Search online for theChrome Music Laband create a songwith the Song Maker.(If it doesn’t work, trya different browser.)Sing asong to afamilymember.Try glue dancing: "glue"one part of your body tothe floor and let the restof your body dance.Then switch to a new"glued" part! For a realchallenge, “glue”yourself to a partner!Pretend your livingroom is full of Jell-O.How would you haveto move through theJell-O to get throughthe room?Record yourselfsinging a song.Add specialeffects if youknow how.Keep the beat witha family member’sfavorite song.Where on yourbody can you putthe beat?Turn on some musicand mirror dance witha partner. Face eachother, one of yourleads, and the otherone mirrors exactly.Then trade jobs!Notice the music in avideo, movie, orvideo game. Tell agrown up how themusic made thevideo/movie/game/better or worse.Go outsideand listenforbirdsongSet a timer for2 minutes.Write downeverythingthat you hear.Call or video-conferencesomeone andask them tosing you theirfavorite song.Make up yourown dance andteach it to afriend or familymember.Read a Dr.Seuss bookaloud with hiphop music inthebackground.Clap a rhythmto someone inyour house.Can they echoit back? Nowtrade jobs.Trybeatboxing.Listen to anew song onYouTube. (getyour Parent'spermission)Learn ahand-clappinggame.Look up "Animusic"on YouTube. (Getyour parent'spermission first.) Doyou think theseinstruments could bereal?Dance toyourfavoritemusic.Try singing apoem,recipe, orstory (Justmake it up!)Search for "animatedscores" on YouTube.Which is yourfavorite? (Get yourparent's permissionfirst!)Hum alongwith a songon thecomputer orradio.Make yourownmusicalinstrumentPlay freeze dance withyour family! Put oneperson in charge ofrandomly pausing themusic, and decide whatkind of (animal, statue,sports-player) everyoneelse has to freeze as!Repeat!Search online for theChrome Music Laband create a songwith the Song Maker.(If it doesn’t work, trya different browser.)Sing asong to afamilymember.Try glue dancing: "glue"one part of your body tothe floor and let the restof your body dance.Then switch to a new"glued" part! For a realchallenge, “glue”yourself to a partner!Pretend your livingroom is full of Jell-O.How would you haveto move through theJell-O to get throughthe room?Record yourselfsinging a song.Add specialeffects if youknow how.Keep the beat witha family member’sfavorite song.Where on yourbody can you putthe beat?Turn on some musicand mirror dance witha partner. Face eachother, one of yourleads, and the otherone mirrors exactly.Then trade jobs!Notice the music in avideo, movie, orvideo game. Tell agrown up how themusic made thevideo/movie/game/better or worse.Go outsideand listenforbirdsongSet a timer for2 minutes.Write downeverythingthat you hear.Call or video-conferencesomeone andask them tosing you theirfavorite song.Make up yourown dance andteach it to afriend or familymember.Read a Dr.Seuss bookaloud with hiphop music inthebackground.Clap a rhythmto someone inyour house.Can they echoit back? Nowtrade jobs.Trybeatboxing.Listen to anew song onYouTube. (getyour Parent'spermission)Learn ahand-clappinggame.Look up "Animusic"on YouTube. (Getyour parent'spermission first.) Doyou think theseinstruments could bereal?Dance toyourfavoritemusic.Try singing apoem,recipe, orstory (Justmake it up!)Search for "animatedscores" on YouTube.Which is yourfavorite? (Get yourparent's permissionfirst!)Hum alongwith a songon thecomputer orradio.Make yourownmusicalinstrumentPlay freeze dance withyour family! Put oneperson in charge ofrandomly pausing themusic, and decide whatkind of (animal, statue,sports-player) everyoneelse has to freeze as!Repeat!

Spring Break Music Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Search online for the Chrome Music Lab and create a song with the Song Maker. (If it doesn’t work, try a different browser.)
  2. Sing a song to a family member.
  3. Try glue dancing: "glue" one part of your body to the floor and let the rest of your body dance. Then switch to a new "glued" part! For a real challenge, “glue” yourself to a partner!
  4. Pretend your living room is full of Jell-O. How would you have to move through the Jell-O to get through the room?
  5. Record yourself singing a song. Add special effects if you know how.
  6. Keep the beat with a family member’s favorite song. Where on your body can you put the beat?
  7. Turn on some music and mirror dance with a partner. Face each other, one of your leads, and the other one mirrors exactly. Then trade jobs!
  8. Notice the music in a video, movie, or video game. Tell a grown up how the music made the video/movie/game/ better or worse.
  9. Go outside and listen for birdsong
  10. Set a timer for 2 minutes. Write down everything that you hear.
  11. Call or video-conference someone and ask them to sing you their favorite song.
  12. Make up your own dance and teach it to a friend or family member.
  13. Read a Dr. Seuss book aloud with hip hop music in the background.
  14. Clap a rhythm to someone in your house. Can they echo it back? Now trade jobs.
  15. Try beatboxing.
  16. Listen to a new song on YouTube. (get your Parent's permission)
  17. Learn a hand-clapping game.
  18. Look up "Animusic" on YouTube. (Get your parent's permission first.) Do you think these instruments could be real?
  19. Dance to your favorite music.
  20. Try singing a poem, recipe, or story (Just make it up!)
  21. Search for "animated scores" on YouTube. Which is your favorite? (Get your parent's permission first!)
  22. Hum along with a song on the computer or radio.
  23. Make your own musical instrument
  24. Play freeze dance with your family! Put one person in charge of randomly pausing the music, and decide what kind of (animal, statue, sports-player) everyone else has to freeze as! Repeat!