M.2 Compare money amounts D.15 Box multiplication J.2 Interpret line graphs C.6 Estimate differences O.1 Convert time units D.3 Choose the multiples of a given number up to 12 P.4 Classify triangles D.9 Properties of multiplication Q.10 Compare fractions using benchmarks O.5 Elapsed time W.1 Calculate probability W.3 Mean, median, mode, and range F.1 Add, subtract, multiply, and divide C.7 Estimate differences: word problems Q.1 Fractions review S.1 Add fractions with unlike denominators J.5 Create bar graphs D.14 Estimate products: word problems D.16 Lattice multiplication E.25 Estimate quotients O.4 Time zones E.1 Division facts to 12 N.1 Measure using an inch ruler O.9 Time patterns P.11 Similar and congruent M.2 Compare money amounts D.15 Box multiplication J.2 Interpret line graphs C.6 Estimate differences O.1 Convert time units D.3 Choose the multiples of a given number up to 12 P.4 Classify triangles D.9 Properties of multiplication Q.10 Compare fractions using benchmarks O.5 Elapsed time W.1 Calculate probability W.3 Mean, median, mode, and range F.1 Add, subtract, multiply, and divide C.7 Estimate differences: word problems Q.1 Fractions review S.1 Add fractions with unlike denominators J.5 Create bar graphs D.14 Estimate products: word problems D.16 Lattice multiplication E.25 Estimate quotients O.4 Time zones E.1 Division facts to 12 N.1 Measure using an inch ruler O.9 Time patterns P.11 Similar and congruent
(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.
M.2 Compare money amounts
D.15 Box multiplication
J.2 Interpret line graphs
C.6 Estimate differences
O.1 Convert time units
D.3 Choose the multiples of a given number up to 12
P.4 Classify triangles
D.9 Properties of multiplication
Q.10 Compare fractions using benchmarks
O.5 Elapsed time
W.1 Calculate probability
W.3 Mean, median, mode, and range
F.1 Add, subtract, multiply, and divide
C.7 Estimate differences: word problems
Q.1 Fractions review
S.1 Add fractions with unlike denominators
J.5 Create bar graphs
D.14 Estimate products: word problems
D.16 Lattice multiplication
E.25 Estimate quotients
O.4 Time zones
E.1 Division facts to 12
N.1 Measure using an inch ruler
O.9 Time patterns
P.11 Similar and congruent