Listen to aBeethovenSymphonyPractice onespot in yourmusic 20times in onedayListen to theBarber ViolinConcerto(Ms. Brittany'sfavorite!)Go throughnote readingflashcardstwice in a dayPracticeoutsideResearch andwrite 3 factsabout thecomposer ofyour currentpieceTwopracticesessionsin one daySkypeconcertfor afriendCompose arhythm andplay it onyourinstrumentLearna duetPracticein yourPJsPlay yourfavoritescale with anew rhythmListen to a songfrom a musicalgenre you don'tnormally listen to(bluegrass, jazz,classical etc)Listen to aMozartPianoConcertoPractice20 daysin a rowMake a list of5 pieces youare excitedto learnPlay a piece5 times in arow frommemoryTeach aparent toplay a songon yourinstrumentFind yournew favoriteviolinist orpianist onYouTubeLearn afun pieceby earSend Ms.Brittany apicture of youpracticing in aunique placeComplete apracticewithout anycomplaintsPerform foryour pet(or stuffedanimals)Skypeconcertfor familymembersListen to aBeethovenSymphonyPractice onespot in yourmusic 20times in onedayListen to theBarber ViolinConcerto(Ms. Brittany'sfavorite!)Go throughnote readingflashcardstwice in a dayPracticeoutsideResearch andwrite 3 factsabout thecomposer ofyour currentpieceTwopracticesessionsin one daySkypeconcertfor afriendCompose arhythm andplay it onyourinstrumentLearna duetPracticein yourPJsPlay yourfavoritescale with anew rhythmListen to a songfrom a musicalgenre you don'tnormally listen to(bluegrass, jazz,classical etc)Listen to aMozartPianoConcertoPractice20 daysin a rowMake a list of5 pieces youare excitedto learnPlay a piece5 times in arow frommemoryTeach aparent toplay a songon yourinstrumentFind yournew favoriteviolinist orpianist onYouTubeLearn afun pieceby earSend Ms.Brittany apicture of youpracticing in aunique placeComplete apracticewithout anycomplaintsPerform foryour pet(or stuffedanimals)Skypeconcertfor familymembers

Ms. Brittany's Quarantine Practice Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Listen to a Beethoven Symphony
  2. Practice one spot in your music 20 times in one day
  3. Listen to the Barber Violin Concerto (Ms. Brittany's favorite!)
  4. Go through note reading flashcards twice in a day
  5. Practice outside
  6. Research and write 3 facts about the composer of your current piece
  7. Two practice sessions in one day
  8. Skype concert for a friend
  9. Compose a rhythm and play it on your instrument
  10. Learn a duet
  11. Practice in your PJs
  12. Play your favorite scale with a new rhythm
  13. Listen to a song from a musical genre you don't normally listen to (bluegrass, jazz, classical etc)
  14. Listen to a Mozart Piano Concerto
  15. Practice 20 days in a row
  16. Make a list of 5 pieces you are excited to learn
  17. Play a piece 5 times in a row from memory
  18. Teach a parent to play a song on your instrument
  19. Find your new favorite violinist or pianist on YouTube
  20. Learn a fun piece by ear
  21. Send Ms. Brittany a picture of you practicing in a unique place
  22. Complete a practice without any complaints
  23. Perform for your pet (or stuffed animals)
  24. Skype concert for family members