No All On4Treatmentplan?An All On4 is theironlyoptionHave yousuggestedan All on4?Get thatLarell readyfor the AllOn 4 CaseDefinitelytry pitchingan All On4Have youconsideredan All On4?What canyou tellme aboutAll on 4's?Reallythere'snothingbetter thanan All On 4Now let'stry an AllOn 4They NeedsomeImplants.Probably anAll On 4She'll beglad shewent withan All On 4All on4?So what ifthey don'thave themoney. AllOn 4I'd sayAll On4TreatmentPlan anAll On 4Why didn'tyourecommendan All On 4?Upper andLower AllOn 4'sI see youdidn'ttreatmentplan an AllOn 4All On 4 iswhat I'drecommendTry anAll on 4He needsan All On4All On 4Maybe?I'll call theOral Surgeonto place anAll on 4Go throughthe steps ofplacing anAll On4No All On4Treatmentplan?An All On4 is theironlyoptionHave yousuggestedan All on4?Get thatLarell readyfor the AllOn 4 CaseDefinitelytry pitchingan All On4Have youconsideredan All On4?What canyou tellme aboutAll on 4's?Reallythere'snothingbetter thanan All On 4Now let'stry an AllOn 4They NeedsomeImplants.Probably anAll On 4She'll beglad shewent withan All On 4All on4?So what ifthey don'thave themoney. AllOn 4I'd sayAll On4TreatmentPlan anAll On 4Why didn'tyourecommendan All On 4?Upper andLower AllOn 4'sI see youdidn'ttreatmentplan an AllOn 4All On 4 iswhat I'drecommendTry anAll on 4He needsan All On4All On 4Maybe?I'll call theOral Surgeonto place anAll on 4Go throughthe steps ofplacing anAll On4

Dr. Wong BINGO - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. No All On 4 Treatment plan?
  2. An All On 4 is their only option
  3. Have you suggested an All on 4?
  4. Get that Larell ready for the All On 4 Case
  5. Definitely try pitching an All On 4
  6. Have you considered an All On 4?
  7. What can you tell me about All on 4's?
  8. Really there's nothing better than an All On 4
  9. Now let's try an All On 4
  10. They Need some Implants. Probably an All On 4
  11. She'll be glad she went with an All On 4
  12. All on 4?
  13. So what if they don't have the money. All On 4
  14. I'd say All On 4
  15. Treatment Plan an All On 4
  16. Why didn't you recommend an All On 4?
  17. Upper and Lower All On 4's
  18. I see you didn't treatment plan an All On 4
  19. All On 4 is what I'd recommend
  20. Try an All on 4
  21. He needs an All On 4
  22. All On 4 Maybe?
  23. I'll call the Oral Surgeon to place an All on 4
  24. Go through the steps of placing an All On4