"why are youaffectionatewith [person]but not withme?""sit downnormally atthe dinnertable""you're sosmart, youshouldn't bestruggling to getgood grades""they're justshoes, stopwhiningabout it!""i asked what icould do to helpbut those thingsare just soinconveniencing,are thoughts andprayers helpful?""stop beinglazy and justapplyyourself foronce""why do youhave to besuch a pickyeater?""don't tellanybody aboutit, okay, wedon't want folksgetting thewrong idea""why can'tyou followinstructions?""you only have2 friends, youneed to go outand meet morepeople"(to others)"they aren't verysocial so youprobably won't getanything out ofthem""you say thatyou're trying butyou aren't where ithink you shouldbe and i feel theneed to berateyou for that""i neverbehaved thisway, i don'tknow whereyou get it from""look me inthe eyeswhen i'mtalking toyou""you only evertalk about[specialinterest] andit's annoying""why are youso difficult?[sibling] wasnever like this""stop doing[stim] it's notnormal and itmakes peopleuncomfortable""why are youalways introuble atschool? you'regrounded if youkeep this up""you don't evenseem to carehow this effectsme and how i'mstruggling""stopstutteringand justspit it out""why do youjust sit in yourroom all day?go outside anddo something""i'm doingeverything i canto understandbut you're beingso needy it'sunreasonable""for god'ssake,speak upor shut up"""you'll nevermakefriends likethat""why are youaffectionatewith [person]but not withme?""sit downnormally atthe dinnertable""you're sosmart, youshouldn't bestruggling to getgood grades""they're justshoes, stopwhiningabout it!""i asked what icould do to helpbut those thingsare just soinconveniencing,are thoughts andprayers helpful?""stop beinglazy and justapplyyourself foronce""why do youhave to besuch a pickyeater?""don't tellanybody aboutit, okay, wedon't want folksgetting thewrong idea""why can'tyou followinstructions?""you only have2 friends, youneed to go outand meet morepeople"(to others)"they aren't verysocial so youprobably won't getanything out ofthem""you say thatyou're trying butyou aren't where ithink you shouldbe and i feel theneed to berateyou for that""i neverbehaved thisway, i don'tknow whereyou get it from""look me inthe eyeswhen i'mtalking toyou""you only evertalk about[specialinterest] andit's annoying""why are youso difficult?[sibling] wasnever like this""stop doing[stim] it's notnormal and itmakes peopleuncomfortable""why are youalways introuble atschool? you'regrounded if youkeep this up""you don't evenseem to carehow this effectsme and how i'mstruggling""stopstutteringand justspit it out""why do youjust sit in yourroom all day?go outside anddo something""i'm doingeverything i canto understandbut you're beingso needy it'sunreasonable""for god'ssake,speak upor shut up"""you'll nevermakefriends likethat"

growing up autistic bingo board - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. "why are you affectionate with [person] but not with me?"
  2. "sit down normally at the dinner table"
  3. "you're so smart, you shouldn't be struggling to get good grades"
  4. "they're just shoes, stop whining about it!"
  5. "i asked what i could do to help but those things are just so inconveniencing, are thoughts and prayers helpful?"
  6. "stop being lazy and just apply yourself for once"
  7. "why do you have to be such a picky eater?"
  8. "don't tell anybody about it, okay, we don't want folks getting the wrong idea"
  9. "why can't you follow instructions?"
  10. "you only have 2 friends, you need to go out and meet more people"
  11. (to others) "they aren't very social so you probably won't get anything out of them"
  12. "you say that you're trying but you aren't where i think you should be and i feel the need to berate you for that"
  13. "i never behaved this way, i don't know where you get it from"
  14. "look me in the eyes when i'm talking to you"
  15. "you only ever talk about [special interest] and it's annoying"
  16. "why are you so difficult? [sibling] was never like this"
  17. "stop doing [stim] it's not normal and it makes people uncomfortable"
  18. "why are you always in trouble at school? you're grounded if you keep this up"
  19. "you don't even seem to care how this effects me and how i'm struggling"
  20. "stop stuttering and just spit it out"
  21. "why do you just sit in your room all day? go outside and do something"
  22. "i'm doing everything i can to understand but you're being so needy it's unreasonable"
  23. "for god's sake, speak up or shut up""
  24. "you'll never make friends like that"