Played arecreationalsport a theRonald ReaganSports ParkHave beento the RodRun in OldTownAvoidedOld Townduring theRod RunSeen the4th of JulyParade inOld TownHung out atthe mall withno intentionof shoppingPicked apumpkin atPeltzerPumpkinFarmsSeen theChristmasLights onBainbridgeSt.Have spent a4th of July atthe RonaldReaganSports ParkFlown ina Hot AirBalloonCouldn't finda parkingspot in OldTownPat andOscarsBreadsticksare lifeSeen a HotAir Balloonlandsomewhere itshouldn'tParticipatedin Race forthe CureHavebeen to atleast 3wineriesRememberthe mallbefore theoutside stripwas addedSeen ashow atPechangaWent to theStampedeshortly afteryou turned18Drovethrough OldTown for yourdriverstestEaten a Crepefrom theTemeculaFarmersMarketTaken Promphotos at TheDuck Pond, aWinery orHarveston LakeBeen to aweddingat awineryTaken the"Pala" exit offthe 15 toavoid theother exitsGonedown theslide at theCRC PoolRememberwhen itwas just"Oscars"Played arecreationalsport a theRonald ReaganSports ParkHave beento the RodRun in OldTownAvoidedOld Townduring theRod RunSeen the4th of JulyParade inOld TownHung out atthe mall withno intentionof shoppingPicked apumpkin atPeltzerPumpkinFarmsSeen theChristmasLights onBainbridgeSt.Have spent a4th of July atthe RonaldReaganSports ParkFlown ina Hot AirBalloonCouldn't finda parkingspot in OldTownPat andOscarsBreadsticksare lifeSeen a HotAir Balloonlandsomewhere itshouldn'tParticipatedin Race forthe CureHavebeen to atleast 3wineriesRememberthe mallbefore theoutside stripwas addedSeen ashow atPechangaWent to theStampedeshortly afteryou turned18Drovethrough OldTown for yourdriverstestEaten a Crepefrom theTemeculaFarmersMarketTaken Promphotos at TheDuck Pond, aWinery orHarveston LakeBeen to aweddingat awineryTaken the"Pala" exit offthe 15 toavoid theother exitsGonedown theslide at theCRC PoolRememberwhen itwas just"Oscars"

Temecula Bingo! - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Played a recreational sport a the Ronald Reagan Sports Park
  2. Have been to the Rod Run in Old Town
  3. Avoided Old Town during the Rod Run
  4. Seen the 4th of July Parade in Old Town
  5. Hung out at the mall with no intention of shopping
  6. Picked a pumpkin at Peltzer Pumpkin Farms
  7. Seen the Christmas Lights on Bainbridge St.
  8. Have spent a 4th of July at the Ronald Reagan Sports Park
  9. Flown in a Hot Air Balloon
  10. Couldn't find a parking spot in Old Town
  11. Pat and Oscars Breadsticks are life
  12. Seen a Hot Air Balloon land somewhere it shouldn't
  13. Participated in Race for the Cure
  14. Have been to at least 3 wineries
  15. Remember the mall before the outside strip was added
  16. Seen a show at Pechanga
  17. Went to the Stampede shortly after you turned 18
  18. Drove through Old Town for your drivers test
  19. Eaten a Crepe from the Temecula Farmers Market
  20. Taken Prom photos at The Duck Pond, a Winery or Harveston Lake
  21. Been to a wedding at a winery
  22. Taken the "Pala" exit off the 15 to avoid the other exits
  23. Gone down the slide at the CRC Pool
  24. Remember when it was just "Oscars"