Mentions voice, tone, or message Says “It’s all on Sakai” “We’re going to get into our groups” Starts class by asking how everyone is doing Says something will help in your career Mentions conducting market research Gives busy work Gives us a chart handout “Just one minute I’m taking attendance” Brings up that marketing is about telling a story Asks everyone to stay engaged “Make sure you’re paying attention” Someone asks a question about the syllabus Says something is a differentiator Talks about personal brand Mentions she met with a group Is really specific about something meaningless Asks us to “audit” something Asks how something relates to SWIPEBY Asks us to think about our target market Shows a quote on the slides Talks about how she reads everyone’s work Make sure your cameras are on References one of the books Mentions voice, tone, or message Says “It’s all on Sakai” “We’re going to get into our groups” Starts class by asking how everyone is doing Says something will help in your career Mentions conducting market research Gives busy work Gives us a chart handout “Just one minute I’m taking attendance” Brings up that marketing is about telling a story Asks everyone to stay engaged “Make sure you’re paying attention” Someone asks a question about the syllabus Says something is a differentiator Talks about personal brand Mentions she met with a group Is really specific about something meaningless Asks us to “audit” something Asks how something relates to SWIPEBY Asks us to think about our target market Shows a quote on the slides Talks about how she reads everyone’s work Make sure your cameras are on References one of the books
(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.
Mentions voice, tone, or message
Says “It’s all on Sakai”
“We’re going to get into our groups”
Starts class by asking how everyone is doing
Says something will help in your career
Mentions conducting market research
Gives busy work
Gives us a chart handout
“Just one minute I’m taking attendance”
Brings up that marketing is about telling a story
Asks everyone to stay engaged
“Make sure you’re paying attention”
Someone asks a question about the syllabus
Says something is a differentiator
Talks about personal brand
Mentions she met with a group
Is really specific about something meaningless
Asks us to “audit” something
Asks how something relates to SWIPEBY
Asks us to think about our target market
Shows a quote on the slides
Talks about how she reads everyone’s work
Make sure your cameras are on
References one of the books