Been lateto classmore than3 timesLost ateacher inthe middle ofthe schoolyearForgot to getyour transpassbecause youdidn’t seeAdrianePurposelymissed adelayedbecause youdidn’t feel likegoingGottencaughtwith yourphoneBeen in agc withkids fromICSWent outor talked tosomebodyat ICSBeen latefor goingto thestoreFound atleast 3 goodfriends atICSBeen lateto classbecause ofthe stepsHad anAdvisoryled byAdrianeSnuck passthe lady atthe frontwhen youwere lateGotten coldcalled on anddidn’t knowthe answerHad overfivedetentionsGotten introuble forsomethingyou didn’t doWatched adocumentaryabout kids ineither Africa orLatin AmericaLiked ateacher orthought ateacher washotBeen told “getout of myclassroom nowidc where yougo just get out”Know thethree ways to“be a globalcitizen” byheartHeard “ if i seeyou cheating i’llrip your paperup in front ofyou and giveyou a zero”Shared aLockerwithsomebodyFailed amajorassignmentWatchedHortonheads awho in classWent toAndersonafterschoolCountedthenumber ofstepsHung outaround 7/11after orbeforeschoolBeen called toCounselorAnne to talkabout yourwellbeingGottenadelayedSnuck ontheelevatorw/o a passParentscalled bythe DeanBeen lateto classmore than3 timesLost ateacher inthe middle ofthe schoolyearForgot to getyour transpassbecause youdidn’t seeAdrianePurposelymissed adelayedbecause youdidn’t feel likegoingGottencaughtwith yourphoneBeen in agc withkids fromICSWent outor talked tosomebodyat ICSBeen latefor goingto thestoreFound atleast 3 goodfriends atICSBeen lateto classbecause ofthe stepsHad anAdvisoryled byAdrianeSnuck passthe lady atthe frontwhen youwere lateGotten coldcalled on anddidn’t knowthe answerHad overfivedetentionsGotten introuble forsomethingyou didn’t doWatched adocumentaryabout kids ineither Africa orLatin AmericaLiked ateacher orthought ateacher washotBeen told “getout of myclassroom nowidc where yougo just get out”Know thethree ways to“be a globalcitizen” byheartHeard “ if i seeyou cheating i’llrip your paperup in front ofyou and giveyou a zero”Shared aLockerwithsomebodyFailed amajorassignmentWatchedHortonheads awho in classWent toAndersonafterschoolCountedthenumber ofstepsHung outaround 7/11after orbeforeschoolBeen called toCounselorAnne to talkabout yourwellbeingGottenadelayedSnuck ontheelevatorw/o a passParentscalled bythe Dean

ICS Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Been late to class more than 3 times
  2. Lost a teacher in the middle of the school year
  3. Forgot to get your transpass because you didn’t see Adriane
  4. Purposely missed a delayed because you didn’t feel like going
  5. Gotten caught with your phone
  6. Been in a gc with kids from ICS
  7. Went out or talked to somebody at ICS
  8. Been late for going to the store
  9. Found at least 3 good friends at ICS
  10. Been late to class because of the steps
  11. Had an Advisory led by Adriane
  12. Snuck pass the lady at the front when you were late
  13. Gotten cold called on and didn’t know the answer
  14. Had over five detentions
  15. Gotten in trouble for something you didn’t do
  16. Watched a documentary about kids in either Africa or Latin America
  17. Liked a teacher or thought a teacher was hot
  18. Been told “get out of my classroom now idc where you go just get out”
  19. Know the three ways to “be a global citizen” by heart
  20. Heard “ if i see you cheating i’ll rip your paper up in front of you and give you a zero”
  21. Shared a Locker with somebody
  22. Failed a major assignment
  23. Watched Horton heads a who in class
  24. Went to Anderson after school
  25. Counted the number of steps
  26. Hung out around 7/11 after or before school
  27. Been called to Counselor Anne to talk about your wellbeing
  28. Gotten a delayed
  29. Snuck on the elevator w/o a pass
  30. Parents called by the Dean