Visited thepopcornman ofL'enfantStill hear 5-10new acronymsthat you don'tknow a dayDog/baby/siblinginterruptedyourconference callGoing to OHAwellnessWednesdayfor free coffeeHaveparticipatedin a virtualHH/hang outsessionActuallybeen to theUSAIDAnnex (UA)Made weirdthings from theitems you havein your fridgebecause you'rebored at homeSaid "let'scircle backon this"unironically"Taken up anew hobbysince beingin the houseHave foundyour go toperson in OHAto answer allyour questionsHave beenmade the pointperson forsomething youknow nothingaboutHad to teachsomeone elsehow to usegooglehangoutBeingintroduced atstaff meeting asnew to OHAmore than onceThought youwere muted,but weren't on aconference call:( Resulted lessthan optimalHave gonethroughBeza to talkto RamonActuallyreceived acomputer, softtoken within amonth!Have receivedan email about"staying active"from Clint orAmandaWas emailed"Can you add aconferenceline?" 1 secondafter sendingout an inviteHave eaten sleepfor dinner becauseyou haven't feltlike cookingANOTHER mealHeardsomeonerefer to toAmb. Birx as"Debbie"Haveaccidentallyreplied allto an emailSeen theemail starter"DearPEPFARfamily"Said "we shoulddefinitely getlunch" andnever followedupHavepretended yourcamera doesn'twork as to notvideo chatVisited thepopcornman ofL'enfantStill hear 5-10new acronymsthat you don'tknow a dayDog/baby/siblinginterruptedyourconference callGoing to OHAwellnessWednesdayfor free coffeeHaveparticipatedin a virtualHH/hang outsessionActuallybeen to theUSAIDAnnex (UA)Made weirdthings from theitems you havein your fridgebecause you'rebored at homeSaid "let'scircle backon this"unironically"Taken up anew hobbysince beingin the houseHave foundyour go toperson in OHAto answer allyour questionsHave beenmade the pointperson forsomething youknow nothingaboutHad to teachsomeone elsehow to usegooglehangoutBeingintroduced atstaff meeting asnew to OHAmore than onceThought youwere muted,but weren't on aconference call:( Resulted lessthan optimalHave gonethroughBeza to talkto RamonActuallyreceived acomputer, softtoken within amonth!Have receivedan email about"staying active"from Clint orAmandaWas emailed"Can you add aconferenceline?" 1 secondafter sendingout an inviteHave eaten sleepfor dinner becauseyou haven't feltlike cookingANOTHER mealHeardsomeonerefer to toAmb. Birx as"Debbie"Haveaccidentallyreplied allto an emailSeen theemail starter"DearPEPFARfamily"Said "we shoulddefinitely getlunch" andnever followedupHavepretended yourcamera doesn'twork as to notvideo chat

OHA Telework Bingo! - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Visited the popcorn man of L'enfant
  2. Still hear 5-10 new acronyms that you don't know a day
  3. Dog/baby/ sibling interrupted your conference call
  4. Going to OHA wellness Wednesday for free coffee
  5. Have participated in a virtual HH/hang out session
  6. Actually been to the USAID Annex (UA)
  7. Made weird things from the items you have in your fridge because you're bored at home
  8. Said "let's circle back on this" unironically"
  9. Taken up a new hobby since being in the house
  10. Have found your go to person in OHA to answer all your questions
  11. Have been made the point person for something you know nothing about
  12. Had to teach someone else how to use google hangout
  13. Being introduced at staff meeting as new to OHA more than once
  14. Thought you were muted, but weren't on a conference call :( Resulted less than optimal
  15. Have gone through Beza to talk to Ramon
  16. Actually received a computer, soft token within a month!
  17. Have received an email about "staying active" from Clint or Amanda
  18. Was emailed "Can you add a conference line?" 1 second after sending out an invite
  19. Have eaten sleep for dinner because you haven't felt like cooking ANOTHER meal
  20. Heard someone refer to to Amb. Birx as "Debbie"
  21. Have accidentally replied all to an email
  22. Seen the email starter "Dear PEPFAR family"
  23. Said "we should definitely get lunch" and never followed up
  24. Have pretended your camera doesn't work as to not video chat