she has"borrowed"something fromyou and nevergave it backyou have seenher dress inclothes notwarm enoughfor how cold itis outshe hasbeen yourfavorite ofyour siblingshave beenwith her touniqueyou haveheard Lynniecall her"show biz"you have seenher wear thesame outfittwo days in arowyou havebeenupstaged byher birthdaycard abilitiesyou have seenher grabsomethingwith her toesyou haveseen herplay waterpoloyou haveseen her eata wholecontainer ofwatermelonshe has givenyou a music recthat becameone of yourfavorite songsyou've triedto go into abathroom butshe's been initshe hastold youyour breathstinksshe has sentyou a picturefrom above herhead so herface looks like atriangleyou have takensomethingfrom her roomwhen shewasn't thereevery timeyou go onher Spotifyshe has anew playlistshe's gottenmad at youfor chewingso loudshe hasgotten you toplay a makebelieve gamewith hershe has toldyou tocomment onher instagrampictureshe will onlyhang with youif she's theone that canplay musicyou havebeen jealouswhen teddygoes to herinstead of youyou havegotten mad ather for eatingall the fruit atdinneryou havetried to stayin green lakelonger thanhershe hasgiven youfashionadviceshe has"borrowed"something fromyou and nevergave it backyou have seenher dress inclothes notwarm enoughfor how cold itis outshe hasbeen yourfavorite ofyour siblingshave beenwith her touniqueyou haveheard Lynniecall her"show biz"you have seenher wear thesame outfittwo days in arowyou havebeenupstaged byher birthdaycard abilitiesyou have seenher grabsomethingwith her toesyou haveseen herplay waterpoloyou haveseen her eata wholecontainer ofwatermelonshe has givenyou a music recthat becameone of yourfavorite songsyou've triedto go into abathroom butshe's been initshe hastold youyour breathstinksshe has sentyou a picturefrom above herhead so herface looks like atriangleyou have takensomethingfrom her roomwhen shewasn't thereevery timeyou go onher Spotifyshe has anew playlistshe's gottenmad at youfor chewingso loudshe hasgotten you toplay a makebelieve gamewith hershe has toldyou tocomment onher instagrampictureshe will onlyhang with youif she's theone that canplay musicyou havebeen jealouswhen teddygoes to herinstead of youyou havegotten mad ather for eatingall the fruit atdinneryou havetried to stayin green lakelonger thanhershe hasgiven youfashionadvice

Izzy Farren Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. she has "borrowed" something from you and never gave it back
  2. you have seen her dress in clothes not warm enough for how cold it is out
  3. she has been your favorite of your siblings
  4. have been with her to unique
  5. you have heard Lynnie call her "show biz"
  6. you have seen her wear the same outfit two days in a row
  7. you have been upstaged by her birthday card abilities
  8. you have seen her grab something with her toes
  9. you have seen her play water polo
  10. you have seen her eat a whole container of watermelon
  11. she has given you a music rec that became one of your favorite songs
  12. you've tried to go into a bathroom but she's been in it
  13. she has told you your breath stinks
  14. she has sent you a picture from above her head so her face looks like a triangle
  15. you have taken something from her room when she wasn't there
  16. every time you go on her Spotify she has a new playlist
  17. she's gotten mad at you for chewing so loud
  18. she has gotten you to play a make believe game with her
  19. she has told you to comment on her instagram picture
  20. she will only hang with you if she's the one that can play music
  21. you have been jealous when teddy goes to her instead of you
  22. you have gotten mad at her for eating all the fruit at dinner
  23. you have tried to stay in green lake longer than her
  24. she has given you fashion advice