What is thecost if youlose yourlock?What arethe fourDMSrules?What is theoverallaverage youmust earn tobe placed onthe honorroll?What mustall visitorshave fromthe office?May studentsparticipate in anafter schoolactivity if absentfrom school forany unexcusedreason?When canyou makepayments toyour lunchaccount?Whathappens ifyou forgetyour lunch ordon't havemoney inyour account?What is theURL for theschooldistrictwebsite?When doprogressreportscome out?What is thelowest gradepossible onyour reportcard?Pre-approval for afamily trip must berequested in theoffice how manydays ahead oftime?Do all rulesthat apply inschool alsoapply onschoolbuses?Are "energydrinks" andchewing gumallowed inschool?Yellow reportcard coversare to besigned andreturned toschool howquickly?How shouldyou useyouragenda?What must yourcumulative gradepoin average beto be consideredfor the NationalJunior HonorSociety?What is thecost of anewagenda?What timedo the doorsto the middleschool open?How manydays do youhave to turn inan absenceexcuse?How can youcheck yourgradesthroughoutthe year?What doesPIAAstandfor?Whathappens ifyou arecaught usinga cell phone withoutpermissionin school?WhatdoesPBISreward?What is therule forshorts,dresses,and skirts?What is thecost if youlose yourlock?What arethe fourDMSrules?What is theoverallaverage youmust earn tobe placed onthe honorroll?What mustall visitorshave fromthe office?May studentsparticipate in anafter schoolactivity if absentfrom school forany unexcusedreason?When canyou makepayments toyour lunchaccount?Whathappens ifyou forgetyour lunch ordon't havemoney inyour account?What is theURL for theschooldistrictwebsite?When doprogressreportscome out?What is thelowest gradepossible onyour reportcard?Pre-approval for afamily trip must berequested in theoffice how manydays ahead oftime?Do all rulesthat apply inschool alsoapply onschoolbuses?Are "energydrinks" andchewing gumallowed inschool?Yellow reportcard coversare to besigned andreturned toschool howquickly?How shouldyou useyouragenda?What must yourcumulative gradepoin average beto be consideredfor the NationalJunior HonorSociety?What is thecost of anewagenda?What timedo the doorsto the middleschool open?How manydays do youhave to turn inan absenceexcuse?How can youcheck yourgradesthroughoutthe year?What doesPIAAstandfor?Whathappens ifyou arecaught usinga cell phone withoutpermissionin school?WhatdoesPBISreward?What is therule forshorts,dresses,and skirts?

Agenda Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. What is the cost if you lose your lock?
  2. What are the four DMS rules?
  3. What is the overall average you must earn to be placed on the honor roll?
  4. What must all visitors have from the office?
  5. May students participate in an after school activity if absent from school for any unexcused reason?
  6. When can you make payments to your lunch account?
  7. What happens if you forget your lunch or don't have money in your account?
  8. What is the URL for the school district website?
  9. When do progress reports come out?
  10. What is the lowest grade possible on your report card?
  11. Pre-approval for a family trip must be requested in the office how many days ahead of time?
  12. Do all rules that apply in school also apply on school buses?
  13. Are "energy drinks" and chewing gum allowed in school?
  14. Yellow report card covers are to be signed and returned to school how quickly?
  15. How should you use your agenda?
  16. What must your cumulative grade poin average be to be considered for the National Junior Honor Society?
  17. What is the cost of a new agenda?
  18. What time do the doors to the middle school open?
  19. How many days do you have to turn in an absence excuse?
  20. How can you check your grades throughout the year?
  21. What does PIAA stand for?
  22. What happens if you are caught using a cell phone without permission in school?
  23. What does PBIS reward?
  24. What is the rule for shorts, dresses, and skirts?