Used the polland/or handraising feature inZoom!  Took acoffeebreak...orthree duringa "meeting."You’ve said,“Caneveryonesee myscreen?”Said “lol”andmeant it.Facilitated a class onZoom or Teams withat least 10students/participantson at once.Gotoutside toexerciseExplicitlycommunicated thewhy and how(Learning Targetsand expectations)to learners.Did householdchores whileattending ameeting oroffice hours.Worepajamabottoms to avideomeeting.DidchairyogaJoked abouthow longyourcommute is.In the pastfour weeks,you havesaid, “Sorry, Iwas on mute.”Had ameetinginterrupted bya pet or familymember.Have takenadvantage of thefree professionallearning resourcesavailable toeducators.Did eyestrainreliefexercisesCreated aworkdayplaylistTried ChefMaundrell'sCookie Recipefrom the 4/2newsletterHave embeddedways to assessstudent learning tomatch yourobjectives.Tried bothZoom andMicrosoftTeams to seewhat you likedbetterHave had 2 waycommunicationwith caregiversover the pastmonthCreated your ownBingo Board to usewith your studentsto buildrelationships andincorporate content.Figured outthe virtualbackgroundstool onZoom!Utilized theDistance LearningPlanning Templatefrom the lastnewsletterHeardsomeoneask, “Canyou hearme?” Used the polland/or handraising feature inZoom!  Took acoffeebreak...orthree duringa "meeting."You’ve said,“Caneveryonesee myscreen?”Said “lol”andmeant it.Facilitated a class onZoom or Teams withat least 10students/participantson at once.Gotoutside toexerciseExplicitlycommunicated thewhy and how(Learning Targetsand expectations)to learners.Did householdchores whileattending ameeting oroffice hours.Worepajamabottoms to avideomeeting.DidchairyogaJoked abouthow longyourcommute is.In the pastfour weeks,you havesaid, “Sorry, Iwas on mute.”Had ameetinginterrupted bya pet or familymember.Have takenadvantage of thefree professionallearning resourcesavailable toeducators.Did eyestrainreliefexercisesCreated aworkdayplaylistTried ChefMaundrell'sCookie Recipefrom the 4/2newsletterHave embeddedways to assessstudent learning tomatch yourobjectives.Tried bothZoom andMicrosoftTeams to seewhat you likedbetterHave had 2 waycommunicationwith caregiversover the pastmonthCreated your ownBingo Board to usewith your studentsto buildrelationships andincorporate content.Figured outthe virtualbackgroundstool onZoom!Utilized theDistance LearningPlanning Templatefrom the lastnewsletterHeardsomeoneask, “Canyou hearme?”

GREAT OAKS Remote Learning Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Used the poll and/or hand raising feature in Zoom!
  2. Took a coffee break...or three during a "meeting."
  3. You’ve said, “Can everyone see my screen?”
  4. Said “lol” and meant it.
  5. Facilitated a class on Zoom or Teams with at least 10 students/participants on at once.
  6. Got outside to exercise
  7. Explicitly communicated the why and how (Learning Targets and expectations) to learners.
  8. Did household chores while attending a meeting or office hours.
  9. Wore pajama bottoms to a video meeting.
  10. Did chair yoga
  11. Joked about how long your commute is.
  12. In the past four weeks, you have said, “Sorry, I was on mute.”
  13. Had a meeting interrupted by a pet or family member.
  14. Have taken advantage of the free professional learning resources available to educators.
  15. Did eye strain relief exercises
  16. Created a workday playlist
  17. Tried Chef Maundrell's Cookie Recipe from the 4/2 newsletter
  18. Have embedded ways to assess student learning to match your objectives.
  19. Tried both Zoom and Microsoft Teams to see what you liked better
  20. Have had 2 way communication with caregivers over the past month
  21. Created your own Bingo Board to use with your students to build relationships and incorporate content.
  22. Figured out the virtual backgrounds tool on Zoom!
  23. Utilized the Distance Learning Planning Template from the last newsletter
  24. Heard someone ask, “Can you hear me?”