Personeating foodwithoutmuting theirmicA dog barksin thebackgroundProfessor creatinga poll but half theclass keeps typingtheir answers intothe chat boxinsteadProfessorstruggling toshare screenor showslidesComplimentswheneversomebodyalters theirgreen screenbackgroundProf talks aboutCOVID-19, thensays "I'm sureyou're all tiredof hearingabout it"Peoplespammingthe Zoomchat duringclassProfessor asksto type into thechat where youare living duringthe quarantineTA trying totell theprofessor thatthey aremuted, etc.Struggling tohear yourname/unmuteyourself duringattendance"We'll just waita bit longer tosee who elsepops on""Send yesinto the chat ifthis is yourfirst timeusing Zoom" A lawnmower in thebackgroundGettingdropped fromthe meetingdue to badInternet"We'llfigure thisouttogether"Somebodyforgets tomute theirmic"How iseveryonedoing?"[silence]"I'm sure youguys are tiredfrom sitting ata computer allday!"Professor triesto screen-sharelaggy, low-quality videosthrough ZoomThat onestudent whokeeps theirvideo onduring lectureThe one studentwho politelyunmutesthemselves torespond to theteacher'scommentsTroubleshootingfor the first 30minutes ofclass"Can you guyssee me? Senda yes into thechat if youcan" Unnecessarilylong conversationabout where therecorded lectureswill be postedPersoneating foodwithoutmuting theirmicA dog barksin thebackgroundProfessor creatinga poll but half theclass keeps typingtheir answers intothe chat boxinsteadProfessorstruggling toshare screenor showslidesComplimentswheneversomebodyalters theirgreen screenbackgroundProf talks aboutCOVID-19, thensays "I'm sureyou're all tiredof hearingabout it"Peoplespammingthe Zoomchat duringclassProfessor asksto type into thechat where youare living duringthe quarantineTA trying totell theprofessor thatthey aremuted, etc.Struggling tohear yourname/unmuteyourself duringattendance"We'll just waita bit longer tosee who elsepops on""Send yesinto the chat ifthis is yourfirst timeusing Zoom" A lawnmower in thebackgroundGettingdropped fromthe meetingdue to badInternet"We'llfigure thisouttogether"Somebodyforgets tomute theirmic"How iseveryonedoing?"[silence]"I'm sure youguys are tiredfrom sitting ata computer allday!"Professor triesto screen-sharelaggy, low-quality videosthrough ZoomThat onestudent whokeeps theirvideo onduring lectureThe one studentwho politelyunmutesthemselves torespond to theteacher'scommentsTroubleshootingfor the first 30minutes ofclass"Can you guyssee me? Senda yes into thechat if youcan" Unnecessarilylong conversationabout where therecorded lectureswill be posted

Zoom University Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Person eating food without muting their mic
  2. A dog barks in the background
  3. Professor creating a poll but half the class keeps typing their answers into the chat box instead
  4. Professor struggling to share screen or show slides
  5. Compliments whenever somebody alters their green screen background
  6. Prof talks about COVID-19, then says "I'm sure you're all tired of hearing about it"
  7. People spamming the Zoom chat during class
  8. Professor asks to type into the chat where you are living during the quarantine
  9. TA trying to tell the professor that they are muted, etc.
  10. Struggling to hear your name/unmute yourself during attendance
  11. "We'll just wait a bit longer to see who else pops on"
  12. "Send yes into the chat if this is your first time using Zoom"
  13. A lawn mower in the background
  14. Getting dropped from the meeting due to bad Internet
  15. "We'll figure this out together"
  16. Somebody forgets to mute their mic
  17. "How is everyone doing?" [silence]
  18. "I'm sure you guys are tired from sitting at a computer all day!"
  19. Professor tries to screen-share laggy, low-quality videos through Zoom
  20. That one student who keeps their video on during lecture
  21. The one student who politely unmutes themselves to respond to the teacher's comments
  22. Troubleshooting for the first 30 minutes of class
  23. "Can you guys see me? Send a yes into the chat if you can"
  24. Unnecessarily long conversation about where the recorded lectures will be posted