Involved aresident inthe salesprocessAsked aprospect orinfluencer, "How is thatimpacting you"Sent in threesocial mediapostsGot 2newinquiriesAsk, "tell me more"3 times whentalking with aprospect/influencerMade 35phonecalls toprospectsPartnered witha resident to"give back" tothe communityTurned a"cold"lead to a"hot" leadHosted areferralevent (virtualor otherwise)Did avirtualtourWorked withresidents & LEDto make a thankyou gift toessentialworkersFully read anarticle (or video)for professionaldevelopment.Prepare to share!Asked for3 onlinereviewsSuccessfullyovercameandobjectiveCreativelyprovided aresource orsupport to aprospect without a"sales" agendaPartnered withLED on acollaborativeactivity/marketingeffortWrote 3personalnotes toprospectsYou summarizedand clarified forunderstandingwhile talking with aprospect/influencerHosted avirtualprospecteventCollaboratedwith areferralpartnerGot adeposit Did a randomact ofkindness forsomeone thatneeded itA prospect said, "Inever thought of itthat way" or, "I'vehadn't thought ofthat before"Sent Ashleya video of aresidentinterviewInvolved aresident inthe salesprocessAsked aprospect orinfluencer, "How is thatimpacting you"Sent in threesocial mediapostsGot 2newinquiriesAsk, "tell me more"3 times whentalking with aprospect/influencerMade 35phonecalls toprospectsPartnered witha resident to"give back" tothe communityTurned a"cold"lead to a"hot" leadHosted areferralevent (virtualor otherwise)Did avirtualtourWorked withresidents & LEDto make a thankyou gift toessentialworkersFully read anarticle (or video)for professionaldevelopment.Prepare to share!Asked for3 onlinereviewsSuccessfullyovercameandobjectiveCreativelyprovided aresource orsupport to aprospect without a"sales" agendaPartnered withLED on acollaborativeactivity/marketingeffortWrote 3personalnotes toprospectsYou summarizedand clarified forunderstandingwhile talking with aprospect/influencerHosted avirtualprospecteventCollaboratedwith areferralpartnerGot adeposit Did a randomact ofkindness forsomeone thatneeded itA prospect said, "Inever thought of itthat way" or, "I'vehadn't thought ofthat before"Sent Ashleya video of aresidentinterview

SALES - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Involved a resident in the sales process
  2. Asked a prospect or influencer, " How is that impacting you"
  3. Sent in three social media posts
  4. Got 2 new inquiries
  5. Ask, "tell me more" 3 times when talking with a prospect/influencer
  6. Made 35 phone calls to prospects
  7. Partnered with a resident to "give back" to the community
  8. Turned a "cold" lead to a "hot" lead
  9. Hosted a referral event (virtual or otherwise)
  10. Did a virtual tour
  11. Worked with residents & LED to make a thank you gift to essential workers
  12. Fully read an article (or video) for professional development. Prepare to share!
  13. Asked for 3 online reviews
  14. Successfully overcame and objective
  15. Creatively provided a resource or support to a prospect without a "sales" agenda
  16. Partnered with LED on a collaborative activity/marketing effort
  17. Wrote 3 personal notes to prospects
  18. You summarized and clarified for understanding while talking with a prospect/influencer
  19. Hosted a virtual prospect event
  20. Collaborated with a referral partner
  21. Got a deposit
  22. Did a random act of kindness for someone that needed it
  23. A prospect said, "I never thought of it that way" or, "I've hadn't thought of that before"
  24. Sent Ashley a video of a resident interview