(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.
When breast cancer is detected early, at a localized stage, the survival rate is 98%
There are over 300 coffee shops in San Francisco
The national screening rate for mammograms among women aged 40 and over is about 67%
Research has proven that the number of menstrual cycles a woman has over time influences risk
The original Spanish name for San Francisco was Yerba Buena which means “good herb”
According to the American Cancer Society, about 70-80% of breast lumps turn out to be benign
Mammogram screenings have helped breast cancer mortality by 1/3 since 1990
One in six breast cancers occur in women aged 40-49
Mammograms can detect lumps or specks that can be caused by cancer, fatty cells, or other conditions like cysts
Mammograms can show a breast lump before it can be felt and also tiny clusters of calcium called microcalcifications
Breast cancer death rate has decreased from 33% in 1990 to a current 22% in 2010
Three out of four women who are diagnosed with breast cancer have no family history of disease and are not considered high risk
The most common sign of breast cancer in men is a painless lump or thickening in the breast or chest area
The American Cancer Society suggests that women to have a clinical breast exam every three years starting at age 20
Higher risk women include those who began their menstrual cycles before age 12, have no biological children, or had their first child at 30 or older, or began menopause after 55 are at a higher risk
Each year it is estimated that approximately 2,190 men will be diagnosed with breast cancer and 410 will die
A nutritious, low-fat diet (30 grams or less) with plenty of fruits and green and orange vegetables can help reduce the risk of developing breast cancer
Denim jeans were first invented in San Francisco for miners who need tough and comfortable pants
29% of insured women are not getting their mammograms while 68% of uninsured women are not getting theirs either
Ultrasound tomography uses sound waves to create 3-D images and is more effective at detecting breast cancer than mammography
Most common type of breast cancer is invasive ductal carcinoma
Types of breast cancer include ductal carcinoma in situ, invasive ductal carcinoma, inflammatory breast cancer, and metastatic breast cancer
The original United Nations charter was first drafted and signed in San Francisco
Research has proven that the number of menstrual cycles a woman has over time influences risk