Watch "7 MythsAbout CulturalAppropriationDEBUNKED" byMTV decoded onYouTubeFold andput awayyourlaundry.Organizeyourcloset.Use thedryer byyourself.Style anoutfit for aTikTokvideo.Write a shortreflection on thedifference betweenwhat you wear athome and what youwear at school.Style anoutfit forsomeoneat home.Use fabricsoftener inthe washingmachine.Fix/repairsomething thathas a hole in itusing a needleand thread.Research alocalorganizationthat you candonate usedclothing to.Style anoutfit foryourself.Watch "WhoMade MyClothes" byFashionRevolution onYouTubeUse thedryer withthe help ofan adult.Organizeyourdresserdrawers.Go throughyour closet andtry to choose 3items todonate.Take a selfie'cause you'refeeling good!Empty thelint tray inthe dryer.Make a craftusing fabric(material, yarn,embroidery,needlepoint)Wash yourbedsheetsand otherblankets.Use thewashingmachine byyourself.Give a piece ofclothing awayto a friend orfamily member.Look for items ofclothing oraccessories thathave culturalsignificance toyou.Use thewashingmachine withthe help of anadult.Write a shortreflection aboutyour styleinfluences. Wheredo you get yourstyle inspiration?Watch "7 MythsAbout CulturalAppropriationDEBUNKED" byMTV decoded onYouTubeFold andput awayyourlaundry.Organizeyourcloset.Use thedryer byyourself.Style anoutfit for aTikTokvideo.Write a shortreflection on thedifference betweenwhat you wear athome and what youwear at school.Style anoutfit forsomeoneat home.Use fabricsoftener inthe washingmachine.Fix/repairsomething thathas a hole in itusing a needleand thread.Research alocalorganizationthat you candonate usedclothing to.Style anoutfit foryourself.Watch "WhoMade MyClothes" byFashionRevolution onYouTubeUse thedryer withthe help ofan adult.Organizeyourdresserdrawers.Go throughyour closet andtry to choose 3items todonate.Take a selfie'cause you'refeeling good!Empty thelint tray inthe dryer.Make a craftusing fabric(material, yarn,embroidery,needlepoint)Wash yourbedsheetsand otherblankets.Use thewashingmachine byyourself.Give a piece ofclothing awayto a friend orfamily member.Look for items ofclothing oraccessories thathave culturalsignificance toyou.Use thewashingmachine withthe help of anadult.Write a shortreflection aboutyour styleinfluences. Wheredo you get yourstyle inspiration?

Clothing & Textiles At Home Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Watch "7 Myths About Cultural Appropriation DEBUNKED" by MTV decoded on YouTube
  2. Fold and put away your laundry.
  3. Organize your closet.
  4. Use the dryer by yourself.
  5. Style an outfit for a TikTok video.
  6. Write a short reflection on the difference between what you wear at home and what you wear at school.
  7. Style an outfit for someone at home.
  8. Use fabric softener in the washing machine.
  9. Fix/repair something that has a hole in it using a needle and thread.
  10. Research a local organization that you can donate used clothing to.
  11. Style an outfit for yourself.
  12. Watch "Who Made My Clothes" by Fashion Revolution on YouTube
  13. Use the dryer with the help of an adult.
  14. Organize your dresser drawers.
  15. Go through your closet and try to choose 3 items to donate.
  16. Take a selfie 'cause you're feeling good!
  17. Empty the lint tray in the dryer.
  18. Make a craft using fabric (material, yarn, embroidery, needlepoint)
  19. Wash your bedsheets and other blankets.
  20. Use the washing machine by yourself.
  21. Give a piece of clothing away to a friend or family member.
  22. Look for items of clothing or accessories that have cultural significance to you.
  23. Use the washing machine with the help of an adult.
  24. Write a short reflection about your style influences. Where do you get your style inspiration?