i havecried infront ofyouyou’ve gottena song offone of myplaylistsyou know what“passing thehat” means &who i passedthe hat tomet all3 of mydogshad mymomschocolatechip cookieshave had mymom/reesewave at youwhen you werepicking me uphave had toget mehome beforemy curfewyou’rereadingthis rn...Free!been inthejeephave seenme freakout overthrow uphad toconvince meto come hangout/sleepoveryou haveasked me“omg didyoutransfer?”you’ve heardme say“sorry myhands aresweaty”have driventhe jeep forfun/ i didn’twant to driveif i haveasked youwhat yourzodiac signsareheard mesay “i have towear a hatfor my ears!”you couldn’thang out wme becausei had dancewitnessedme get areally badsunburni’ve calledyou thewrong name😳listen to mecomplainabout aninjury/illnesshave listenedto me fightwith my momon the phonecalledmepalelistened tomecomplainabout mathi have rantedto you aboutmy pastrelationshipsyou have triedto name myfriends from NRor NH,depending onwhere u livei havecried infront ofyouyou’ve gottena song offone of myplaylistsyou know what“passing thehat” means &who i passedthe hat tomet all3 of mydogshad mymomschocolatechip cookieshave had mymom/reesewave at youwhen you werepicking me uphave had toget mehome beforemy curfewyou’rereadingthis rn...Free!been inthejeephave seenme freakout overthrow uphad toconvince meto come hangout/sleepoveryou haveasked me“omg didyoutransfer?”you’ve heardme say“sorry myhands aresweaty”have driventhe jeep forfun/ i didn’twant to driveif i haveasked youwhat yourzodiac signsareheard mesay “i have towear a hatfor my ears!”you couldn’thang out wme becausei had dancewitnessedme get areally badsunburni’ve calledyou thewrong name😳listen to mecomplainabout aninjury/illnesshave listenedto me fightwith my momon the phonecalledmepalelistened tomecomplainabout mathi have rantedto you aboutmy pastrelationshipsyou have triedto name myfriends from NRor NH,depending onwhere u live

LAUREN’S - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. i have cried in front of you
  2. you’ve gotten a song off one of my playlists
  3. you know what “passing the hat” means & who i passed the hat to
  4. met all 3 of my dogs
  5. had my moms chocolate chip cookies
  6. have had my mom/reese wave at you when you were picking me up
  7. have had to get me home before my curfew
  8. you’re reading this rn... Free!
  9. been in the jeep
  10. have seen me freak out over throw up
  11. had to convince me to come hang out/sleepover
  12. you have asked me “omg did you transfer?”
  13. you’ve heard me say “sorry my hands are sweaty”
  14. have driven the jeep for fun/ i didn’t want to drive
  15. if i have asked you what your zodiac signs are
  16. heard me say “i have to wear a hat for my ears!”
  17. you couldn’t hang out w me because i had dance
  18. witnessed me get a really bad sunburn
  19. i’ve called you the wrong name 😳
  20. listen to me complain about an injury/illness
  21. have listened to me fight with my mom on the phone
  22. called me pale
  23. listened to me complain about math
  24. i have ranted to you about my past relationships
  25. you have tried to name my friends from NR or NH, depending on where u live