Inability tostay on topicwhen talkingor answeringquestionsDoesn't careabout worldproblems: GlobalWarming, Doesn'twatch news, etc Sensoryissues DifficultymakingconversationDuring meetings,you find yourselfmaking involuntarynoises ormovements, likeclearing your throatover and over.Discomfortduring eyecontact Difficultyinterpretingwhat othersare thinkingor feelingGetting too closeto other people, orgetting very upsetif someonetouches or getstoo close to youYou must sit in thesame chair,brush/floss yourteeth after everymeal or wash yourhands too oftenVeryuncoordinated,frequentlybumping intothings and baddancer, bad atsports, etcHas manyrituals/strictschedule andgets upset ifthey cannot befollowExtreme interestin one particulartopic, such as aspecific period ofhistory, Math,Science. Finding ithard tosay howyou feelSeeming blunt,rude or notinterested inothers withoutmeaning to Onlyparticipates in arestricted rangeof activities You talk to yourco-workers thesame way youtalk with yourfamily andfriends.Lack ofEmpathyIssuesunderstandingsarcasm oridiomsRepeats thesame phraseor wordsover andover.Flat, roboticspeakingvoice, talksloud/low orsingsong voiceTroubleinterpretingfacialexpressions,body language,or social cues Abnormal bodyposturing orexageratedfacialexpressions socialanxietyEnjoysproblemsolving Inability tostay on topicwhen talkingor answeringquestionsDoesn't careabout worldproblems: GlobalWarming, Doesn'twatch news, etc Sensoryissues DifficultymakingconversationDuring meetings,you find yourselfmaking involuntarynoises ormovements, likeclearing your throatover and over.Discomfortduring eyecontact Difficultyinterpretingwhat othersare thinkingor feelingGetting too closeto other people, orgetting very upsetif someonetouches or getstoo close to youYou must sit in thesame chair,brush/floss yourteeth after everymeal or wash yourhands too oftenVeryuncoordinated,frequentlybumping intothings and baddancer, bad atsports, etcHas manyrituals/strictschedule andgets upset ifthey cannot befollowExtreme interestin one particulartopic, such as aspecific period ofhistory, Math,Science. Finding ithard tosay howyou feelSeeming blunt,rude or notinterested inothers withoutmeaning to Onlyparticipates in arestricted rangeof activities You talk to yourco-workers thesame way youtalk with yourfamily andfriends.Lack ofEmpathyIssuesunderstandingsarcasm oridiomsRepeats thesame phraseor wordsover andover.Flat, roboticspeakingvoice, talksloud/low orsingsong voiceTroubleinterpretingfacialexpressions,body language,or social cues Abnormal bodyposturing orexageratedfacialexpressions socialanxietyEnjoysproblemsolving 

I Might Be Autistic - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Inability to stay on topic when talking or answering questions
  2. Doesn't care about world problems: Global Warming, Doesn't watch news, etc
  3. Sensory issues
  4. Difficulty making conversation
  5. During meetings, you find yourself making involuntary noises or movements, like clearing your throat over and over.
  6. Discomfort during eye contact
  7. Difficulty interpreting what others are thinking or feeling
  8. Getting too close to other people, or getting very upset if someone touches or gets too close to you
  9. You must sit in the same chair, brush/floss your teeth after every meal or wash your hands too often
  10. Very uncoordinated, frequently bumping into things and bad dancer, bad at sports, etc
  11. Has many rituals/strict schedule and gets upset if they cannot be follow
  12. Extreme interest in one particular topic, such as a specific period of history, Math, Science.
  13. Finding it hard to say how you feel
  14. Seeming blunt, rude or not interested in others without meaning to
  15. Only participates in a restricted range of activities
  16. You talk to your co-workers the same way you talk with your family and friends.
  17. Lack of Empathy
  18. Issues understanding sarcasm or idioms
  19. Repeats the same phrase or words over and over.
  20. Flat, robotic speaking voice, talks loud/low or singsong voice
  21. Trouble interpreting facial expressions, body language, or social cues
  22. Abnormal body posturing or exagerated facial expressions
  23. social anxiety
  24. Enjoys problem solving