Mention 7steps ofScientificMethods!Why did the longstalematehappened inWestern Front inWW I?Mention 3points ofTreaty ofVersailles!Why didHitlerexecute theHolocaust?Mention each 2satellite stateson liberalism orcommunismsides during theCold War!Mention 2factors thatcaused theGreatDepression in1920!Why did theCivil Warhappen afterthe Americawon?Mention 2 factorswhy did thepopulation ofNative Americansignificantlydecreased!Mention 2differences offree enterpriseand commandeconomies!Why did theThird Estatestart theFrenchRevolution?How did theContainmentPolicy work?What was thesignificanceof winning onSpace Race? What is thecorrelationbetweenMercantilismpolicy with PriceRevoution?Mention 2backgroundswhy Europeansstarted the seavoyages!How did Chinatransform fromDynasty Erainto Republic?Mention 2factors whydid theLeague ofNations failed!How did thesuperpowersshow theirdominance ? How didStalin's Five-Years Planworks?What is theTreaty ofTordesillas?What is thesignificance ofNon-AlignmentMovement to theend of the ColdWar?Why did theRussiapulled off hisarmy onWorld War I?Mention 2causingfactors ofWorld War I!What isthe SocialContract?What istheColumbusExchange?Mention 7steps ofScientificMethods!Why did the longstalematehappened inWestern Front inWW I?Mention 3points ofTreaty ofVersailles!Why didHitlerexecute theHolocaust?Mention each 2satellite stateson liberalism orcommunismsides during theCold War!Mention 2factors thatcaused theGreatDepression in1920!Why did theCivil Warhappen afterthe Americawon?Mention 2 factorswhy did thepopulation ofNative Americansignificantlydecreased!Mention 2differences offree enterpriseand commandeconomies!Why did theThird Estatestart theFrenchRevolution?How did theContainmentPolicy work?What was thesignificanceof winning onSpace Race? What is thecorrelationbetweenMercantilismpolicy with PriceRevoution?Mention 2backgroundswhy Europeansstarted the seavoyages!How did Chinatransform fromDynasty Erainto Republic?Mention 2factors whydid theLeague ofNations failed!How did thesuperpowersshow theirdominance ? How didStalin's Five-Years Planworks?What is theTreaty ofTordesillas?What is thesignificance ofNon-AlignmentMovement to theend of the ColdWar?Why did theRussiapulled off hisarmy onWorld War I?Mention 2causingfactors ofWorld War I!What isthe SocialContract?What istheColumbusExchange?

Social Sciences BINGO - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Mention 7 steps of Scientific Methods!
  2. Why did the long stalemate happened in Western Front in WW I?
  3. Mention 3 points of Treaty of Versailles!
  4. Why did Hitler execute the Holocaust?
  5. Mention each 2 satellite states on liberalism or communism sides during the Cold War!
  6. Mention 2 factors that caused the Great Depression in 1920!
  7. Why did the Civil War happen after the America won?
  8. Mention 2 factors why did the population of Native American significantly decreased!
  9. Mention 2 differences of free enterprise and command economies!
  10. Why did the Third Estate start the French Revolution?
  11. How did the Containment Policy work?
  12. What was the significance of winning on Space Race?
  13. What is the correlation between Mercantilism policy with Price Revoution?
  14. Mention 2 backgrounds why Europeans started the sea voyages!
  15. How did China transform from Dynasty Era into Republic?
  16. Mention 2 factors why did the League of Nations failed!
  17. How did the superpowers show their dominance ?
  18. How did Stalin's Five-Years Plan works?
  19. What is the Treaty of Tordesillas?
  20. What is the significance of Non-Alignment Movement to the end of the Cold War?
  21. Why did the Russia pulled off his army on World War I?
  22. Mention 2 causing factors of World War I!
  23. What is the Social Contract?
  24. What is the Columbus Exchange?