23.boughtlimca and cokefrom schoolcanteen andmixed them13.celebratedMandeepmam'sbirthday12.do you knowwho played therole of margina in"ALIBABA ANDTHE FORTYTHIEVES"18.watchedmovies onsmartboards7.Used yourown stupidslogans inschool rally11.playedthe I cardgame14.got aslap/praisefrom shilpamam9.taken careof school'sherbalgarden5.Went to dayboarding tosleep or toplay with yourfriendsHadpuddinhara24.wentcrazy afterdrinkingsting20.do youknow whatis will-o'-the-wisp1.Attendedindependence/republicday celebrations17.missed yoursports clubcompleting yourhindi homeworkgiven by Sunitamam21.playedgames oncomputersinstead of doingthe practical15.tore your zeromarks answersheet checked byReenu mam inpieces and threwthem in thedustbin3.Broughtchicken toschool4.Was apart of dayand nightcamp8.readGernimoStilton inschool library10.stood onthe basin tocheck pplinside thewashroom19.kickedfootball outof schoolboundary6.Playedstupid thingsnear the treesin the schoolground2.Been apart ofschoolcouncil16.went out of theclass with lots ofwater bottles to filland had a nicewalk in thecorridors22.had goodseniors/juniors23.boughtlimca and cokefrom schoolcanteen andmixed them13.celebratedMandeepmam'sbirthday12.do you knowwho played therole of margina in"ALIBABA ANDTHE FORTYTHIEVES"18.watchedmovies onsmartboards7.Used yourown stupidslogans inschool rally11.playedthe I cardgame14.got aslap/praisefrom shilpamam9.taken careof school'sherbalgarden5.Went to dayboarding tosleep or toplay with yourfriendsHadpuddinhara24.wentcrazy afterdrinkingsting20.do youknow whatis will-o'-the-wisp1.Attendedindependence/republicday celebrations17.missed yoursports clubcompleting yourhindi homeworkgiven by Sunitamam21.playedgames oncomputersinstead of doingthe practical15.tore your zeromarks answersheet checked byReenu mam inpieces and threwthem in thedustbin3.Broughtchicken toschool4.Was apart of dayand nightcamp8.readGernimoStilton inschool library10.stood onthe basin tocheck pplinside thewashroom19.kickedfootball outof schoolboundary6.Playedstupid thingsnear the treesin the schoolground2.Been apart ofschoolcouncil16.went out of theclass with lots ofwater bottles to filland had a nicewalk in thecorridors22.had goodseniors/juniors

KIS BINGO 2 - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. 23.bought limca and coke from school canteen and mixed them
  2. 13.celebrated Mandeep mam's birthday
  3. 12.do you know who played the role of margina in "ALIBABA AND THE FORTY THIEVES"
  4. 18.watched movies on smartboards
  5. 7.Used your own stupid slogans in school rally
  6. 11.played the I card game
  7. 14.got a slap/praise from shilpa mam
  8. 9.taken care of school's herbal garden
  9. 5.Went to day boarding to sleep or to play with your friends
  10. Had puddin hara
  11. 24.went crazy after drinking sting
  12. 20.do you know what is will-o'-the-wisp
  13. 1.Attended independence/republic day celebrations
  14. 17.missed your sports club completing your hindi homework given by Sunita mam
  15. 21.played games on computers instead of doing the practical
  16. 15.tore your zero marks answer sheet checked by Reenu mam in pieces and threw them in the dustbin
  17. 3.Brought chicken to school
  18. 4.Was a part of day and night camp
  19. 8.read Gernimo Stilton in school library
  20. 10.stood on the basin to check ppl inside the washroom
  21. 19.kicked football out of school boundary
  22. 6.Played stupid things near the trees in the school ground
  23. 2.Been a part of school council
  24. 16.went out of the class with lots of water bottles to fill and had a nice walk in the corridors
  25. 22.had good seniors/juniors