draw and labela diagram ofyour bedroom,include thedimensions ofyour roomsit in a quiet space for15 minutes and recordwhat you hear, see,smell, and feel. Write ashort paragraph usingyour information andedit for proper spelling,grammar, andpunctuation. begin a dailyJournal, writing aparagraph aboutsomething ne youlearned ordiscovered each daythis weekcreate atreasure huntfor your family.Use at least 5cluesbegin learning- how to juggleor a new Yo-Yo trickbegin a DailyJournal, writing aparagraph aboutsomething ne youlearned ordiscovered eachday this weekpick a book youhaven’t read,and read achapter, or fortwenty minuteseach dayuse the dimensions ofthe bedroom diagramabove, what is the area(Area = length x width)and the perimeter(Perimeter = side + side+ side + side) of yourroom?write your ownprayer to sharewith your familyat the beginningof a mealsit quietly, withyour eyes closed,for five minutes.Write down ordraw a picture ofhow you feelfind a recipeand read thedirectionsaloud tosomeonego for a walk orbike ride with afamily member- remember tosocial distance!how many steps doyou think you walk ina day? Write thatnumber down.Tomorrow, countyour steps and see ifyou were close.go for a walk orbike ride with afamily member- remember tosocial distance!Choose aMysterySciencemini-lessonto watch.choose a roomin your houseand draw adiagram of it tofind the areaand perimeterpick a book youhaven’t read,and read achapter, or fortwenty minuteseach dayfind an articleonline thatinterests you,and read italoud tosomeonecan you find anexample(s) of eachsimple machine in yourhouse? Write downwhere and what type ofsimple machine it is.Includepictures/drawings if youwish using the lettersfound in your firstand last nameonly, how many 4letter words, ormore, can youmake?begin a DailyJournal, writing aparagraph aboutsomething ne youlearned ordiscovered eachday this weekresearch (using adevice ordictionary) “whatis a simplemachine?” Explainwhat it is to anadultbegin learning howto play Crib. You canuse a pencil and apiece of paper if youdon’t have a cribboard. Research theCrib if necessarypick a book youhaven’t read,and read achapter, or fortwenty minuteseach daydraw and labela diagram ofyour bedroom,include thedimensions ofyour roomsit in a quiet space for15 minutes and recordwhat you hear, see,smell, and feel. Write ashort paragraph usingyour information andedit for proper spelling,grammar, andpunctuation. begin a dailyJournal, writing aparagraph aboutsomething ne youlearned ordiscovered each daythis weekcreate atreasure huntfor your family.Use at least 5cluesbegin learning- how to juggleor a new Yo-Yo trickbegin a DailyJournal, writing aparagraph aboutsomething ne youlearned ordiscovered eachday this weekpick a book youhaven’t read,and read achapter, or fortwenty minuteseach dayuse the dimensions ofthe bedroom diagramabove, what is the area(Area = length x width)and the perimeter(Perimeter = side + side+ side + side) of yourroom?write your ownprayer to sharewith your familyat the beginningof a mealsit quietly, withyour eyes closed,for five minutes.Write down ordraw a picture ofhow you feelfind a recipeand read thedirectionsaloud tosomeonego for a walk orbike ride with afamily member- remember tosocial distance!how many steps doyou think you walk ina day? Write thatnumber down.Tomorrow, countyour steps and see ifyou were close.go for a walk orbike ride with afamily member- remember tosocial distance!Choose aMysterySciencemini-lessonto watch.choose a roomin your houseand draw adiagram of it tofind the areaand perimeterpick a book youhaven’t read,and read achapter, or fortwenty minuteseach dayfind an articleonline thatinterests you,and read italoud tosomeonecan you find anexample(s) of eachsimple machine in yourhouse? Write downwhere and what type ofsimple machine it is.Includepictures/drawings if youwish using the lettersfound in your firstand last nameonly, how many 4letter words, ormore, can youmake?begin a DailyJournal, writing aparagraph aboutsomething ne youlearned ordiscovered eachday this weekresearch (using adevice ordictionary) “whatis a simplemachine?” Explainwhat it is to anadultbegin learning howto play Crib. You canuse a pencil and apiece of paper if youdon’t have a cribboard. Research theCrib if necessarypick a book youhaven’t read,and read achapter, or fortwenty minuteseach day

Week 1: Choice Board - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. draw and label a diagram of your bedroom, include the dimensions of your room
  2. sit in a quiet space for 15 minutes and record what you hear, see, smell, and feel. Write a short paragraph using your information and edit for proper spelling, grammar, and punctuation.
  3. begin a daily Journal, writing a paragraph about something ne you learned or discovered each day this week
  4. create a treasure hunt for your family. Use at least 5 clues
  5. begin learning - how to juggle or a new Yo-Yo trick
  6. begin a Daily Journal, writing a paragraph about something ne you learned or discovered each day this week
  7. pick a book you haven’t read, and read a chapter, or for twenty minutes each day
  8. use the dimensions of the bedroom diagram above, what is the area (Area = length x width) and the perimeter (Perimeter = side + side + side + side) of your room?
  9. write your own prayer to share with your family at the beginning of a meal
  10. sit quietly, with your eyes closed, for five minutes. Write down or draw a picture of how you feel
  11. find a recipe and read the directions aloud to someone
  12. go for a walk or bike ride with a family member - remember to social distance!
  13. how many steps do you think you walk in a day? Write that number down. Tomorrow, count your steps and see if you were close.
  14. go for a walk or bike ride with a family member - remember to social distance!
  15. Choose a Mystery Science mini-lesson to watch.
  16. choose a room in your house and draw a diagram of it to find the area and perimeter
  17. pick a book you haven’t read, and read a chapter, or for twenty minutes each day
  18. find an article online that interests you, and read it aloud to someone
  19. can you find an example(s) of each simple machine in your house? Write down where and what type of simple machine it is. Include pictures/drawings if you wish
  20. using the letters found in your first and last name only, how many 4 letter words, or more, can you make?
  21. begin a Daily Journal, writing a paragraph about something ne you learned or discovered each day this week
  22. research (using a device or dictionary) “what is a simple machine?” Explain what it is to an adult
  23. begin learning how to play Crib. You can use a pencil and a piece of paper if you don’t have a crib board. Research the Crib if necessary
  24. pick a book you haven’t read, and read a chapter, or for twenty minutes each day