Take a breakfrom reading,watching, orlistening to thenews for oneentire dayReach out to acoworker from adifferentdepartment thatyou haven’t talkedto in while. Watch avideoon EDGE E-Learning    Support a localbusiness andshare a picture onYammer    Take a picture ofyour workstation     Learn somethingnew about a co-worker    Update yourtimesheetdaily   Send a messageto a co-workerchecking on them   Complete a virtualfield trip duringyour lunch breakor after work -DiscoveryEducation.com  Set 3 personal orwork goals for theweek and tell afriend once you'veaccomplished them   Read about BGE'sCOVID-19benefits on HR'sSharePoint Site   Join a TEAMSmeeting withyour camera on    Wash your handsand disinfect yourwork area   Take a picturein BGE Gearand post it onYammer    Enjoy ahealthy lunch    Find a newhobby to do onthe weekend   Write down atleast threepositive thingsin your life    Thank a co-worker for theirefforts    Complete arandom act ofkidness    Get at least 8hours of sleep    Host/Join a VirtualCoffee Check-Inor Happy Hour    Get up and fullydressed for theday   Go for a walk orworkout duringyour lunch breakor after work.  Remember toHydrate! Drinkwater: drink halfyour body weightin ounces, threedays in a rowTake a breakfrom reading,watching, orlistening to thenews for oneentire dayReach out to acoworker from adifferentdepartment thatyou haven’t talkedto in while. Watch avideoon EDGE E-Learning    Support a localbusiness andshare a picture onYammer    Take a picture ofyour workstation     Learn somethingnew about a co-worker    Update yourtimesheetdaily   Send a messageto a co-workerchecking on them   Complete a virtualfield trip duringyour lunch breakor after work -DiscoveryEducation.com  Set 3 personal orwork goals for theweek and tell afriend once you'veaccomplished them   Read about BGE'sCOVID-19benefits on HR'sSharePoint Site   Join a TEAMSmeeting withyour camera on    Wash your handsand disinfect yourwork area   Take a picturein BGE Gearand post it onYammer    Enjoy ahealthy lunch    Find a newhobby to do onthe weekend   Write down atleast threepositive thingsin your life    Thank a co-worker for theirefforts    Complete arandom act ofkidness    Get at least 8hours of sleep    Host/Join a VirtualCoffee Check-Inor Happy Hour    Get up and fullydressed for theday   Go for a walk orworkout duringyour lunch breakor after work.  Remember toHydrate! Drinkwater: drink halfyour body weightin ounces, threedays in a row

BGE Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Take a break from reading, watching, or listening to the news for one entire day
  2. Reach out to a coworker from a different department that you haven’t talked to in while.
  3. Watch a video on EDGE E-Learning
  4. Support a local business and share a picture on Yammer
  5. Take a picture of your workstation
  6. Learn something new about a co-worker
  7. Update your timesheet daily
  8. Send a message to a co-worker checking on them
  9. Complete a virtual field trip during your lunch break or after work - Discovery Education.com
  10. Set 3 personal or work goals for the week and tell a friend once you've accomplished them
  11. Read about BGE's COVID-19 benefits on HR's SharePoint Site
  12. Join a TEAMS meeting with your camera on
  13. Wash your hands and disinfect your work area
  14. Take a picture in BGE Gear and post it on Yammer
  15. Enjoy a healthy lunch
  16. Find a new hobby to do on the weekend
  17. Write down at least three positive things in your life
  18. Thank a co-worker for their efforts
  19. Complete a random act of kidness
  20. Get at least 8 hours of sleep
  21. Host/Join a Virtual Coffee Check-In or Happy Hour
  22. Get up and fully dressed for the day
  23. Go for a walk or workout during your lunch break or after work.
  24. Remember to Hydrate! Drink water: drink half your body weight in ounces, three days in a row