7. How manyparrotsCANNOTfly?2. Wheredo mostparrotslive?3. Whatcreaturecan a parrotimitate?4.How manyspecies ofcockatoosare there?9. What isthe onealpineparrot?8. Whattype ofparrot(s)cannot fly?6. How longhave parrotsbeen kept aspets?Free!1. Howmany typesof parrotsare there?11.Is asnake apredator ofparrots?10. Whatis thesmallestparrot?7. How manyparrotsCANNOTfly?2. Wheredo mostparrotslive?3. Whatcreaturecan a parrotimitate?4.How manyspecies ofcockatoosare there?9. What isthe onealpineparrot?8. Whattype ofparrot(s)cannot fly?6. How longhave parrotsbeen kept aspets?Free!1. Howmany typesof parrotsare there?11.Is asnake apredator ofparrots?10. Whatis thesmallestparrot?

Untitled Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. 7. How many parrots CANNOT fly?
  2. 2. Where do most parrots live?
  3. 3. What creature can a parrot imitate?
  4. 4.How many species of cockatoos are there?
  5. 9. What is the one alpine parrot?
  6. 8. What type of parrot(s) cannot fly?
  7. 6. How long have parrots been kept as pets?
  8. Free!
  9. 1. How many types of parrots are there?
  10. 11.Is a snake a predator of parrots?
  11. 10. What is the smallest parrot?