a jukeboxmusical. Pick 5songs and explainwhy they would fitwith your book beingturned into amusical.Decide what youthink the mostfamous piece of artin the world is. Writea one pageargument on if youthink it should be ornot.Write a one pageargument on theprompt "Are thearts an essentialpart of life or arethey simplyentertainment?"Write a 10minuteplay.Turn a book youhave read into aplay. Cast the playwith famous actors.Justify your answersusing the elementsof acting.Write a one pagereflection on whatyour favorite artform is and why itis important to theworld.Create a piece ofabstract art thatreflects how youare feeling aboutCOVID-19. Write ajustification on theback.Turn a movieinto a stageplay. Draw theset, costumes,and lighting.Become adirector. Haveyour family posefor a series ofphotographs thatwhen viewed inorder tell a story.

Complete 2 boxes for each week that we are out of school! - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Find a piece of art in your house and analyze it for the elements of visual art in a one page paper.
  2. Pretend a book you have read in English is being made into a play. Create a costumes for 2 of the characters from your closet. Take a picture.
  3. Sketch a new scene in your house every day for a week. Write a two paragraph reflection.
  4. Find a song that uses polyphonic texture. Write a paragraph explaining why you think they made this choice.
  5. Create a 5 minute puppet show using only things you can find in your house. Write a 2 paragraph reflection.
  6. Write and perform a one minute monologue based off of a character in a TV show.
  7. Take the tune to a popular song and rewrite the lyrics to be about your life.
  8. Watch a movie and analyze the acting based on the elements of acting in a one page paper.
  9. Watch a musical and write a 1 page review.
  10. Find brand labels in at least 6 colors. Think about what the brand makes and what the color represents. Write a 2-3 response to each brand.
  11. Recreate a the chorus to a song using only things that you find in your house as instruments. Record it.
  12. Learn a dance from a movie or tv show. Record yourself doing it or perform for your teacher.
  13. Choreograph a dance to your favorite song. Write down all the moves so you can show it to your teacher or record it.
  14. Find a song that sounds perfect for your voice. Practice it and perform it. Record it.
  15. Find a song that changes mood throughout. Write a 2 paragraph reflection analyzing the tone color and how it reflects the theme.
  16. Pick out a song and analyze it for the elements of music in a one page review.
  17. Pick a book and turn it into a jukebox musical. Pick 5 songs and explain why they would fit with your book being turned into a musical.
  18. Decide what you think the most famous piece of art in the world is. Write a one page argument on if you think it should be or not.
  19. Write a one page argument on the prompt "Are the arts an essential part of life or are they simply entertainment?"
  20. Write a 10 minute play.
  21. Turn a book you have read into a play. Cast the play with famous actors. Justify your answers using the elements of acting.
  22. Write a one page reflection on what your favorite art form is and why it is important to the world.
  23. Create a piece of abstract art that reflects how you are feeling about COVID-19. Write a justification on the back.
  24. Turn a movie into a stage play. Draw the set, costumes, and lighting.
  25. Become a director. Have your family pose for a series of photographs that when viewed in order tell a story.