Francescalls Matta martyrMatt callsfrances amartyrMatt watchesmovie trailersfor a movielength periodof timeFrancestalks to Mattbut Mattdoesn't listenMattrefuses towearglassesMatt gets irateif anyonecovers hiswashing updutiesMatt performs atriple threat-placing bets,listening andwatching the racesat the same timeMatt repeatsjoke or storymore thanonceMatt mimicschannel 7weather manFran or Mattcomplainsabout thewifi neverworkingMatt cooksdinner buttakes 8hoursMatt completesloud home DIYjob at 10pm inpoor lightingMatt says nosugar butbrings home3 muffinsFranceswatches X-ratedscandinavianmurder seriesfor funMattwears hisapplewatchCan hear Mattor Fran talkingon phone fromother level ofapartmentFrancesmakesspagboldinner in 20minutesMatt gets thefrozen peapack out butdenies injuryMatt sayssomethingthat needsdecodingMatt makesinappropriatejokeFrances getsmad ateveryone but isreally mad ather schoolcomputerFran has2nd glassof wineFrancesfinally admitsshe is wrongduringargumentMatt and Franpeacefullyexist in thekitchen at thesame timeFrancescalls Matta martyrMatt callsfrances amartyrMatt watchesmovie trailersfor a movielength periodof timeFrancestalks to Mattbut Mattdoesn't listenMattrefuses towearglassesMatt gets irateif anyonecovers hiswashing updutiesMatt performs atriple threat-placing bets,listening andwatching the racesat the same timeMatt repeatsjoke or storymore thanonceMatt mimicschannel 7weather manFran or Mattcomplainsabout thewifi neverworkingMatt cooksdinner buttakes 8hoursMatt completesloud home DIYjob at 10pm inpoor lightingMatt says nosugar butbrings home3 muffinsFranceswatches X-ratedscandinavianmurder seriesfor funMattwears hisapplewatchCan hear Mattor Fran talkingon phone fromother level ofapartmentFrancesmakesspagboldinner in 20minutesMatt gets thefrozen peapack out butdenies injuryMatt sayssomethingthat needsdecodingMatt makesinappropriatejokeFrances getsmad ateveryone but isreally mad ather schoolcomputerFran has2nd glassof wineFrancesfinally admitsshe is wrongduringargumentMatt and Franpeacefullyexist in thekitchen at thesame time

Life at 605/6 Belvoir St - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Frances calls Matt a martyr
  2. Matt calls frances a martyr
  3. Matt watches movie trailers for a movie length period of time
  4. Frances talks to Matt but Matt doesn't listen
  5. Matt refuses to wear glasses
  6. Matt gets irate if anyone covers his washing up duties
  7. Matt performs a triple threat- placing bets, listening and watching the races at the same time
  8. Matt repeats joke or story more than once
  9. Matt mimics channel 7 weather man
  10. Fran or Matt complains about the wifi never working
  11. Matt cooks dinner but takes 8 hours
  12. Matt completes loud home DIY job at 10pm in poor lighting
  13. Matt says no sugar but brings home 3 muffins
  14. Frances watches X-rated scandinavian murder series for fun
  15. Matt wears his apple watch
  16. Can hear Matt or Fran talking on phone from other level of apartment
  17. Frances makes spagbol dinner in 20 minutes
  18. Matt gets the frozen pea pack out but denies injury
  19. Matt says something that needs decoding
  20. Matt makes inappropriate joke
  21. Frances gets mad at everyone but is really mad at her school computer
  22. Fran has 2nd glass of wine
  23. Frances finally admits she is wrong during argument
  24. Matt and Fran peacefully exist in the kitchen at the same time