The schoolhas highexpectationsfor learningprogressThe school’svision, valuesand cultureposition it forstudentimprovementThe school has well-established links withcommunity services forpromoting positive healthin all students and forsupporting specific healthneeds of individualstudents including thosewho are most vulnerableand disadvantaged.Teachersevaluate andmodify theirteachingpracticeProfessionallearning isinformed by thecollection,analysis andevaluation ofstudent dataLeaders participatein professional andcommunity networksand forums tobroaden theirknowledge andpractice.The schoolconnectsstudentassessmentwith learningThe schoolmonitors andevaluates itspracticeTeaching teamsregularlyobserve andprovidefeedback onteachingBuildingleadershipteamsTheleadershipteam ensuresa safeenvironmentThe school takes awhole-schoolapproach and workswith communityorganisations thatsupport mentalhealth.GlobalcitizenshipProfessionallearning isongoing,supported andfully integratedinto the culture ofthe schoolBroughtweaponto schoolVision,valuesandcultureBuildingcommunitiesWoremufti toschoolYou thoughtand still think“shorthand”was a wasteof timeThe schooldevelopsparent, carerand familyengagementThe schooladdresses thephysicalhealth needsof studentsTeachers are familiarwith the school’s SchoolStrategic Plan (SSP)and AnnualImplementation Plan(AIP) and identifiedareas for improvemenYou datedyourseniorThe principal engagesthe business manager,leadership team andschool council toensure that long termfinancial planning isaligned with strategicdirection.Teachers have acollective belief thatstrong learning growthfor all students isenabled by evidence-based pedagogicalpracticeYou datedyourclassmateThe schoolfosters studentmotivation andconfidence forlearningThe schoolsupportsstudents torealise theirpotentialFartedin classTeachers provide,seek out andreceive feedbackfrom peers andschool leaders toimprove teachingpracticeTeachers providestudents withtargeted feedbackbased on informedand timelyjudgementsYouclearedgrassMore than 3differentteachersflogged you.BuildingpracticeexcellenceYoufoughtyourclassmateStudents setmeaningful learninggoals and monitorand assess theirprogress withsupport from theirteachers.Youfoughtyour juniorThe school invests intime, tools andtraining to build allteachers’ capabilityin studentassessment andtargeted teaching.The schoolfostersinclusion andengagementMrsCampbellinsulted you(Silly you)Leading teacher andexperiencedteachers’ roles andresponsibilitiesinclude facilitatingthe schoolprofessional learningprogramRev. Ogunhit you onyour headwith his caneYou had acrush on ateacherYou had acrush on astudentThe schoolbuildsassessmentliteracyLied toescape apunishmentThe schoolbuildssustainablefuturesA whole-schoolprofessional learningprogram is developedand documented. Aninduction program fornew teachersintroduces them to theprofessional learningculture of the school.The schoolhas a cultureof highexpectationsThe schoolstrengthens thesocial andemotionalwellbeing ofstudentsThey emphasise thata person’s ability tolearn is not fixed andthat effectivelearning strategiescan be learned toimproveperformance.The schoolactivatesstudent voice,leadershipand agencyThere is aholisticapproach tocurriculum,pedagogy andassessmentThe schoolhas a cultureof highexpectationsTeachersevaluate andmodify theirteachingpracticeTeachers respond toformative andsummativeassessment bytrialling some high-impact teachingstrategies.Leaders use acollaborativeapproach todevelop ashared visionfor the schoolThe school learningenvironment promotesacceptance, harmonyand respect withinand beyond theschool communityEmpoweringstudentsand buildingschool prideAll teachers collectrigorous evidence oflearning, target theirteaching and evaluatethe impact ofindividual, team andschool level practice.The schoolsupports andfostersintellectualengagementInstructionaland sharedleadershipIntellectualengagementand self-awarenessThe schooladdresses thepsychologicaland socialwellbeing ofstudentsYou sat onthe floor inmathsclassQualityconversationsare led by theprincipalclass.The schoolstrategicallyuses humanresourcesThere is areflective cycle ofplanning, teachingand assessmentusing evidencedbased strategiesEvaluatingimpact onlearningThe school fosters aculture that valuesand supports ongoingprofessional learningto evaluate andimprove teachingpractice.Students cantrack andcelebrate theirown learninggrowthYoudestroyedSchool /teacher’spropertyThe principal ensuresthat beginning teachersand teachers new to theschool have a thoroughinduction and aresupported byexperienced mentors.The school has aclear instructionalmodel that is basedon research relating tohigh-impact teachingstrategies. Allteachers follow themodelWhen teachers havehigh expectations ofstudent learning,students know they arerespected as learnersand that teachersbelieve they cansucceedStudentsapplymetacognitivestrategies totheir learningThe schoolpromotesstudentsafety andwellbeingThe school haspartnerships tosupport studenthealth,wellbeing andachievementA rigorousanalysis of studentachievementinforms asequentialcurriculum planThe schoolimplementsconsistent andsustained high-impact teachingstrategiesThe leadership teamidentifies andprovides access toappropriateprofessional learningfor teachers.School leaderscommunicatethe vision andvalues andengage withstakeholdersYou datedyour juniorSchoolleaders leadwhole-schoolimprovementTeachers work inteams to analyseassessment dataand monitorstudents’ learning aspart of regularlesson planning andreviewThe schoolactively valuesconflictresolution andpeaceProfessionallearning isevidence-basedand modelledon recognisedbest practiceSettingexpectationsandpromotinginclusionThe schoolproactivelyinvolvesstudents indecision-making.Labeleda cultistTeachers haveopportunities to observeskilled colleagues, trialand review newstrategies, receivefeedback and focusedcoaching to supportchanges to theirpracticeProfessionallearning iscollaborative,involvingreflection andfeedbackTeachers use theirdeep understandingof students’ learningto support them asthey navigategreater learningchallengesSkippeda classWorewrongshoe /sandal You foughtyourseniorIndividuals andteams are open tocritically evaluatingtheir practice in aculture of trust andwith a strong senseof collective efficacyThe school has aculture of strategicthinking, planningand resourceallocationLeaders delegateauthority to othersto undertakespecific activitiesStrategicresourcemanagementThe school developspolicies and practicesthat ensure it fulfils itsobligations to provide asafe learningenvironment and tominimise risk.Effectiveschools setbehaviourexpectationsA detailed analysisof student outcomesdata enablesteachers to supportand challenge allstudents to reachtheir potential.The schoolensuresproductiveteacher-studentrelationships andengagement forlearningYou rodein APSSschool busin JSSYou ateprogressivefried riceStaff have consistentunderstandings andregular engagementwith the school’shealth, wellbeing,inclusion andengagement policy.Planned toget marriedto yourschool mateLoveThe schoolhas highexpectationsfor learningprogressThe school’svision, valuesand cultureposition it forstudentimprovementThe school has well-established links withcommunity services forpromoting positive healthin all students and forsupporting specific healthneeds of individualstudents including thosewho are most vulnerableand disadvantaged.Teachersevaluate andmodify theirteachingpracticeProfessionallearning isinformed by thecollection,analysis andevaluation ofstudent dataLeaders participatein professional andcommunity networksand forums tobroaden theirknowledge andpractice.The schoolconnectsstudentassessmentwith learningThe schoolmonitors andevaluates itspracticeTeaching teamsregularlyobserve andprovidefeedback onteachingBuildingleadershipteamsTheleadershipteam ensuresa safeenvironmentThe school takes awhole-schoolapproach and workswith communityorganisations thatsupport mentalhealth.GlobalcitizenshipProfessionallearning isongoing,supported andfully integratedinto the culture ofthe schoolBroughtweaponto schoolVision,valuesandcultureBuildingcommunitiesWoremufti toschoolYou thoughtand still think“shorthand”was a wasteof timeThe schooldevelopsparent, carerand familyengagementThe schooladdresses thephysicalhealth needsof studentsTeachers are familiarwith the school’s SchoolStrategic Plan (SSP)and AnnualImplementation Plan(AIP) and identifiedareas for improvemenYou datedyourseniorThe principal engagesthe business manager,leadership team andschool council toensure that long termfinancial planning isaligned with strategicdirection.Teachers have acollective belief thatstrong learning growthfor all students isenabled by evidence-based pedagogicalpracticeYou datedyourclassmateThe schoolfosters studentmotivation andconfidence forlearningThe schoolsupportsstudents torealise theirpotentialFartedin classTeachers provide,seek out andreceive feedbackfrom peers andschool leaders toimprove teachingpracticeTeachers providestudents withtargeted feedbackbased on informedand timelyjudgementsYouclearedgrassMore than 3differentteachersflogged you.BuildingpracticeexcellenceYoufoughtyourclassmateStudents setmeaningful learninggoals and monitorand assess theirprogress withsupport from theirteachers.Youfoughtyour juniorThe school invests intime, tools andtraining to build allteachers’ capabilityin studentassessment andtargeted teaching.The schoolfostersinclusion andengagementMrsCampbellinsulted you(Silly you)Leading teacher andexperiencedteachers’ roles andresponsibilitiesinclude facilitatingthe schoolprofessional learningprogramRev. Ogunhit you onyour headwith his caneYou had acrush on ateacherYou had acrush on astudentThe schoolbuildsassessmentliteracyLied toescape apunishmentThe schoolbuildssustainablefuturesA whole-schoolprofessional learningprogram is developedand documented. Aninduction program fornew teachersintroduces them to theprofessional learningculture of the school.The schoolhas a cultureof highexpectationsThe schoolstrengthens thesocial andemotionalwellbeing ofstudentsThey emphasise thata person’s ability tolearn is not fixed andthat effectivelearning strategiescan be learned toimproveperformance.The schoolactivatesstudent voice,leadershipand agencyThere is aholisticapproach tocurriculum,pedagogy andassessmentThe schoolhas a cultureof highexpectationsTeachersevaluate andmodify theirteachingpracticeTeachers respond toformative andsummativeassessment bytrialling some high-impact teachingstrategies.Leaders use acollaborativeapproach todevelop ashared visionfor the schoolThe school learningenvironment promotesacceptance, harmonyand respect withinand beyond theschool communityEmpoweringstudentsand buildingschool prideAll teachers collectrigorous evidence oflearning, target theirteaching and evaluatethe impact ofindividual, team andschool level practice.The schoolsupports andfostersintellectualengagementInstructionaland sharedleadershipIntellectualengagementand self-awarenessThe schooladdresses thepsychologicaland socialwellbeing ofstudentsYou sat onthe floor inmathsclassQualityconversationsare led by theprincipalclass.The schoolstrategicallyuses humanresourcesThere is areflective cycle ofplanning, teachingand assessmentusing evidencedbased strategiesEvaluatingimpact onlearningThe school fosters aculture that valuesand supports ongoingprofessional learningto evaluate andimprove teachingpractice.Students cantrack andcelebrate theirown learninggrowthYoudestroyedSchool /teacher’spropertyThe principal ensuresthat beginning teachersand teachers new to theschool have a thoroughinduction and aresupported byexperienced mentors.The school has aclear instructionalmodel that is basedon research relating tohigh-impact teachingstrategies. Allteachers follow themodelWhen teachers havehigh expectations ofstudent learning,students know they arerespected as learnersand that teachersbelieve they cansucceedStudentsapplymetacognitivestrategies totheir learningThe schoolpromotesstudentsafety andwellbeingThe school haspartnerships tosupport studenthealth,wellbeing andachievementA rigorousanalysis of studentachievementinforms asequentialcurriculum planThe schoolimplementsconsistent andsustained high-impact teachingstrategiesThe leadership teamidentifies andprovides access toappropriateprofessional learningfor teachers.School leaderscommunicatethe vision andvalues andengage withstakeholdersYou datedyour juniorSchoolleaders leadwhole-schoolimprovementTeachers work inteams to analyseassessment dataand monitorstudents’ learning aspart of regularlesson planning andreviewThe schoolactively valuesconflictresolution andpeaceProfessionallearning isevidence-basedand modelledon recognisedbest practiceSettingexpectationsandpromotinginclusionThe schoolproactivelyinvolvesstudents indecision-making.Labeleda cultistTeachers haveopportunities to observeskilled colleagues, trialand review newstrategies, receivefeedback and focusedcoaching to supportchanges to theirpracticeProfessionallearning iscollaborative,involvingreflection andfeedbackTeachers use theirdeep understandingof students’ learningto support them asthey navigategreater learningchallengesSkippeda classWorewrongshoe /sandal You foughtyourseniorIndividuals andteams are open tocritically evaluatingtheir practice in aculture of trust andwith a strong senseof collective efficacyThe school has aculture of strategicthinking, planningand resourceallocationLeaders delegateauthority to othersto undertakespecific activitiesStrategicresourcemanagementThe school developspolicies and practicesthat ensure it fulfils itsobligations to provide asafe learningenvironment and tominimise risk.Effectiveschools setbehaviourexpectationsA detailed analysisof student outcomesdata enablesteachers to supportand challenge allstudents to reachtheir potential.The schoolensuresproductiveteacher-studentrelationships andengagement forlearningYou rodein APSSschool busin JSSYou ateprogressivefried riceStaff have consistentunderstandings andregular engagementwith the school’shealth, wellbeing,inclusion andengagement policy.Planned toget marriedto yourschool mateLove

APSS Edition - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. The school has high expectations for learning progress
  2. The school’s vision, values and culture position it for student improvement
  3. The school has well-established links with community services for promoting positive health in all students and for supporting specific health needs of individual students including those who are most vulnerable and disadvantaged.
  4. Teachers evaluate and modify their teaching practice
  5. Professional learning is informed by the collection, analysis and evaluation of student data
  6. Leaders participate in professional and community networks and forums to broaden their knowledge and practice.
  7. The school connects student assessment with learning
  8. The school monitors and evaluates its practice
  9. Teaching teams regularly observe and provide feedback on teaching
  10. Building leadership teams
  11. The leadership team ensures a safe environment
  12. The school takes a whole-school approach and works with community organisations that support mental health.
  13. Global citizenship
  14. Professional learning is ongoing, supported and fully integrated into the culture of the school
  15. Brought weapon to school
  16. Vision, values and culture
  17. Building communities
  18. Wore mufti to school
  19. You thought and still think “shorthand” was a waste of time
  20. The school develops parent, carer and family engagement
  21. The school addresses the physical health needs of students
  22. Teachers are familiar with the school’s School Strategic Plan (SSP) and Annual Implementation Plan (AIP) and identified areas for improvemen
  23. You dated your senior
  24. The principal engages the business manager, leadership team and school council to ensure that long term financial planning is aligned with strategic direction.
  25. Teachers have a collective belief that strong learning growth for all students is enabled by evidence-based pedagogical practice
  26. You dated your classmate
  27. The school fosters student motivation and confidence for learning
  28. The school supports students to realise their potential
  29. Farted in class
  30. Teachers provide, seek out and receive feedback from peers and school leaders to improve teaching practice
  31. Teachers provide students with targeted feedback based on informed and timely judgements
  32. You cleared grass
  33. More than 3 different teachers flogged you.
  34. Building practice excellence
  35. You fought your classmate
  36. Students set meaningful learning goals and monitor and assess their progress with support from their teachers.
  37. You fought your junior
  38. The school invests in time, tools and training to build all teachers’ capability in student assessment and targeted teaching.
  39. The school fosters inclusion and engagement
  40. Mrs Campbell insulted you (Silly you)
  41. Leading teacher and experienced teachers’ roles and responsibilities include facilitating the school professional learning program
  42. Rev. Ogun hit you on your head with his cane
  43. You had a crush on a teacher
  44. You had a crush on a student
  45. The school builds assessment literacy
  46. Lied to escape a punishment
  47. The school builds sustainable futures
  48. A whole-school professional learning program is developed and documented. An induction program for new teachers introduces them to the professional learning culture of the school.
  49. The school has a culture of high expectations
  50. The school strengthens the social and emotional wellbeing of students
  51. They emphasise that a person’s ability to learn is not fixed and that effective learning strategies can be learned to improve performance.
  52. The school activates student voice, leadership and agency
  53. There is a holistic approach to curriculum, pedagogy and assessment
  54. The school has a culture of high expectations
  55. Teachers evaluate and modify their teaching practice
  56. Teachers respond to formative and summative assessment by trialling some high-impact teaching strategies.
  57. Leaders use a collaborative approach to develop a shared vision for the school
  58. The school learning environment promotes acceptance, harmony and respect within and beyond the school community
  59. Empowering students and building school pride
  60. All teachers collect rigorous evidence of learning, target their teaching and evaluate the impact of individual, team and school level practice.
  61. The school supports and fosters intellectual engagement
  62. Instructional and shared leadership
  63. Intellectual engagement and self-awareness
  64. The school addresses the psychological and social wellbeing of students
  65. You sat on the floor in maths class
  66. Quality conversations are led by the principal class.
  67. The school strategically uses human resources
  68. There is a reflective cycle of planning, teaching and assessment using evidenced based strategies
  69. Evaluating impact on learning
  70. The school fosters a culture that values and supports ongoing professional learning to evaluate and improve teaching practice.
  71. Students can track and celebrate their own learning growth
  72. You destroyed School / teacher’s property
  73. The principal ensures that beginning teachers and teachers new to the school have a thorough induction and are supported by experienced mentors.
  74. The school has a clear instructional model that is based on research relating to high-impact teaching strategies. All teachers follow the model
  75. When teachers have high expectations of student learning, students know they are respected as learners and that teachers believe they can succeed
  76. Students apply metacognitive strategies to their learning
  77. The school promotes student safety and wellbeing
  78. The school has partnerships to support student health, wellbeing and achievement
  79. A rigorous analysis of student achievement informs a sequential curriculum plan
  80. The school implements consistent and sustained high-impact teaching strategies
  81. The leadership team identifies and provides access to appropriate professional learning for teachers.
  82. School leaders communicate the vision and values and engage with stakeholders
  83. You dated your junior
  84. School leaders lead whole-school improvement
  85. Teachers work in teams to analyse assessment data and monitor students’ learning as part of regular lesson planning and review
  86. The school actively values conflict resolution and peace
  87. Professional learning is evidence-based and modelled on recognised best practice
  88. Setting expectations and promoting inclusion
  89. The school proactively involves students in decision-making.
  90. Labeled a cultist
  91. Teachers have opportunities to observe skilled colleagues, trial and review new strategies, receive feedback and focused coaching to support changes to their practice
  92. Professional learning is collaborative, involving reflection and feedback
  93. Teachers use their deep understanding of students’ learning to support them as they navigate greater learning challenges
  94. Skipped a class
  95. Wore wrong shoe / sandal
  96. You fought your senior
  97. Individuals and teams are open to critically evaluating their practice in a culture of trust and with a strong sense of collective efficacy
  98. The school has a culture of strategic thinking, planning and resource allocation
  99. Leaders delegate authority to others to undertake specific activities
  100. Strategic resource management
  101. The school develops policies and practices that ensure it fulfils its obligations to provide a safe learning environment and to minimise risk.
  102. Effective schools set behaviour expectations
  103. A detailed analysis of student outcomes data enables teachers to support and challenge all students to reach their potential.
  104. The school ensures productive teacher-student relationships and engagement for learning
  105. You rode in APSS school bus in JSS
  106. You ate progressive fried rice
  107. Staff have consistent understandings and regular engagement with the school’s health, wellbeing, inclusion and engagement policy.
  108. Planned to get married to your school mate Love